Franz Gerstenbrand Datenbank

Franz Gerstenbrand Archiv
Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Franz Gerstenbrand

Gesammelte Vorträge und Publikationen von 1954 – 2018

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Publikationsliste (1169 Dateien)

FGDB-0001.pdf application/pdf

Ehrmann G, Gerstenbrand F. - Diagnose und Frühdiagnose der Meningitis tuberculosa mit besonderer Verwertung einer Komplementbindungsreaktion mit Antigen Essen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1954;104(47):933-5. German.

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FGDB-0002.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. - Demonstration eines Falles von Cysticercose. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1954;9(4):496-505. German.

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FGDB-0003.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. - Demonstration eines Falles mit Aneurysma der Arteria cerebri media. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1953;11(1):105-15. German.

Open Download 1.86 MB 9. Dezember 2020
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FGDB-0004.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. - Demonstration eines Pinealoms. Wien Z Nervenheilk. 1954;11(3-4):419-30. German.

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FGDB-0005.pdf application/pdf

Störungen der optischen Wahrnehmung bei Hirnstammherden. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1956;12(3):260-73. German.

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FGDB-0006.pdf application/pdf

Polyneuritische Form einer Periarteriitis nodosa. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1956;13(3):373-80. German.

Open Download 1.59 MB 9. Dezember 2020
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FGDB-0007.pdf application/pdf

Behandlung bei extrapyramidalen Hyperkinesen. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1956;68(33):656-9. German.

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FGDB-0008.pdf application/pdf

Reaktion nach Hirnschädigung. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1956;13(1-2):165-72. German.

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FGDB-0009.pdf application/pdf

Ein Fall eines spinalparalytischen Verlaufs einer Frühjahrs-Sommer-Encephalitis. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1956;14(2-3):280-7. German.

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FGDB-0010.pdf application/pdf

Torulose des Zentralnervensystems. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1957;69(16):278-80. German.

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FGDB-0011.pdf application/pdf

Symmetrische Verkalkungen im Stammganglienbereich. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1957;13(3):236-47. German.

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FGDB-0012.pdf application/pdf

Über neurologische Folgezustände nach der jetzigen Grippeepidemie. Lecture presented at Wissenschaftliche Sitzung der Gesellschaft der Ärzte; 1958 Feb 14; Wien, Austria. 1958. [1 p.]

Open Download 269.17 KB 21. November 2020
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FGDB-0013.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H, Weingarten K. - Klinischer Bericht über Enzephalitis nach Grippe. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1958;108(1):1-3. German.

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FGDB-0014.pdf application/pdf

Weingarten K, Gerstenband F. - Eine ungewöhnliche Kombination von zwei neurologischen Krankheitsbildern. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1958;5(1-4):361-9. German.

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FGDB-0015.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tschabitscher H. - Erfahrungen mit dem Antiparkinsonmittel Akineton. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1958;70(15)261-4. German.

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FGDB-0016.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K. - Klinische und elektromyographische Erfahrungen mit 10870 (Aturban) bei der Behandlung des Parkinsonsyndroms. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1958;70(49):978-80. German.

Open Download 1.32 MB 17. November 2020
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FGDB-0017.pdf application/pdf

Fekas L, Gerstenbrand F., Klausberger - EM. ΑΡΤΗΡΙΟΦΛΕΒΙΚΟΝ ΑΝΕΥΡΥΣΜΑ ΜΕΤ ΕΚΕΦΑΛΙΚΗΣ ΑΤΡΟΦΙΑΣ [Arteriovenöses Aneurysma mit Hirnatrophie]. Θεσσαλονικη [Thessaloniki]. ΑΝΑΤΥΠΩΣΙΣ ΕΚ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗΣ [Berichterstattung der hellenischen Medizin]. 1959;28(2):1-10. Greek, German.

Open Download 1.21 MB 17. November 2020
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FGDB-0017A.pdf application/pdf

Fekas L, Gerstenbrand F., Klausberger - EM. Arteriovenöses Aneurysma mit Hirnatrophie. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1959;109(3):61-3. German.

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FGDB-0018.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tschabitscher H. - Zur Therapie extrapyramidaler Erkrankungen. Lecture presented at Wissenschaftliche Sitzung der Ärzte in Wien; 1959 Oct 9; 1959. 4 p.

Open Download 1.75 MB 21. November 2020
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FGDB-0019.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H, Tschabitscher H. - Zum heutigen Stand der modernen Behandlung extrapyramidaler Erkrankungen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1959;109(4):73-7. German.

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FGDB-0020.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. - Zustandsbild einer Enzephalitis bei Isolierung eines Coxsackie-Virus. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1959;16(4):436-40. German.

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FGDB-0021.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tschabitscher H. - Therapie der Meningoenzephalitiden. In: Hoff H, editor. Therapeutische Fortschritte in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1960. p. 32-48. German.

Open Download 1.81 MB 10. April 2022
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FGDB-0022.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Seitelberger F. - Therapie der extrapyramidalen Erkrankungen. In: Hoff H, editor. Therapeutische Fortschritte in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1960. p. 84-92. German.

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FGDB-0023.pdf application/pdf

Amann E, Gerstenbrand F., Dalem G. - Schädelhirntrauma und Alkoholismus [Skull-brain trauma and alkoholism]. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1960;110(27):583-8. German, English.

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FGDB-0023E.pdf application/pdf

Englische Übersetzung von 0023

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FGDB-0024.pdf application/pdf

Amann E, Gerstenbrand F., Salem G. - Zur Therapie des gedeckten schweren Schädel-Hirntraumas. Monatsschr Unfallheilkd. 1961;64:81-90. German.

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FGDB-0025.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schürer-Waldheim H, Zeitlhofer J. - Zur Klinik und Pathologie der traumatisch bedingten Carotisthrombose. Der Chirurg. 1961 Mai;32(5):230-4. German.

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FGDB-0026.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. - Beitrag zur Behandlung chronischer Verlaufsformen neurologischer Krankheitsbilder. Arztliche Praxis. 1961 Jun;13(23):1383-5. German. Jan 1949-Oct 2009.

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FGDB-0027.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Salem G, Schürer-Waldheim H. - Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Antiemetikum bei postkommotionellem Erbrechen. Klin Med. 1961;16(6):296-9. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0028.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lorbeck W, Foitl G. - Results of neuro-psychiatric examinations in congenital heart disease. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Neurology; 1961 Sept 10-15; Rome, Italy. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Excerpta Medica; c1961; p. 168-9. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 38).

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FGDB-0029.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. - Der Straßenverkehrsunfall aus der Sicht des Neurologen. Lecture held at Kongress für praktische Psychiatrie und Neurologie; Frankfurt, Germany. 1961. In: Weise H, editor. Wege der medizinischen Forschung. Kongressmonographie. Göttingen: Weise Verlag; 1961. p. 155-72. German.

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FGDB-0030.pdf application/pdf

Pateisky K, Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K, editors. - Das EEG beim posttraumatischen apallischen Syndrom. In: Tchichaloff M, editor. 4th EEG Alpine SKI meeting; 1962 Jan 22-26; Crains sur Sierre, Switzerland. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1962 Aug;15(4):709-13. Continued by: Clinical Neurophysiology. German.

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FGDB-0031.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. - Die Rehabilitation der Hirnverletzten. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1962;74(11):184-8. German.

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FGDB-0032.pdf application/pdf

Brenner H, Gerstenbrand F., Spängler H. - Beitrag zum Problem der traumatischen Carotisthrombose beim geschlossenen Hirntrauma. Monatsschrift für Unfallchirurgie. 1962;65(4):136-42. German.

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FGDB-0033.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Weingarten K. - Beitrag zum Problem der Systematrophien des Kleinhirns. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1962;74(41-42):702-5. German.

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FGDB-0034.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K, Weingarten K. - Zur Frage der oculären Myopathie. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1962;19(4):441-65. German.

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FGDB-0035.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K. - Über die Wirkung von L-Dopa auf die motorischen Störungen beim Parkinson-Syndrom. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1963;(20):90-100. German.

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FGDB-0036.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. - Therapeutische Erfahrungen mit Lucidril in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. In: Atti delle giornate internazionali sui farmaci psicostimolanti selettivi. 1963 Jan 25-26; Roma, Italia. Roma: Clinica delle malattie nervose e mentali. 1963. p. 269-284. German.

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FGDB-0037.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Weingarten K. - Prognostische Bedeutung der Reihenfolge einer Hirnnervenbeteiligung bei Guillain-Barré-Syndrom. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1963;75(3):47-50. German.

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FGDB-0038.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Weingarten K. - Aneurysma und hypophysäres Syndrom. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1963;20(4):300-10. German.

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FGDB-0039.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lorbeck W, Oswald G, Foitl H. Psychiatrisch-neurologische Untersuchungsergebnisse bei kongenitalen Vitien. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1963;75(26):515-21. German.

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FGDB-0040.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. Zur Problematik der Rehabilitation des schweren Schädel-Hirn-Traumas. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1963;75(35):622-6. German.

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FGDB-0041.pdf application/pdf

Seitelberger F, Jellinger K, Gerstenbrand F., Poetsch F, editors. Encephalite necrosante aigue a inclusions avec isolement du virus de l’herpes simplex dans le tissu cerebral [Acute necrotizing encephalitis with occasional inclusions of the herpes simplex virus in cerebral tissue]. 26th Reunion Neurologique Internationale; 1963 Jun 11-12; Paris, France. Paris: Revue Neurologique. 1963;108(6):917-20. French.

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FGDB-0042.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H, Prosenz P. Therapeutische Erfahrungen mit Lucidril bei neuro-psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1963;113(25/26):539-43. German.

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FGDB-0043.pdf application/pdf

Jellinger K, Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K. Die protrahierte Form der posttraumatischen Encephalopathie. Nervenarzt. 1963;34(4):145-59. German.

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FGDB-0044.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K, Prosenz P. Klinische Erfahrungen mit dem Antispastikum Lisidonil. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1963;113(43/42):775-9. German.

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FGDB-0045.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Ueber die Behandlung extrapyramidaler Hyperkinesen mit einem neuen Reserpinderivat (Reserpinascorbinat). Wien Med Wochenschr. 1963;75(40):703-6. German.

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FGDB-0046.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K, Prosenz P. Erfahrungen mit L-Dopa in der Therapie des Parkinsonismus. Psych Neurol. 1963;(146):246-61. 1957-1967. Continued by: Psychiatria et Neurologia; continued by: European Neurology. German.

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FGDB-0047.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K. Beitrag zur Therapie und Rehabilitation des Parkinson’schen Syndroms. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1963;21(1-2):124-31. German.

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FGDB-0048.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K, Pateisky K. Zur Rehabilitation des apallischen Syndroms nach schwerem gedeckten Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1963;21(1-2):179-85. German..

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FGDB-0049.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Müller T, Weingarten K. Über eine Komplikation nach zerebraler Angiographie mit Thorotrast. Wien Z Inn Med. 1963;44(11):497-503. German.

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FGDB-0050.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pötsch F. Vorläufige Mitteilung über die im Zusammenhang mit der oralen Impfung gegen Poliomyelitis in Österreich beobachteten Koinzidenzfälle. Mitt Osterr Sanitatsverwalt. 1963; 64(19):1-4. German.

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FGDB-0051.pdf application/pdf

Bruck J, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Klinische Erfahrungen mit 1-Alpha-Methyl-Dopa in der Behandlung extrapyramidaler Hyperkinesen. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1963;52(49):1517-20. German.

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FGDB-0052.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. Benztropin (Cogentin) im Rahmen der medikamentösen Behandlung des Parkinson-Syndroms. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1963;75(52):924-6. German.

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FGDB-0053.pdf application/pdf

Bruck J, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P, Santler R, Schobel B, Wewalka F. Über ein familiäres Krankheitsbild mit seltener neurologischer Symptomenkombination, Oligophrenie, Demenz, multiplen Ulcerationen der Haut, Splenomegalie und Aminosäurestoffwechselstörung. Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd. 1963;185(6):579-97. German.

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FGDB-0054.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Glonig K. Ungewöhnliche Komplikationen eines gedeckten Schädeltraumas. Acta Neurochir. 1964;11(4):559-64. German.

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FGDB-0055.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Teuflmayr R. Über Ergebnisse von Liquoranalysen beim Parkinson-Syndrom. Acta Neuropathol. 1964;(3):638-44. German.

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FGDB-0056.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K. Erfahrungen mit antispastischen Mitteln. In: Dumbovich B, Fekete G, Raab K, Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society, editors. Proceedings 2nd Conferentia Hungarica pro therapia et investigatione pharmacologica; 1962 Oct 2-10; Budapest, Hungaria. Budapest: Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary); c1964; p. 399-405. German.

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FGDB-0057.pdf application/pdf

Bruck J, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Klinische Erfahrungen mit Diazepam bei spastischen Paresen und reflektorischen Muskelspasmen. In. Hoff H et al, editor. Muskel und Psyche; Symposium 1963 Oct 18-19; Wien, Austria. Basel, Swiss: Karger; c1964. p. 129-132. German.

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FGDB-0058.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Therapeutische Erfahrungen mit Diazepam bei extra-pyramidalen Krankheits bildern. In: Hoff H, Tschabitscher H, Kryspin-Exner K, editors. Muskel und Psyche. Symposium; 1963 Oct 18-19; Wien, Austria. Basel: Karger; c1964. p. 133-138. German.

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FGDB-0059.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F., Riechert T. Untersuchungen zum Effekt stereotaktischer Operationen auf das Parkinson-Syndrom. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1964;76(41):689-96. German.

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FGDB-0060.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Iatrogen bedingte Schäden des Zentralnervensystems. Gedankenskizzen zum Referat Prof. Dr. Cervos-Navarro. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Vereinigung deutscher Neuroopatholoigen und Neuroanatomen e.V.; 1964 Jun 26-28; Göttingen, Germany. 1964. [2 p.].

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FGDB-0061.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Der Einfluss optokinetischer Reize auf die Einzelfaseraktivität im Nervus oculomotorius. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1964;21(4):414-18. German.

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FGDB-0062.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K. Beitrag zur Pathophysiologie des Ballismus. Acta Neurochir. 1964;12(3):408-24. German.

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FGDB-0063.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Prosenz P. Neue Therapiewege auf Grund von Stoffwechselveränderungen bei extrapyramidalen Erkrankungen. In: Dumbovich B, Fekete G, Raab, K, editors. Proceedings of 3rd Conferentia Hungarica pro Therapia et Investigatione in Pharmacologia; 1964 Oct 7-12; Budapest, Hungary. Budapest: Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; c1965. p. 149-58. German.

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FGDB-0064.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P, Reisner H. Beitrag zu den Impfkomplikationen nach Poliomyelitisschluckimpfung. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1965;77(1):1-7. German.

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FGDB-0065.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Zur Klinik der Impfkomplikationen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1965;115(57):57-66. German.

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FGDB-0066.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. Therapie der Subarachnoidalblutung. Paedriatr Praxis. 1965;4:572-75. German.

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FGDB-0066A.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. Therapie der Subarachnoidalblutung. Taegl Praxis. 1965;6:391-4. German.

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FGDB-0067.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Howanietz L, Lorbeck W. Alkohol und Unfall. Klin Med. 1965;20(9):415-26. German.

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FGDB-0068.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Zur Rehabilitation des apallischen Syndroms. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Neurology: Late sequelae of head injuries = 8éme Congres International de Neurologie: Sequelles tardives des traumatismes craniens = 8. Internationaler Kongress für Neurologie: Spätfolgen nach Schädeltraumen; 1965 Sept 5-10; Vienna. Wien: Verlag der Wiener Medizinischen Akademie. Vol. 1; c1965. p. 125-30 (Excerpta Medica Congress Series; no. 94). German, English, French.

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FGDB-0069.pdf application/pdf

Hamdi TI, Gerstenbrand F. Comparative etiological factors of acute infectious polyneuritis in Iraq and Austria. J Fac Med Baghdad. 1965;7(3-4):123-7.

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FGDB-0070.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P. Über die Behandlung des Parkinsonsyndroms mit Monoaminoxydasehemmern allein und in Kombination mit L-Dopa. Praxis (Bern). 1965;54(46):1373-7. German.

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FGDB-0071.pdf application/pdf

Bruck F, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig F, Prosenz P. Stoffwechselveränderungen bei extrapyramidalen Syndromen und vorläufige therapeutische Konsequenzen. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 1965;33(12):677-91. German.

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FGDB-0072.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Wewalka F. Untersuchungen bei einem familiären polysymptomatischen Zustandsbild mit Peptidurie. In: 71st Congress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin; 1965 Apr 26-29; Wiesbaden, Germany. München: Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med 71. c1965. p. 939-42. German.

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FGDB-0073.pdf application/pdf

Hoff H, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P, Tschabitscher H. Die entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Zentralnervensystems. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1965;115(43 u 44):893-900. German.

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FGDB-0074.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Über Aminosäurenbestimmungen in Serum und Liquor bei extrapyramidalen Krankheitsbildern. In: Seitelberger F, editor. Symposium über den Liquor cerebrospinalis; 1965 Jan 16; Wien, Austria. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1966;Suppl 1:130-5. German.

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FGDB-0075.pdf application/pdf

Tschabitscher H, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P, Lorbeck W. Über eine seltene Ursache von rezidivierenden Hirnstammsyndromen. J Neurol Sci. 1966;3:229-37. German.

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FGDB-0076.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Gnad H, Gründig E, Prosenz P. Vergleichende biochemische Untersuchungen bei organischen Parkinson Syndromen und medikamentösem Parkinsonoid. Psychiatr Neurol. 1966;151(2):81-7. German.

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FGDB-0077.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das traumatische apallische Syndrom: Klinik, Morphologie, Pathophysiologie und Behandlung. Wien: Springer; 1967. 344 p. German.

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FGDB-0078.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. Phantomerlebnisse bei Rückenmarksverletzung. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1967;79(24):450-3. German.

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FGDB-0079.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom im Remissionsstadium des apallischen Syndroms. Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie. 1967;19(11):432. German.

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FGDB-0080.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F. Funktionelle Decerebration unter dem Bild eines apallischen Syndroms bei hochdosierter Majeptil-Behandlung. Nervenarzt. 1967;38(10)459-64. German.

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FGDB-0081.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Gnad H, Gründig E, Prosenz P. Ueber Veränderungen der Zusammensetzung des Liquor cerebrospinalis beim choreatischen Syndrom. J Neurol Sci. 1967;5:257-65. German.

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FGDB-0082.pdf application/pdf

Cancura W, Gerstenbrand F. Der vestibulo-oculäre Reflex als Hilfsmittel bei der Diagnose akuter Hirnstammläsionen durch Einklemmung. Wien Z Nervenheilkd Grenzgeb. 1967;25(2-4):143-57. German.

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FGDB-0083.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F., Weingarten K. Dystrophia myotonica und Syringomyelie. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1968;26:13-26. German.

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FGDB-0084.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Frage der Ätiologie und Pathogenese der Syringomyelie. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1968;26:27-39. German.

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FGDB-0085.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom im Remissionsstadium des apallischen Syndroms. Dtsch Gesundheitsw. 1968;23(5)236. German.

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FGDB-0086.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom im Remissionsstadium des apallischen Syndroms. Wiss Z Humboldt Univ Berl Math Naturwiss. 1968;17(1):43-44. German.

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FGDB-0087.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rosenkranz A. Frühinfantile Hirnschäden. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd. 1968;116(6):327-8. German.

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FGDB-0088.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. Kr 339, ein neues tremorhemmendes Präparat zur Behandlung des Parkinson-Syndroms. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1968;80 (23):460-2. German.

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FGDB-0089.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Helmer F, Wolner E. Das akute Hirnstamm-Syndrom als Komplikation nach Herzoperationen. Bruns Beitr Klin Chir. 1968;216(3):210-22. German.

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FGDB-0090.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoff H. Rehabilitation bei organischer Hirnschädigung, psychiatrische Aspekte. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1968;118(38):754-7. German.

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FGDB-0091.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Stoffwechselstörungen bei extrapyramidalen Erkrankungen und ihre therapeutische Bedeutung (Zur Frage der Katecholamine). Deut Gesundhwes. 1968;23(3):140. German.

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FGDB-0092.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Apallisches Syndrom unter Majeptilbehandlung. Deut Gesundhwes. 1968;23(3):142. German.

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FGDB-0093.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Rehabilitation traumatischer Hirnschäden. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1968;118(38)782-92. German.

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FGDB-0094.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Zacherl H. Das Peitschenschlagtrauma der Halswirbelsäule. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1968;118(39):799-804. German.

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FGDB-0095.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Commotio cerebri. In: Klingler M, editor. Das Schädelhirntrauma: Leitfaden der Diagnostik und Therapie. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1968. p. 29-33. German.

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FGDB-0096.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Machacek F. Traumatisch bedingter Uvulanystagmus. Ein kasuistischer Beitrag zur Genese der rhythmischen Myoklonien des Gaumensegels und der Uvula. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1968;26:293-303. German.

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FGDB-0097.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Zacherl I, Zweymüller E. Über das Auftreten von spontanen Drehbewegungen um die Körperlängsachse bei Mittelhirnläsion. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1968;80(45/46):834-40. German.

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FGDB-0098.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Psychiatrie und die arbeitende Gesellschaft. In: Vorträge 2nd Sozialmedizinischer Kurs im Nervenkrankenhaus Haar bei München; 1968 May 18; Haar bei München, Germany. München: Schriftenreihe der Bayrischen Landesärztekammer. 1968;14:39-49. German.

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FGDB-0099.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Zur Klinik des Hirntodes. In: Penin H, Käufer Ch, editors. Der Hirntod: Todeszeitbestimmung bei irreversiblem Funktionsverlust des Gehirns. Symposion 1968 Dec 14; Bonn, Germany. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1969. p. 45-9. German.

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FGDB-0100.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungen mit Dimetotiazin in der Präventivbehandlung der Migräne. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1969;119(23):429-34. German.

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FGDB-0101.pdf application/pdf

Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F., Gnad H, Bruck H, Prosenz P. Der Einfluss der Verabreichung von Aminosäuren, speziell von L-Dopa und alpha-Methyldopa auf die Zusammensetzung des Liquor cerebrospinalis bei extrapyramidalen Syndromen. 1. Veränderungen der Liquorzusammensetzung nach L-Dopa Gaben bei Parkinson Patienten und Gesunden. Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd. 1969;196:236-55. German.

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FGDB-0102.pdf application/pdf

Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F., Bruck H, Gnad H, Prosenz P, Simanyi M. Der Einfluss der Verabreichung von Aminosäuren, speziell von L-Dopa und Alpha-Methyl-Dopa, auf die Zusammensetzung des Liquor cerebrospinalis bei extrapyramidalen Syndromen. 2. Veränderungen der Liquorzusammensetzung bei Parkinson-Patienten und Choreapatienten nach Verabreichung von Alpha-Methyl-Dopa. Dtsch Z Nervenheilkd. 1969;196:256-65. German.

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FGDB-0103.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungen mit Ethybenzatropin (Ponalid R) bei Behandlung des Parkinson-Syndroms. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1969;81(36):622-5. German.

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FGDB-0104.pdf application/pdf

Bruck H, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Prosenz P. Untersuchungen der Aminosäuren im Liquor bei Therapie mit hohen Dosen von Neuroleptica. Arzneimittelforschung. 1969;19:425-6. German.

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FGDB-0105.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Posttraumatic Syndrome: Critique. In: Walker AR, Caveness WF, McCritchley D, editors. The Late Effects of Head Injury. Springfield, USA: Charles C Thomas; c1969. p. 182-5.

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FGDB-0106.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Rehabilitation of the head-injured. In: Walker AR, Caveness WF, McCritchley D, editors. The Late Effects of Head injury. Springfield, USA: Charles C Thomas; c1969. p. 340-50.

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FGDB-0107.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Klinik und Therapie der akuten traumatischen Hirnstammschäden. Lecture presented at the 85. Wanderversammlung süd-west deutscher Neurologen und Psychiater; 1969 May 31; Baden-Baden, Germany. 1969. [4 p.].

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FGDB-0108.pdf application/pdf

Kucher R, Benzer H, F. Böck, Brenner H, Eisterer H, Gerstenbrand F., Haider W, Krenn J, Lackner F, Mostbeck A, Niessner G, Pateisky K, Prosenz P, Riedel W, Schultes H, Sigmar L, Steinbereithner K, Tschakaloff Ch, Seitelberger P, Valencak E. Zur Längsschnittbeurteilung schwerer Schädelhirnverletzter. In: Proceedings Fortbildungskurs für KIinische Anaesthesiologie; 1969 Jun 14-18; Wien, Austria. Wien: Wiener Medizinische Akademie. 1969. p. 3-9. German.

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FGDB-0109.pdf application/pdf

Zimprich H, Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F., Simanyi M, Widhalm S, Hajek H, Schnack H. Neurologische und biochemische Untersuchungen bei vier Kindern mit hepatolenticulärer Degeneration unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Aminosäurenstoffwechsels. Padiatr Padol. 1969;5:260-6. German.

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FGDB-0110.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH. Klinische Symptomatologie bei zunehmender Hirndrucksteigerung (das akute Mittel- und Bulbärhirnsyndrom) [The clinical symptomatology of rising intracranial pressure (the acute midbrain and bulbar syndrome)]. In: Drake CG, Duvoisin R, editor. 4th International Congress of Neurological Surgery 9th International Congress of Neurology; 1969 Sept 20-27; New York, USA. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1969. p. 220. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 193). German.

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FGDB-0111.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schultes H. Metabolisch-nutritiv bedingte Schäden peripherer Nerven beim apallischen Syndrom [Metabolic and nutritional damage limited to the peripheral nerves in the apallic syndrome]. In: Drake CG, Duvoisin R, editor. 4th International Congress of Neurological Surgery 9th International Congress of Neurology; 1969 Sept 20-27; New York, USA. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1969. p. 221. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 193). German.

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FGDB-0112.pdf application/pdf

F. Gerstenbrand, C.H. Lücking. Das Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom als Rückbildungsphase des traumatischen apallischen Syndroms. Lecture presented at the Symposion der Deutschen Neurovegetativen Gesellschaft; 1969 Oct 2; Göttingen, Germany. 1969. [1 p.]. [Herausgeber and Druck unbekannt]

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FGDB-0113.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pollauf F, Rosenkranz A. Diagnostik und Verlauf zerebraler Läsionen beim Neugeborenen. In: Alete Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Abteilung, editor. 7th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde; 1969 Oct 17-19; Graz, Austria. München: Alete. 1969. p. 51-2. German.

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FGDB-0114.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schnack H, Wewalka F. Zur neurologischen Symptomatologie des Coma hepaticum. Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med. 1969;75:754-7. German.

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FGDB-0115.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Zur Klinik der akuten Folgezustände nach einem Schädelhirntrauma: Das akute Mittelhirn- und Bulbärhirnsyndrom. Osterr Arzteztg. 1970;25(2)130-3. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Liebe-Kreutzner M, Bruha W. Periartikuläre Ossifikationen beim traumatischen apallischen Syndrom. Arch Orthop Unfallchir. 1970;67:173-86. 1918-77. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Die funktionsgestörte Wirbelsäule und ihre klinische Symptomatik. Osterr Arztezt. 1970;25(15):1849-50. German.

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FGDB-0118.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Zacherl H. Zur Klinik des Peitschenschlagtraumas. Forschung und Praxis der Begutachtung. 1970;4:31-7. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH. Die akuten traumatischen Hirnstammschäden. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr. 1970;213:264-81. German.

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FGDB-0120.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J. Klinische Erfahrungen mit Mesoridazin in der Therapie und Rehabilitation von traumatischen Frontalhirnschäden. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1970;120(42/43):732-7. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Rothemund L. Cerebellar Symptoms as sequelae of traumatic lesions of upper brain stem and cerebellum. Int J Neurol. 1970;7(2):271-82.

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Gerstenbrand F. Failures of L-Dopa Treatment. In: Barbeau A, Davis FA, editors. L-DOPA and Parkinsonism. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company; c1970. Part 1; p. 16-20.

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FGDB-0123.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E. Amino acids after L-Dopa. In: Barbeau A, Davis FA, editors. L-DOPA and Parkinsonism. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company; c1970. Part 2; p. 246-9.

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FGDB-0124.pdf application/pdf

Oberhummer I, Gerstenbrand F. Versuch mit Amantadin. Lecture presented at the 10th Neuropsychiatric Symposion; 1970 May 26-30; Pula, Yugoslavia. Selecta 1970;37:3254.

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FGDB-0125.pdf application/pdf

Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F. Über den Zusammenhang zwischen der Parkinson-Symptomatik und einer Störung des Aminosäurehaushaltes im ZNS. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1970;82(45)811-6. German.

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FGDB-0126.pdf application/pdf

Lücking CH, Gerstenbrand F. Das klinische Bild des Hirntodes nach schweren Schädelverletzungen. Sitzungsberichte Deutsche EEG-Gesellschaft. Z EEG-EMG. 1970;1:209-10. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Schedl R, Simanyi M, Teufelmayer R. Veränderungen der Zusammensetzung des Liquor cerebrospinalis und des Serums bei der amyotrophischen Lateralsklerose. Nervenarzt. 1971;42:93-7. German.

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FGDB-0128.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische und psychiatrische Erkrankungen in Burma. In: Kunz C, Aspöck H, Appleyard G et al, editors. Kongressbericht über die 2nd Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und der 4th Tagung der Deutschen Tropenmedizinischen Gesellschaft e.V.; 1969 Apr 21-23; Reichenhall, Germany. Lübeck: Hansischer Verlagskontor Heinz Scheffler. c1971. p. 369-77. German.

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Lücking CH, Gerstenbrand F. The clinical picture of brain death after serious brain injuries. In: Kubicki St. Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Deutsche EEG Gesellschaft, den elektroencephalografiske sektion under dansk neurologisk selskab, norsk eletroencefallografisk forening svensk förening för klinisk neurofysiologi, section of clinical neurophysiology of the finnish neurological association [Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of Deutsche EEG Gesellschaft, the electroencephalographic section under the Danish Neurological Society, Norwegian Electroencephalographic Association, Swedish Association for Clinical Neurophysiology, Section of clinical neurophysiology of the Finnish Neurological Association]; 1970 May 1-2; Berlin, Germany. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1971;30(3):272.

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Gerstenbrand F. Das obere Cervicalsyndrom. In: Verhandlungen bei der wissenschaftlichen Sommertagung der Orthopäden Österreichs. 1970 May 7-9; Krems. Wien: Eigenverlag der Orthopäden Österreichs; c1971. p. 169-79. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Kaufmann F, Krenn J, Zacherl K. Sekundärschäden peripherer Nerven bei langdauernden Komazuständen (apallisches Syndrom). Wiederbelebung Organersatz Intensivmedizin. 1971;8(1):57-69. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH. Hypersexualität im Rahmen der Klüver-Bucy-Symptomatik nach traumatischem apallischen Syndrom. J Neurovisc Relat. 1971;Suppl 10:524-37. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger F, Oberhummer I. Behandlungsergebnisse mit Amantadin-Hydrochlorid beim Parkinson-Syndrom unter Verwendung testpsychologischer Untersuchungsmethoden. Wien med Wochenschr. 1971;121(19):390-7. German.

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Amann E, Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K. Schwerer Hirnschaden (apallisches Syndrom) nach Herzstillstand bei einem Kleinkind. Padiatr Padol. 1971;6:121-4. German.

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FGDB-0135.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schultes H. Die therapeutische Gemeinschaft in der Rehabilitation Hirnverletzter. In: Gerstenbrand F., editor. Kongressbericht 2nd Donau-Symposium für Neurologie. 1969 Mai 5-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag der Medizinischen Akademie; 1971. p. 21-4. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J, Schultes H. Zur medikamentösen Therapie bei der Rehabilitation Hirnverletzter (Erfahrungen mit Pyrithioxin). In: Gerstenbrand F., editor. Kongressbericht 2nd Donau-Symposium für Neurologie. 1969 Mai 5-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag der Medizinischen Akademie; 1971. p. 57-63. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Müller D. Über den Wert von Orphenadrin-Zitrat (Norflex R) bei manuellen Behandlungen. In: Gerstenbrand F., editor. Kongressbericht 2nd Donau-Symposium für Neurologie. 1969 Mai 5-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag der Medizinischen Akademie; 1971. p. 89-92. German.

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Müller D, Schultze H, Engl E, Gerstenbrand F. Über den Nachweis der Wirksamkeit von Orphenadrin-Zitrat (Norflex) im EEG und EMG nach intravenöser Verabfolgung am Menschen. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1971;29:310-23. German.

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FGDB-0139.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Austrian Experience. Psychological testing. In: Birdwood GFB, Gilder SSB, Wink CAS, editors. Parkinson’s Disease, a new approach to treatment. Report of an international clinical symposium Symmetrel in Parkinsonism; 1971 Jun 2-5; London, U.K. London: Academic Press. 1971. p. 23-4.

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FGDB-0140.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Austrian dosage schedules. In: Birdwood GFB, Gilder SSB, Wink CAS, editors. Parkinson’s Disease, a new approach to treatment. Report of an international clinical symposium Symmetrel in Parkinsonism; 1971 Jun 2-5; London, U.K. London: Academic Press. 1971. p. 40-43

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FGDB-0141.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Symmetrel with antidepressants and other drugs. Stereotactic surgery. In: Birdwood GFB, Gilder SSB, Wink CAS, editors. Parkinson’s Disease, a new approach to treatment. Report of an international clinical symposium Symmetrel in Parkinsonism; 1971 Jun 2-5; London, U.K. London: Academic Press. 1971. p. 60-64.

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FGDB-0142.pdf application/pdf

Lücking CH, Gerstenbrand F. Die elektrophysiologischen Kriterien des Hirntodes. Lecture presented at Wissenschaftliche Sitzung Austrotransplant; 1971 Jun 19, Wien, Austria. 1971. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0143.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lackner F, Lücking CH. Neurologischer Untersuchungsbogen zur Überwachung akuter traumatischer Hirnschäden. Z Prakt Anasth Wiederbeleb. 1971;6(6):437-47. German.

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FGDB-0144.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J, Lücking CH. Über die Wirkung eines Psychostimulantiums (FL 709) bei Folgezuständen nach einem schweren Schädelhirntrauma: Anwendung einer Test-methode zur Prüfung der Motorik. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1971;121(51/62):941-946. German.

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Amann E, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Problematik der traumatischen Karotisthrombosen (trK). In: Verhandlungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie 7th Tagung; 1971 Oct 8-9; Salzburg, Austria. Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde. 1972;111:180-5. German.

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Euler J, Gerstenbrand F., Krenn J, Lehfuß H. Frühversorgung von Extremitätenfrakturen bei akuter traumatischer Hirnstammschädigung. Monatsschr Unfallheilkd. 1972;75:45-54. German.

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Lehfuß H, Gerstenbrand F., Euler J, Krenn K. Ergebnisse der Frühversorgung von Extremitätenfrakturen bei akuter traumatischer Hirnstammschädigung. Acta Chir Austriaca. 1972;1:16-9. German.

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FGDB-0148.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Galant T. Die Bedeutung der Ernährung für die Prognose des apallischen Syndroms. In: Hartmann G, Berger H, editors. Parenterale Ernährung: Referate gehalten am Symposium über Parenterale Ernährung; 1970 Oct; Innsbruck. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber; c1972. p. 166-71. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. The course of restitution of brain injury in the early and late stages and the rehabilitation measures. Scand J Rehabil Med. 1972;4:85-9.

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Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Musiol A. W sprawie nowoczesnego leczenia zespolu parkinsonowskiego preparatem L-dopa [On modern treatment of Parkinson syndrome with preparation L-dopa]. Pol Tyg Lek. 1972;27(21):798-800. Polish.

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Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Musiol A. W sprawie nowoczesnego leczenia zespolu parkinsonowskiego chlorowodorkiem amantadyny [On modern treatment of Parkinson with amantadine hydrochloride]. Pol Tyg Lek. 1972;27(21):878-79. Polish.

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FGDB-0152.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kotscher E, Tilscher H. Reflexorgan Wirbelsäule, neuroorthopädische Problematik. Lecture presented at 88th Wanderversammlung Südwestdeutscher Neurologen und Psychiater; 1972 May 27-28; Baden-Baden, Germany. 1972. [1 p.]. [Publisher unknown]

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FGDB-0153.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Rehabilitation vertebragen Gestörter: Zur Phylogenese der Funktionen und Neurophysiologie des menschlichen Achsenorganes. In: Verhandlungen bei der wissenschaftlichen Sommertagung der Orthopäden Österreichs. 1971 Jun 10-12; Innsbruck. Wien: Eigenverlag der Orthopäden Österreichs; c1972. p. 315-20. German.

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Heiss WD, Gerstenbrand F., Prosenz P, Krenn J. The Prognostic Value of Cerebral Blood for Measurement in Patients with Apallic Syndrome. J. Neurol Sci. 1972;16:373-82.

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Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F., Oberhummer J, Simanyi M, Schedl R, Weiss JW. Biochemische Aspekte der L-Dopa-Wirkung bei Parkinsonpatienten. Z Neurol. 1972;203:73-90. German.

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Tilscher H, Gerstenbrand F. Ein Beitrag zur Rehabilitation von Wirbelsäulengestörten: Die Standardisierung von Wirbelsäulenübungen. Osterr Arzteztg. 1972;27(20):1162-6. German.

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Pendl, Krenn J, Ganglberger J, Gerstenbrand F., Pateisky K, Steinbereithner K, Tschakaloff C. Der Organspender, eine Aufgabe interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit. Intensivmedizin. 1972;9(6)353-9. German.

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FGDB-0158.pdf application/pdf

Amann E, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Musiol A. Symptomatologie der akuten, sekundär traumatischen Hirnstammschäden. In: Jonasch E, editor. 7th Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie; 1971 Oct 8-9; Salzburg. Berlin: Springer Verlag; c1972. p. 232-6. (Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde: Verhandlungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie; Vol. 111). German.

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FGDB-0159.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Rolle des Neurologen im Team einer Intensivbehandlungsstation. In: Kucher R, Steinbereithner K, editors. Intensivstation, Intensivpflege, Intensivtherapie. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1972. p. 359-66. German.

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FGDB-0160.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0160 Gerstenbrand F. Apallisches Syndrom. In: Hornbostel H, Kaufmann W, Siegenthaler W, editors. Innere Medizin in Praxis und Klinik. Vol. 2, Niere, Wasser-, Elektrolyt- und Säure-Basen-Haushalt, Nervensystem, Muskeln, Knochen, Gelenke. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1973. p. 756-7.

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FGDB-0161 Gerstenbrand F., Lücking C, Musiol A. Wczesny obraz kliniczny wtornych uszkodzen pnia mozgu po urazach czaszki [Early clinical manifestations of secondary damage to the brain stem following cranial trauma]. Pol Tyg Lek. 1973;27:1019-22. Polish.

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Gerstenbrand F., Stacher G, Kutscha-Lissberg E, Vargacs H. Zur Prognose schwerer offener Frontalhirnverletzungen. Neurochirurgia. 1973;16(6)20-211. German.

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FGDB-0163.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J, Schubert H. Quantitative Testmethoden zur Objektivierung des Effektes einer L-Dopa Langzeittherapie beim Parkinson-Syndrom. Nervenarzt. 1973;44:428-33. German.

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FGDB-0164.pdf application/pdf

Simanyi M, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Schedl R, Weiss H. Der Einfluß der Verabreichung von Aminosäuren, speziell von L-Dopa und Alpha-Methyldopa auf die Zusammensetzung des Liquor cerebrospinalis bei extrapyramidalen Syndromen: III. Veränderungen der Liquorzusammensetzung bei Patienten mit Chorea Huntington nach Verabreichung von Alpha-Methyldopa und L-Dopa. Z Neurol. 1973;204:67-80. German.

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FGDB-0165.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Mamoli B, Tilscher H. Therapeutische Erfahrungen mit einem Myotonolyticum (Orphenadrincitrat) bei vertebragen bedingten radiculären Schäden. Wien Klin Wschr. 1973;123:261-4. German.

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FGDB-0166.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die klinische Symptomatik des irreversiblen Ausfalles der Hirnfunktionen (Das Vorstadium und die spinalen Reflexe). In: Krösi W, Scherzer E, editors. Die Bestimmung des Todeszeitpunktes. Kongress Hofburg; 1972 Mai 4-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Maudrich; 1973. p. 33-9. German.

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FGDB-0167.pdf application/pdf

Aichmair H, Binder H, Feldner-Bustin H, Gerstenbrand F., Maly J. Neuropsychiatrische Untersuchungsergebnisse bei Schielkindern. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 1973;164(5):698-700. German.

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FGDB-0168.pdf application/pdf

Spängler E, Oberhummer I, Gerstenbrand F. Augenmuskelparesen als initiales Symptom eines Sklerödema Buschke. Wien Z Nervenheilkd. 1973;31:102-8. German.

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FGDB-0169.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Therapeutic experiences of long-term treatment of the parkinsonian syndrome with a L-Dopa retard preparation [Abstract]. In: Subirana A, Borrows EH, Espadaler JM, editors. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Neurology; 1973 Sept 8-15; Barcelona, Spain. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1973. p. 103. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 296).

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FGDB-0170.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Periarticular ossification in the apallic syndrome [Abstract]. In: Subirana A, Borrows EH, Espadaler JM. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Neurology; 1973 Sept 8-15; Barcelona, Spain. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1973. p. 140. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 296).

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FGDB-0171.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger W, Schubert H. The use of a psychomotor test battery in evaluation of the therapeutic results in the Parkinsonian syndrome [Abstract]. In: Subirana A, Borrows EH, Espadaler JM. Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Neurology; 1973 Sept 8-15; Barcelona, Spain. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1973. p. 140. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 296).

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FGDB-0172.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kotscher E, Tilscher H. Das obere Cervicalsyndrom. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 1974;112(6):1249-55. German.

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FGDB-0173.pdf application/pdf

Mamoli B, Kopsa K, Gerstenbrand F., Kotzaurek R, Pateisky K. Zur Frage der urämischen Polyneuropathie nach Nierentransplantationen. J Neurol. 1974;208:63-9. German.

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FGDB-0174.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Zur pseudoradikulären Symptomatik beim oberen Cervikalsyndrom. Lecture presented at the 27th Österreichischer Ärztekongress – Van Swieten Tagung; 1974 Oct 21-26; Wien, Austria. 1974. [2 p.].

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FGDB-0175.pdf application/pdf

Finkenstedt E, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Kleinberger G, Kotzaurek R, Lesch O, Mamoli B, Pall H, Pichler R, Raberger G, Szeless S. Ungewöhnliche Verlaufsform einer als neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankung maskierten Hyperthyreose. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1974;86(16):476-80. German.

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FGDB-0176.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Neurologische Aspekte des Komas. In: Proceedings Münchener Konferenz über Neurologisch-Psychiatrische Aspekte des Komas; 1974 Nov 29-30; München. Düsseldorf: Jannsen Symposien. c1974. p. 14-33. German.

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FGDB-0177.pdf application/pdf

Genee P, Gerstenbrand F., Millesi G, Schönbauer HR, Zapotoczky HG. Beiträge zum Problem der posttraumatisch aufgetretenen psychogenen Störungen im Körperlichen. Z Allgemeinmed. 1975;51(7):314-9. German.

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FGDB-0178.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Maida E. Über Kurmittelanwendungen bei Nervenleiden. In: Paul Slezak, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz, editors. Österreichische Heilbäder- und Kurortebuch. Wien: Bohmann Druck und Verlag GmbH; 1975. p. 153-7. German.

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FGDB-0179.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J, Gründig E, Hamdi T, Musiol A, Schedl R, Schubert H. Methods in evaluating the therapy with L-Dopa in Parkinson's Syndrome. Ann Coll Med Mosul. 1975;6:3-25.

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FGDB-0180.pdf application/pdf

Haider W, Lackner F, Schluck W, Benzer H, Gerstenbrand F., Irsigler K, Korn A, Krystof G, Mayerhofer O. Metabolic changes in the course of severe acute brain damage. Europ J Intensive Care Med. 1975;1:19-26.

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FGDB-0181.pdf application/pdf

Haider W, Benzer G, Krystof G, Lackner F, Mayerhofer O, Steinbereithner K, Irsigler K, Korn A, Schuck W, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Urinary catecholamine excretion and thyroid hormone blood level in the course of severe acute brain damage. Europ J Intensive Care Med. 1975;1(1):115-23.

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FGDB-0182.pdf application/pdf

Weiss J, Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F. Über die Aktivität der Aminotransferasen in Serum und Liquor cerebrospinalis bei neurologischen Erkrankungen. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1975;87(23)799-803. German.

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FGDB-0183.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Kozma C, Pusch S, Reisner T. Infusionstherapie mit MIF (Melanocyte Inhibiting Factor) beim Parkinson-Syndrom. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1975;87(24):822-823. German.

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FGDB-0184.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Das Parkinson-Syndrom - Epidemiologie, Klinik und Therapie. Dtsch Krankenpflegez. 1975;11:598-604. German.

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FGDB-0185.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Tilscher H. Peripheres Nervensystem und Schmerzensgeld. In: Jech RK, Krösl W, Oswald E, editors. Das Schmerzensgeld. Herbsttagung der Gesellschaft der Gutachterärzte Österreichs; 1975 Nov 7; Vienna, Austria. Forschung und Praxis der Begutachtung. 1975;12:30-41. German.

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FGDB-0186.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K, Lutz D, Maida E. Cerebrale Beteiligung bei Sezary-Syndrom. J Neurol. 1976;212:55-64. German.

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FGDB-0187.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tilscher H, Binder H. Zum vertebragenen Kopfschmerz. Kopfklinik; 1976;1:20-5. German.

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FGDB-0188.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Post-traumatic vegetative syndrome. In: R. Braakman, editor. lnjuries of brain and skull [Part 2]. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company; c1976. p. 575-98. (Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, editors. Handbook of Clinical Neurology; Vol. 24).

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FGDB-0189.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Mamoli B, Binder H. Zur schwersten Verlaufsform der CO-Intoxikation. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1976;88(13):418-23. German.

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FGDB-0190.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Das anoxische Coma. Intensivbehandlung. 1976;1(2):84-90. German.

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FGDB-0191.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Harrer-Kuhnert G, Mamoli B. Zur Therapie mit Convulex in weiteren Indikationsgebieten. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1976;88(23)760-2. German.

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FGDB-0192.pdf application/pdf

Mamoli B, Kopsa H, Maly J, Pateisky K, Gerstenbrand F., Kotzaurek R. Die motorische Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit bei urämischer Polyneuropathie: Korrelationsanalysen zu Stoffwechseldaten. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1976;88(23):770-4. German.

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FGDB-0193.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Das Sudecksche Syndrom: Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Therapie - eine kurze Übersicht. Forschung und Praxis der Begutachtung. 1976;13:7-11. German.

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FGDB-0194.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Das metabolische Coma, Symptomatologie und Verlauf. Kopfklinik. 1976;1:186-192. German.

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FGDB-0195.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Kothbauer P, Zallone E. La sindrome apallica = The apallic syndrome. In: Estratto dagli atti del convegno Uomini e strutture per la riabilitazione del neuroleso Lungodegente = Proceedings of the conference Men and facilities for the rehabilitation of neurological patients; 1976 Apr 20 – Mai 1; Putignano, Italy. Putignano: Grafice Radio editore; 1976. 65-80 p. Italian, English.

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FGDB-0196.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Grünberger J, Gründig E, Schubert H. Erfahrungen mit einem L-Dopa-Retard-Präparat in der peroralen Langzeittherapie des Parkinson-Syndroms. Nervenarzt. 1976;47(11):556-660. German.

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FGDB-0197.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Grünberger J, Kozma C, Pusch S, Reisner T. Infusion Therapy with MIF in Parkinson-Disease. In: Birkmayer W, Hornykiewicz O, editors. Advances in Parkinsonism. Basel: Editiones Roche; 1976. p. 456-61. German.

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FGDB-0198.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kothbauer P, Jellinger K. Zur Frage des posttraumatischen Parkinson-Syndroms. In: Treffen der Österreichischen Parkinsongesellschaft; 1977; Wien, Austria. Wien: Roche Fortbildungsservice; 1976. p. 1-6. German.

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FGDB-0199.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. MIF beeinflußt Dopa-Metabolismus. In: Barbeau A, Kastin A, Birkmayer W, editors. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parkinson’s disease, Advances in Parkinsonism; 1975 Sept 17-20; Wien, Austria. Basel: Editiones Roche. 1977. [1 p. German.

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FGDB-0200.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Binder H. Elektrophysiologische und neuropharmakologische Studien bei einer Patientin mit progressiver Myoklonusepilepsie. Z EEG-EMG. 1977;8:77-81. German.

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FGDB-0201.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hamdi T, Kothbauer P, Rustam H, Al Badri M. Apallic syndrome in chronic mercury poisoning. Europ Neurol. 1977;15:249-56.

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FGDB-0202.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Sluga E, Steinbock G, Struppler A. Über eine erbliche Form der sensorischen Neuropathie. In: Lassmann G, Jurecka W, Niebauer G, editors. Wiener Symposium: Struktur und Pathologie des Hautnervensystems; 1977 Apr 29-30; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag des Verbandes der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs; 1977. p. 1-7. German. 203. Peters UH, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical picture and problems in terminology. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 8-13. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0203.pdf application/pdf

Peters UH, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical picture and problems in terminology. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F, Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 8-13. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0204.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The symptomatology of the apallic syndrome. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 14-21. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0205.pdf application/pdf

Avenarius HJ, Gerstenbrand F. The transition stage from midbrain syndrome to traumatic apallic syndrome. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 22-5. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0206.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Avenarius HJ, Preissler HP. The apallic syndrome in metabolic disorders of the brain. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 29-36. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0207.pdf application/pdf

Lücking CH, Müllner E, Pateisky K, Gerstenbrand F. Electroencephalographic findings in the apallic syndrome. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 144-54. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0208.pdf application/pdf

Scherzer E, Gerstenbrand F. Electronystagmographic findings following traumatic apallic syndrome. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 164-7. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0209.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH. The rehabilitation of patients with apallic syndrome in the therapeutic community. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 204-7. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0210.pdf application/pdf

Zhuber K, Salzer M, Gerstenbrand F. The orthopedic treatment of patients with apallic syndrome. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH,editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 208-13. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0211.pdf application/pdf

Mamoli B, Sluga E, Zacherl Z, Gerstenbrand F. The apallic syndrome and secondary lesions of peripheral nerves. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 214-24. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0212.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lackner F, Lücking CH. A rating sheet to monitor apallic syndrome patients. ln: Dalle Ore G, Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Peters G, Peters UH, editors. The Apallic Syndrome. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1977. p. 227-31. (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Psychiatrie]; Vol. 14).

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FGDB-0213.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Kloss K. Spätresultate der Rehabilitation des apallischen Syndroms. Kongressbericht der 18. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie; 1977 Mai 19-21; Graz. Wien: Eigenverlag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (ÖGC); c1977. p. 424-7. German.

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FGDB-0214.pdf application/pdf

Ringwald E, Campean SJ, Gerstenbrand F., Lorincz A, Lörincz P, Ludin HP. Klinische Erfahrungen mit einem neuartigen Myotonolytikum (DS 103-282 Sandoz). Nervenarzt. 1977;48:355-8. German.

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FGDB-0215.pdf application/pdf

Steinböck H, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Pilz E, Maida E. Erfahrungen mit Guanidin-Hydrochlorid bei der Behandlung der Werdnig-Hoffmannschen Erkrankung. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1977;89(8):269-72. German.

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FGDB-0216.pdf application/pdf

Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F., Kozma C, Hoppe HJ. Clinical evaluation of CDP-Choline (Startonyl) in patients with Parkinson’s disease [Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit von CDP-Cholin (Startonyl) bei Patienten mit Parkinson'scher Krankheit]. IPHAR Report. 1977;76(112):205-210. English, German.

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FGDB-0217.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tilscher H, Berger M, Rumpl E. The vertebragenous Headache [Abstract]. In: den Hartog Jager WA, Bruyn GW, Heijstee APJ, editors. Abstracts of the 11th World Congress of Neurology; 1977 Sep 11-16; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1977. p. 15. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 427.)

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FGDB-0218.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Rainer J, Rumpl E, Stralkowski E. The prognosis of patients with traumatic apallic syndrome [Abstract]. In: den Hartog Jager WA, Bruyn GW, Heijstee APJ, editors. Abstracts of the 11th World Congress of Neurology; 1977 Sept 11-16; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1977. p. 33. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 427.)

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FGDB-0219.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH, Binder H, Lackner F. Myoklonien nach zerebraler Anoxie. In: Schulze HAF, Seidl K, Göllnitz G, editors. Akute Krankheitszustände und Notsituationen in der Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Leipzig: S. Hirzel Verlag; 1977. p. 41-3. German.

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FGDB-0220.pdf application/pdf

Maida E, Gerstenbrand F., Gründig E, Binder H. Über die Anwendung von Guanidinhdrochlorid in der Behandlung degenerativer Nerven- und Muskelerkrankungen. 1. Klinische Erfahrungen. Wien Klin Med. 1978;90(2):43-8. German.

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FGDB-0221.pdf application/pdf

Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F., Maida E, Binder H, Hawrylewicz A. Über die Anwendung von Guanidin-Hydrochlorid in der Behandlung von degenerativen Nerven- und Muskelerkrankungen. 2. Aminosäureanalysen des Liquor cerebrospinalis und des Serums; Verlaufskontrollen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1978;90:48-56. German.

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FGDB-0222.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Apallisches Syndrom In: Hornbostel H, Kaufmann W, Siegenthaler W, editors. Innere Medizin in Praxis und Klinik. 2nd ed. Vol. 2, Niere, Wasser-, Elektrolyt- und Säure-Basen-Haushalt, Nervensystem, Muskeln, Knochen, Gelenke. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1978. p. 756-7. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Die verschiedenen Formen des Gesichtsschmerzes. Munch Med Wochenschr. 1978;120(19):651-2. German.

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FGDB-0224.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM. Reversibles Burst-Suppressions-Muster bei einer endogen-exogen toxischen Enzephalopathie. Z EEG-EMG. 1978;9(2):120-4. German.

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Gerstenbrand F.; Rumpl E, Poewe W, Rainer J. Tollwuterkrankungen des Menschen und Symptomatologie der Impfzwischenfälle. Ost Artzeztg. 1978;33(17):888-90. German.

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FGDB-0226.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Aichner F, Rainer J. Myotonic myopathy with painful muscle contractions and decrease of symptoms by cold. J Neurol. 1978;219:133-7.

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Gerstenbrand F., Hoppe HJ, Kozma C, Pfeifer B. Wirkung von Bupranolol bei Patienten mit essentiellem Tremor. In: Rahn KH, Schrey A, editors. Betablocker. 1st Betadrenol-Symposion 1977; Frankfurt, Germany. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1978. p. 61-4.

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FGDB-0228.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hoppe HJ, Kozma C, Rainer J. Behandlung des durch Parkinson‘sche Krankheit bedingten Tremors mit Bupranolol. In: Rahn KH, Schrey A, editors. Betablocker. 1st Betadrenol-Symposion 1977; Frankfurt, Germany. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1978. p. 65-8. German.

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FGDB-0229.pdf application/pdf

Hackl JM, Balogh D, Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Rumpl E, Hoppe HJ, Hörtnagl H, Brücke T. Verwendung von Beta-Blockern beim apallischen Syndrom. In: Rahn KH, Schrey A, editors. Betablocker. 1st Betadrenol-Symposion 1977; Frankfurt, Germany. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1978. p. 69-73. German.

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FGDB-0230.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM. Behandlungsprobleme bei komatösen und schwer bewußtseinsgetrübten Kranken. In: Flügel KA, editor. Neurologische und psychiatrische Therapie. Erlangen: Perimed Verlag Dr. Straube; 1978. p. 242-8. German.

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FGDB-0231.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Rumpl E. Das Coma aus neurologischer Sicht. Ost Arzteztg. 1978;33(18):952-8. German.

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FGDB-0232.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hamdi TI, Poewe W, Rumpl E. Secondary metabolic coma: symptomatology and prognosis. Iraqi Med J. 1978;26(1+2):70-3.

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FGDB-0233.pdf application/pdf

Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl H, Poewe W, Rumpl E. Zur Symptomatologie des akut und chronisch verlaufenden Locked-in Syndroms. In: Ganner H, editor. Referate. 15th wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater; 1978 Apr 6-8; Innsbruck, Austria. 1978. p. 39-40. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0234.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Holsteiner W, Holt FW, Rumpl E. Über eine Kombination von palatinem Myoklonus, regulären vertikalen Myorhythmen und "wing-beating". In: Ganner H, editor. Referate. 15th wissenschaftliche Tagung; 1978 Apr 6-8; Innsbruck, Austria. Gesellschaft österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater. 1978. p. 46-7. German.

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FGDB-0235.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Aichner F, Rainer J. Myotonische Myopathie mit schmerzhaften Muskelkontrakturen und Abnahme der Beschwerden in Kälte. In: Ganner H, editor. Referate. 15th wissenschaftliche Tagung; 1978 Apr 6-8; Innsbruck. Gesellschaft österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater. 1978. p. 51. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0236.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Aichner F, Rainer J. Myotonic Myopathy with painful muscle contractions and decrease of symptoms by cold. J Neurol. 1978;219:133-7.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Rainer J. Neue Entwicklung in der Parkinson-Therapie. Pharmakotherapie. 1978;1(4):190-4. German.

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FGDB-0238.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Aichner F, Kozma C. Clinical Utilization of MIF-1. In: Collu R, Barbeau A, Ducharme JR, Rochefort JG, editors. Central nervous system effects of hypothalamic hormones and other peptides. New York: Raven Press; 1979. p. 415-26.

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FGDB-0239.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W, Poewe W. Prognose nach Koma traumatischer Genese. In: Ahnefeld FW, Bergmann H, Burrli C, Dick W, Halmagyi M, Hossli G, Rügheimer E, editors. Der bewußtlose Patient. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 1979. p. 212-20. (Klinische Anästhesiologie und Intensivtherapie; Vol. 19). German.

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FGDB-0240.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Mayr U. Drei Formen neurologischer Schäden bei TBC. Arztl Praxis. 1979;42:2018-23. German.

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FGDB-0241.pdf application/pdf

Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Varieties of the Locked-in Syndrome. J Neurol. 1979;221:77-91.

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FGDB-0242.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Tilscher H, Berger M. Radikuläre und pseudoradikuläre Symptome der mittleren und unteren Halswirbelsäule. MMW. 1979;121(37)1173-6. German.

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FGDB-0243.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Kunz F, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Kroesen G, Hörtnagl F. Zur Frage der zentroneurogenen Auslösung des akuten respiratorischen Distress Syndroms (ARDS). lntensivbeh. 1979;4(3)110-7. German.

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FGDB-0244.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Lorenzoni E, Aichner F. Correlations electrocliniques au stade initial des syndromes mesencephaliques et bulbaires post-traumatiques. Rev Electroencephalogr Neurophysiol Clin. 1979;9(2):131-8. French.

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FGDB-0245.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Rumpl E. Das metabolische Coma. Ost Arzteztg. 1979;34(17):999-1002. German.

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FGDB-0246.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Folgeerscheinungen bei Erkrankungen und Schäden der Wirbelsäule. Forschung und Praxis der Begutachtung. 1979;18:44-51. German.

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Hackl JM, Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hammerle AF, Hörtnagl H. Verwendung von Betablockern beim traumatisch-apallischen Syndrom. Wien KIin Wochenschr. 1979;10:353. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] - Rumpl E, Hackl JM, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Der Einfluß von L-Valin auf die triphasischen Potentiale im EEG des Leberausfallkomas. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1979;10:357. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0249.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Hackl JM, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Zum EEG im Leberkoma. Z EEG-EMG; 1979;10(2)88-94. German.

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FGDB-0250.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Neue medikamentöse Behandlungsformen bei Morbus Parkinson. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 19th Neuropsychiatrischen Symposium; 1979 Jun 12-17; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1979. p. 30-31. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0251.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J. Therapie des essentiellen Tremors mit Betablockern. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 19th Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1979 Jun 12-17; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1979. p. 73. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Schmutzhard E, Rainer J. Neurologische Aspekte der Fehlernährung in Ostafrika. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1979;1:24-9. German.

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FGDB-0253.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Hackl JM, Hengl W. The EEG at different stages of acute secondary traumatic midbrain and bulbar brain syndromes. Electroenceph Clin Neurophys. 1979;46:487-97.

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FGDB-0254.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K, Maida E, Pilz A, Sandhofer F, Weissenbacher G. Symptomatology of the most severe form of tuberculous meningitis. J Neurol. 1979;222:191-204.

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FGDB-0255.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Jellinger K, Krenn J, Watzek C. The symptomatology with the most severe clinical course of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurol. 1979;222(2):119-29.

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Gerstenbrand F., Lorincz A, Ludin HP, Ringwald E. Langzeitbehandlung mit dem Imidazolinderivat DS 103-282. Nervenarzt. 1979;50:806-8. German.

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FGDB-0257.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J, Poewe W. The influence of Beta-adrenergic blocking agents on Parkinson's Syndrome [Abstract]. Can J Neurol Sci. 1979;6:79. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0258.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Mayr U. Tuberkulose. In: Lechner H, Scrinzi O, editors. Neurologische und Psychiatrische Symptome im Rahmen von Allgemeinerkrankungen in der täglichen Praxis. 13th Veldener Symposion; 1978 May 24; Velden, Austria. München: Werk Verlag Dr. E. Banaschewski; 1979. p. 65-74. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0259.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Diskopathien. In: Lechner H, Scrinzi O, editors. Möglichkeiten und Gefahren der Therapie in Neurologie und Psychiatrie in der täglichen Praxis. 14th Veldener Symposion; 1979 May 23; Velden, Austria. München-Gräfeling: Werk-Verlag Dr. Banaschewski; 1980. p. 74-82. German.

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FGDB-0260.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Draxler V, Sporn P, Gerstenbrand F., Watzek C. Das spinale Reflexgeschehen beim sogenannten "Hirntoten". In: Steinbereithner K, Bergmann H, editors. Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedizin. Berlin: Springer Verlag; c1979. p. 103-9. (Bergmann H, editor. Anaesthesiologie und Intensivmedzin; Vol. 129.). German.

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FGDB-0261.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Hengl W, Poewe W. Rehabilitation schwerster Hirnschäden. In: Schulze H, Poppe W, editors. Konzeption und Modelle der langfristigen Betreuung in der Nervenheilkunde: Ergebnisse des Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Neurologie der DDR; 1977 Oct 20-22. Leipzig: Hirzel. 1979. (Psychiatrie, Neurologie und medizinische Psychologie; Vol. 24) German.

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FGDB-0262.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Bandscheibenschaden ist noch keine Diagnose. Arztl Praxis. 1980;23(1/2):11-2 and Arztl Praxis. 1980;23(3):33-4. German.

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FGDB-0263.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Stampfet G. Focal EEG-changes associated with vasospasm after subarachnoidalhemorrhage. In: Wilkins RH, editor. Cerebral arterial spasm. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Cerebral Arterial spasm. 1979; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1980. p. 356-60. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0264.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hamdi T, Hengl W, Rumpl E. The apallic syndrome: symptomatology and prognosis. Iraqi J Neurol Psychiatr Neurosurg. 1980;2(3-4):7-11.

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FGDB-0265.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Neuropsychiatrische Symptome bei Hepatopathie und im hepatischen Koma. In: Reisner H, Schnaberth G, editors. Fortschritte der technischen Medizin in der neurologischen Diagnostik und Therapie. Gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und der Gesellschaft österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater; 1979 Oct 3-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Neurologische Universitätsklinik Eigenverlag; 1980. p. 531-4. German.

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FGDB-0266.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Rainer J, Schmutzhard E. Ernährungsschäden und neurologische Folgen in den Tropen. In: Reisner H, Schnaberth G, editors. Fortschritte der technischen Medizin in der neurologischen Diagnostik und Therapie. Gemeinsame Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und der Gesellschaft österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater; 1979 Oct 3-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Neurologische Universitätsklinik Eigenverlag; 1980. p. 551-4. German.

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FGDB-0267.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Mayr U, Poewe W. Infektiöse Hirn- und Hirnhauterkrankungen und deren Therapie. Osterr Apothekerz. 1980;34(9):149-57. German.

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FGDB-0268.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Die klinische Symptomatik des Hirntods. In: Gschnitzer F, Margreiter R, editors. Kongressbericht der 20th Tagung der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie; 1979 Jun 14-16; Innsbruck, Austria. Gräfelfing: Demeter Verlag; 1980. p. 328-33. German.

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FGDB-0269.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Scleroderma. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, editors. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Company; c1980. p. 355-78. (Klawans HL, editor. Neurological manifestations of systemic diseases; part 2; Vol. 39).

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FGDB-0270.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Lewit K. Brustwandschmerz infolge gestörter Brustwandfunktion. MMW. 1980;122(20):757-8. German.

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Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Hengl W. Involuntary motor phenomena in the locked-in syndrome. J Neurol. 1980;223:191-8.

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FGDB-0272.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Klinische Symptomatologie und Verlaufsformen der Wuterkrankung beim Menschen. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1980;130(13/14):463-7. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Infektiöse Hirn- und Hirnhauterkrankungen und deren Therapie. 1980. O Apothekerz. 1980;34:149ff. German.

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FGDB-0274.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A. Zur Klinik des Dekompressionstraumas bei Tauchunfällen. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchmedizin: Pathologie, Physiologie, Klinik, Prävention, Therapie. Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1978 Nov 17-18; Hannover, Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt. 1980. p. 144-53. (Tauchmedizin; Vol. 1). German.

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FGDB-0275.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E, Prugger M. Die apallische Symptomatik. In: Wieck HH, editor. Neurotraumatologie: Derzeitige Schwerpunkte. 8th internationales Symposium; 1979; Erlangen. Stuttgart: Thieme-Verlag; 1980. p. 235-9. German.

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FGDB-0276.pdf application/pdf

Gründig E, Gerstenbrand F. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von L-Dopa, Prodipin und Amantadin auf den Aminosäurespiegel von Serum und Liquor beim Parkinsonsyndrom. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1980;92(24):868-71. German.

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FGDB-0277.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Rumpl E, Prugger M. Langzeitbeobachtungen beim traumatischen apallischen Syndrom. In: Faust C, Müller E, editors. Die Prognose und Therapie des Schädel-Hirn Traumas. 18th Tagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Hirntraumatologie und Klinische Hirnpathologie; 1979. Stuttgart: Georg-Thieme-Verlag; 1980. p. 55-60. (Arbeit und Gesundheit; Vol. 94). German.

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FGDB-0278.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Erste Erfahrungen mit einem Met-Enkephalin-Analogon in der Behandlung choreatischer Syndrome. In: Mertens HG, Przuntek H, editors. Pathologische Erregbarkeit des Nervensystems und ihre Behandlung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. c1980. p. 409-11. (Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Vol. 1). German.

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FGDB-0279.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Das akute traumatische Mittelhirnsyndrom. Diagnose, Wertigkeit, prognostische Aussage. Ergebnisse der letzten 10 Jahre [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 20th Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1980 Jun 3-8; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1980. p. 46-7. German.

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FGDB-0280.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM. Elektroencephalographische und elektromyographische Korrelationen in den verschiedenen Phasen des Mittelhirnsyndroms [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 20th Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1980 Jun 3-8; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1980. p. 54. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0281.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A. Neurologische Komplikationen nach Tauchzwischenfällen [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 20th Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1980 Jun 3-8; Pula, Yugoslavia. Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1980. p. 68-70.

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FGDB-0282.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F. Cerebrovaskuläre Notfälle [Abstract]. In: Kurzreferate 12th Jahrestagung der Deutschen und Österreichischen Gesellschaft für internistische Intensivmedizin; 1980 Oct 16-18; Innsbruck, Austria. 1980. p. 82. German.

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FGDB-0283.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Differentialdiagnose des radikulären und pseudoradikulären Syndroms. In: Schmitt T, editor. Der Schmerz. 11th Kongress der Akademie für Allgemeinmedizin; 1980 Nov 20-23; Graz, Austria. Wien: Schmidt. 1980. p. 114-6.(Der praktische Arzt; 1980;35:114-16). German.

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FGDB-0284.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0284 Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Klinik der Mikrozirkulationsstörung des Gehirns. In: Breddin K, Gross D, Rotter W. Störungen der Mikrozirkulation: 16th Angiologisches Symposium in Kitzbühel. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; Jan 1981. p. 105-14. German.

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FGDB-0285.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Lewit K. Ätiologie und Therapie des Brustwandschmerzes infolge gestörter Brustwandfunktion. In: Struppler A, Gessler M, editors. Schmerzforschung Schmerzmessung Brustschmerz: Referate der Münchener Tagung der Gesellschaft zum Studium des Schmerzes für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz eV.; March 1981. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 1981. p. 229-33. German.

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FGDB-0286.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. New aspects in rehabilitation of patients in an apallic state. In: Lackenbauer F, Rehabilitation International, editors. 3rd European Regional Conference of Rehabilitation International: the handicapped person in society: proceedings; 1981 Apr 6-10; Vienna, Austria. Wien: AUVA Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt [Austrian Workers' Compensation Board]; 1981. p. 65-6. Printout vorhanden? Kein Scan verfügbar

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FGDB-0288.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Kombinierte therapeutische Methoden bei primären Hirntumoren [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 21st Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1981 Jun 16-21; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1981. p. 219-20. German

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Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM. Electroencephalographic-neurological correlations in the early stages of post-traumatic comatose states [Abstract]. In: Dietz H, Metzel E, Langmaid C, editors. Neurological Surgery: Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of Neurological Surgery; 1981 Jul 12-18; Munich. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1981. p. 476. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0290.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Der Dopplerechoflow als neue Screeningmethode der extrakraniellen Karotiserkrankung. Akt Neurol. 1981;8(2):62-8. German.

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FGDB-0291.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Ransmayr G. Clinical Experience with modified Met-Enkephalin in choreatic movement disorders [Abstract]. In: Nihon Shinkei Gakkai, WFN, editors. Abstracts of the 12th World Congress of Neurology; 1981 Sept 20-25; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1981. p. 65. (International congress series No. 548).

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FGDB-0292.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Ransmayr G. New experiences with MIF (PLG) in Parkinson's disease [Abstract]. In: Nihon Shinkei Gakkai, WFN, editors. Abstracts of the 12th World Congress of Neurology; 1981 Sept 20-25; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1981. p. 367. (International congress series No. 548).

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FGDB-0293.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Peptides and basal ganglia diseases. In: Katuski S, Tsubaki T, Toyokura Y, editors. Neurology. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of Neurology; 1981 Sept 20-25; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1982. p. 312-21. (Excerpta Medica international congress series; no. 568).

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FGDB-0294.pdf application/pdf

Barbeau A, Duvoisin RC, Gerstenbrand F., Lakke PWF, Marsden CD, Stern G. Classification of extrapyramidal disorders. J Neurol Sci. 1981;51:311-27.

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FGDB-0295.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Rumpl E. Verwendung der Betablocker beim traumatischen apallischen Syndrom. Psychiatr Neurol Med Psychol. 1981;33:657-63. German.

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FGDB-0296.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E, Moser G. Zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen Extremitätenmißbildung und Neurotom [The relationship between malformations of extremities and segmental neurotomes]. Nervenarzt; 1981(52):46-53. German.

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FGDB-0297.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Phantom illusions in spinal cord lesions. In: Siegfried J, Zimmermann M, editors. Phantom and Stump Pain. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1981. p. 66-73.

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FGDB-0298.pdf application/pdf

Klingler D, Kepplinger B, Gerstenbrand F., Heinisch W. Die epidurale spinale Elektrostimulation (ESES) bei chronischen Schmerzzuständen und zentralen motorischen Störungen. Wien Klin Wschr. 1981;93(22):688-95. German.

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FGDB-0299.pdf application/pdf

Klingler D, Gerstenbrand F., Hesse R, Necek S. Wertigkeit des zerebralen Perfusionsdruckes für die kontinuierliche zerebrale Überwachung. Nervenarzt. 1981;52:74-8. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Klingler D, Hamdi T, Schepper H. Essential Tremor: Symptomatology and Modern Treatment. J Fac Med Baghdad. 1981;23(4):363-71.

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FGDB-0301.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. New developments in the therapy of Parkinson's syndrome. (Nuovi sviluppi nella terapia della sindrome parkinsoniana) TB-today. 1981;8:59-67. English, Italian.

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FGDB-0302.pdf application/pdf

Tilscher H, Wessely P, Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungsbericht über 10 Jahre Neuro-Orthopädische Ambulanz. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1981;93(12):376-80. German.

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FGDB-0303.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J, Schmutzhard E. Zur Klinik neurologischer Komplikationen bei Fehlernährung. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1981;3:33-40. German.

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FGDB-0304.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Mayr U, Poewe W. Infektiöse Hirn- und Hirnhauterkrankungen und deren Therapie. Deutsche Apothekerzeitung. 1981;121(20):1010-7. German.

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E. Rumpl, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Rosmanith P, Aichner F. Treatment of Guillian-Barre-syndrome by plasma-exchange. J Neurol. 1981;225:207-17.

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Vogl G, Gerstenbrand F., Dumphard H. Eine modifizierte Methode zur atraumatischen Messung der regionalen Hirndurchblutung (rCBF) mit der Gamma-Kamera. NucCompact. 1981;12:282-4. German.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Aufgabe der ambulanten Nachbehandlung des Schädel-Hirn-Traumas beim Kind [Purpose of out-patient after-care following head injuries]. Z Kinderchirurgie. 1981;Suppl 33:266-71. English, German.

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FGDB-0308.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Kopfschmerzen als Spätsymptom nach Peitschenschlagtrauma der Halswirbelsäule, neuroorthopädische Aspekte. In: Gross D, Frey R, editors. Kopfschmerz: Differentialdiagnose und Therapie. Stuttgart: Gustav-Fischer Verlag. 1981. p. 264-73. (Schmerzstudien; Vol. 5). German.

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FGDB-0309.pdf application/pdf

Aichern F, Gerstenbrand F. Klinische Relevanz des Doppler-Echoflowscan. In: Lechner H, editor. Fortschritte in Pathophysiologie und Therapie cerebraler Gefäßerkrankungen. Symposium der Süd-Ost-Europäischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und Psychiatrie; 1982 May 13-15; Budapest, Hungary. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica. 1982. p. 41-6. German.

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FGDB-0310.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Die neurologische Analyse des Krebsschmerzes. In: Zimmermann M, editor. 7th Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft zum Studium des Schmerzes für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz e.V., Internationaler Kongress Krebsschmerz; 1982 May 20-23; Heidelberg, Germany. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1982. p. 5-6. (Anaesthesist; Vol. 31). German.

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FGDB-0311.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Posttraumatische dementielle Syndrome [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 22nd International Neuropsychiatric Congress; 1982 Jun 8-13; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1982. [1 p German].

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FGDB-0312.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Stralkowsky E. Zur Differentialdiagnose der Frontalhirnsyndrome und der organischen Demenz [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Dementia Syndromes. Abstracts 22nd International Neuropsychiatric Congress; 1982 Jun 8-13; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1982. p. 61. German.

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FGDB-0313.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Ransmayr G. Premorbid personality traits of Parkinson's disease [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on Parkinson's disease; 1982 Jun 27-30; Frankfurt a.M., Germany. New York: Raven press. 1982. p. 36.

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FGDB-0314.pdf application/pdf

Vogl F, Gerstenbrand F. Die Abschätzung des Verteilungskoeffizienten durch kombinierte Untersuchung mit zwei unabhängigen Methoden. In: Schmidt HAE, Rösler H, editors. Computer assisted functional analysis [Computergestützte funktionelle Analyse]. 19th Internationale Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Nuclearmedizin; 1981 Sept 8-11; Bern, Switzerland. Stuttgart: Schattauer; 1982. p. 575-7. (Nuklearmedizin; Vol. 19) German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0315.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Posttraumatic frontal lobe syndromes. Lecture presented at the 1st Viennese Workshop of the International College of Surgeons Austrian section; 1982 Oct 3-10; Vienna, Austria. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0316.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Prugger M. Zur Wertigkeit des Blinkreflexes im posttraumatischen Koma. In: Struppler A, editor. Elektrophysiologische Diagnostik in der Neurologie. Arbeitstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 1981 Oct 15-17; München, Germany. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag. 1982. p. 248-9. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Homma H. Der Wert der Echoflow-Scan-Untersuchung der Karotis im Vergleich zur Angiographie. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1982;132(9):197-200. German.

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FGDB-0318.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Wutkrankheit beim Menschen. In: Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E, editors. Aktuelle Probleme der Tollwut: Tollwutsymposium; 1979 Jan 25-26; Innsbruck, Austria. Wien: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz. 1982. p.28-42. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Klingler D, Poewe W. Therapie des essentiellen Tremors unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verwendung von Beta-Blockern. Nervenarzt. 1982;53:435-42. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Willeit J, Mayr U. Zur Entstehung cerebraler Tuberkulome während der Behandlung einer tuberkulösen Meningoencephalitis. Akt Neurologie. 1982;9(4):135-8. German.

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FGDB-0321.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Schmutzhard E. Cerebral Malaria: A neurological report of 49 patients. Neurologia et Psychiatria. 1982;4:15-21.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Intensivtherapie bei Schlangenbißverletzungen. Acta Med Austriaca. 1982;9:113. German.

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FGDB-0323.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Klingler D, Pfeiffer B. Der essentielle Tremor, Phänomenologie und Epidemiologie. Nervenarzt 1982;53:46-53. German.

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Zechmann W, Vogl G, Oberladstätter M, Riccabona G, Gerstenbrand F. Ein neuer Kollimator zur rCBF-Messung mit der Gamma-Kamera. In: Höfer R, Bergmann H, editors. Gasteiner Internationales Symposium 1982; Gastein, Austria. Vienna: Verlag Egermann; c1982. p. 107-15. (Radioaktive Isotope in Klinik und Forschung; Vol. 15) German.

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FGDB-0325.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Seltene motorische Primitivschablonen des Oralsinnes. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1982;94(5):120-4. German.

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FGDB-0326.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Rainer J, Schmutzhard E. Klinik und Therapie der Schlangenbißverletzungen. In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, editor. Lecture presented at the 14th Meeting; 1981 Nov 13-14; Vienna. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1982;4:21-5. German.

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FGDB-0327.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Pakomius S, Schmutzhard E. Die Behandlung von Schlangenbissen unter Einbeziehung der ostafrikanischen Naturmedizin. In: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie, editor. Lecture presented at the 14th Meeting; 1981 Nov 13-14; Vienna. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1982;4:27-31. German.

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FGDB-0328.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Gerstenbrand F. Zum Problem der Raumorientierungsstörung bei Läsion der unterwertigen Hemisphäre. Neuropsychiatr Clin. 1982;1:3-14. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Prugger M. Some Observations on the Blink Reflex in Posttraumatic Coma. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1982;54:406-17.

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FGDB-0330.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Traumi encefalici gravi: quadro clinico, evoluzione e trattamento. In: Angelini C, Berti T, editors. Medicina in montagna. Padova: Cleup. 1982. p. 37-43. Italian.

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Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. New trends in the therapy of Parkinson’s syndrome. In: Agnoli A, Bertolani G, editors. Estratto dagli atti della 8th riunione di lega italiana per la lotta contro il morbo di Parkinson e le malattie extrapiramidali; 1981 Oct 31; Roma, Italy. Rome: D Guanella. 1982. p. 171-88.

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FGDB-0332.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Erfahrungen mit dem Dopaminomimetikum CU 32-085 in der Therapie des Parkinson-Syndroms. Neuropsychiatr Clin. 1982;1:117-23. German.

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FGDB-0333.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Überträgermechanismen des Schmerzes. In: Lechner H, editor. Proceedings of the Headache Classification Meeting; 1982 Dec 4; Graz, Austria. Wien: Neurologia et Psychiatria. 1982;5 Suppl 1:12-6. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Primitive motor patterns and stereotyped movements. A comparison of findings in early childhood and in the apallic syndrome. Int J Neurol. 1982-1983;16-17: 21-9.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Ischialgie. In: Lechner H, Scrinzi O, editors. Der Notfall. 17. Veldener Symposion; 1982 May 19; Velden, Austria. München: Gräfelfing Werk Verlag Dr. Banaschewski. 1983. p. 48-52. German.

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Berger M, Gerstenband F, Ransmayr G. Pathophysiologie des Schmerzes. WMW. 1983;1:2-5. German.

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FGDB-0337.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Diagnose und Therapie schwerer Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen. In: Schnaberth G, Pateisky K, editors. Fortschritte der Klinischen Neurologie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag; 1983. p. 113-23. German.

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FGDB-0338.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Pallua A, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F. Die computertomographische Diagnose der parietalen Grenzzoneninfarkte. Rev Roum Med Neurol Psychiatr. 1983;21:142-4. German. [Ausdruck fehlt].

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FGDB-0339.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0339 Gerstenbrand F., Lücking CH. Das traumatische Mittelhirn- und Bulbärhirnsyndrom. In: Hopf HC, Poeck K, Schliack H, editors. Neurologie in Praxis und Klinik. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1983. p. 344-56. (Hopf HC, Poeck K, Schliack H, editors. Zerebrale und spinale Lokalisationslehre, zerebrale und spinale Zirkulationsstörungen, traumatische Schädigung des Nervensystems, Kopf- und Gesichtsschmerzen, Koma, extrapyramidale Krankheiten, Missbildungen und frühkindliche Schäden des Nervensystems einschließlich Hydrozephalus; Vol. 1). German.

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FGDB-0340.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A. Jopamidol, ein nichtionisches Röntgenkontrastmittel - Verträglichkeit aus der Sicht des Neurologen. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1983;95(2):56-8. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Das postcommotionelle Syndrom. Forschung und Praxis der Begutachtung. 1983;24:35-42. German.

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Gründig E, Mayer W, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Biosynthese von Aminosäuren aus Glucose im Zentralnervensystem beim Parkinsonsyndrom. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr. 1983;233:397-408. German.

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Rumpl E, Prugger M, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Pallua A. Incidence and prognostic value of spindles in post-traumatic coma. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1983;56:420-9.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. NMR-Tomographie beim Locked-in-Syndrom - Fallbericht. Neuropsychiatr. Clin. 1983;2:153-9. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F. Carotid evaluation by real time B-mode imaging, Doppler Technique and frequency analysis. Lecture presented at the 6th annual meeting of the American Society of Neuroimaging; 1983 Jan 30-Feb 3; Arizona, USA. 1983. 4 p.

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FGDB-0346.pdf application/pdf

Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F. Das Locked-in Syndrom: Pseudocoma bei pontinem Querschnitt. In: Neumärker KJ, editor. Hirnstammläsionen. Neurologische, psychopathologische, morphologische und computertomographische Aspekte. Leipzig: S. Hirzel Verlag; 1983. p. 139-145. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Das prolongierte Mittelhirnsyndrom traumatischer Genese. In: Neumärker KJ, editor. Hirnstammläsionen. Neurologische, psychopathologische, morphologische und computertomographische Aspekte. Leipzig: S. Hirzel Verlag; 1983. p. 236-248. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Cerebral Malaria. Burma Med J. 1983;29(2):95-103.

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FGDB-0349.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Zerebrale Malaria - Epidemiologie, Pathologie, Klinik, Therapie. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1983;5:115-21. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Pakomius S, Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of Snakebites in a remote rural hospital in East Africa. Burma Med J. 1983;29(2):126-31.

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FGDB-0351.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Prugger M, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Pallua A. Central somatosensory conduction time and short latency somatosensory evoked potentials in post-traumatic coma. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1983;56:583-96.

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Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G, Plörer S. Premorbid Personality of Parkinson Patients. J Neural Transm. 1983;Suppl 19:215-24.

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Gerstenbrand F. Introduction. In: Gerstenbrand F., Wayner MJ, Poewe W, editors. Meeting Report – International Workshop on the Limbic System; 1981 May 15-18; Innsbruck, Austria. New York: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 1983;7(3):365.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Aichner F, Saltuari L. Klüver-Bucy syndrome in man: experiences with posttraumatic cases. In: Gerstenbrand F., Wayner MJ, Poewe W, editors. Meeting Report – International Workshop on the Limbic System; 1981 May 15-18; Innsbruck, Austria. New York: Neuroscience36essentiel & Behavioral Reviews. 1983;7(3):413-7.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Klingler D. Therapeutic efficacy of beta-adrenergic blocking agents in Parkinson tremor. In: Yahr M, editor. Current Concepts of Parkinson's Disease and related disorders – a symposium; 1981 Sept 23; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica. 1983. p. 112-23.

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Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Klinische Manifestationstypen des Parkinson-Syndroms. Neuropsychiatr Clin .1983;2:223–7. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Plörer S, Fleischhacker W, Mayr U. Psychopathologische und neuropsychodiagnostische Befunde bei frontalen Hirntumoren - Korrelation zur Lokalisation und Histologie. Neuropsychiatr Clinica 1983;2:235-43. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G, Poewe W. Deprenyl (selegiline) in combination treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Acta Neurol Scand. 1983;Suppl 95:123-6.

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0359 Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Indikation zur Intensivtherapie in der Neurotraumatologie [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 23rd Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1983 May 31-Jun 5; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1983. p. 101-3. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0361 Hackl JM, Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Prugger M. Der prognostische Wert von Blinkreflex Untersuchungen im akuten und prolongierten traumatischen Mittelhirnsyndrom [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 23rd Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1983 May 31-Jun 5; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1983. p. 136. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0362 Rumpl E, Prugger M, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Pallua A. Die Häufigkeit und prognostischer Wert der Spinalaktivität im EEG beim akuten und prolongierten traumatischen Mittelhirnsyndrom [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 23rd Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1983 May 31-Jun 5; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1983. p. 138-9. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0363 Prugger M, Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Pallua A. Zentrale somatosensorische Leitungszeit und frühe somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale im akuten und prolongierten traumatischen Mittelhirnsyndrom [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 23rd Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1983 May 31-Jun 5; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1983. p. 145-6. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0364 Poewe W, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungen mit Budipin in der Therapie des Parkinson Syndroms. In: Gänshirt H, editor. Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Therapie des Parkinsonismus. 13th Zentraleuropäisches Neurologisches Symposion; 1983 Jun 23-25; Heidelberg, Germany., Basel: Edition Roche; 1983. p. 309-16. German.

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FGDB-0360.pdf application/pdf

Moncayo R, Schwarz S, Gerstenbrand F., Prugger M, Rumpl E. Neue Aspekte in der Therapie von Stoffwechselentgleisung bei Patienten im apallischen Syndrom [Abstract]. In: Grinschgl G, editor. Abstracts 23rd Internationales Neuropsychiatrisches Symposium; 1983 May 31-Jun 5; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der Neuropsychiatrischen Symposien; 1983. p. 133-4. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0365.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Ransmayr G. Melanozyteninhibierender Faktor in der Therapie des Parkinsonismus. In: Gänshirt H, editor. Pathophysiologie, Klinik und Therapie des Parkinsonismus. 13th Zentraleuropäisches Neurologisches Symposion; 1983 Jun 23-25; Heidelberg, Germany. Basel: Edition Roche; 1983. p. 317-22. German.

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FGDB-0366.pdf application/pdf

Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F. Jeden Epileptiker regelmäßig untersuchen. Neurologische Untersuchung der anfallskranken Patienten. Arztl Praxis. 1983;35(83):2491-3. German.

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Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Plörer S. Psychopathology and psychodiagnostic findings in patients with frontal lobe tumors. In: Society of Austrian Neurologists and Psychiatrists, editor. Abstracts 7th World Congress of Psychiatry; 1983 Jul 11–16; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. 1983. 598 p.

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FGDB-0368.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A. Psychische Probleme beim Tauchen. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchmedizin. 2nd Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1981 Oct 23-24; Hannover Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft; 1983. p. 127-32. (Tauchmedizin. Erste Hilfe und Transport bei Tauchunfällen, Tauchtauglichkeit, Psychische Probleme, Atmung. Vol. 2). German.

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FGDB-0369.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A. Die Angst beim Tauchen. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchmedizin. 2nd Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1981 Oct 23-24; Hannover Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft; 1983. p. 153-8. (Tauchmedizin. Erste Hilfe und Transport bei Tauchunfällen, Tauchtauglichkeit, Psychische Probleme, Atmung. Vol. 2). German.

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FGDB-0370.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Ransmayr G. The Clinical Spectrum of Parkinson's disease. In: Echini A, Nappy G, Arrigo A, editors. Cerebral Pathology in old Age. International Multidisciplinary Seminar Neuroradiological and neurophysiological correlations; 1982 Sept 27-28; Pavia, Italy. 2nd ed. Pavia, Italy: EMIRAS Edizioni, 1983. p. 31-3.

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Fioravanti M, Buckley AE, Agnoli A, Nappi G, Arrigo A, Gerstenbrand F. Citicoline in CCVD patients; preliminary results of a multicenter study. In: Echini A, Nappy G, Arrigo A, editors. Cerebral Pathology in old Age. International Multidisciplinary Seminar Neuroradiological and neurophysiological correlations; 1982 Sept 27-28; Pavia, Italy. 2nd ed. Pavia, Italy: EMIRAS Edizioni, 1983. p. 343-8.

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Willeit J, Pallua A, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F. Die computertomographische Diagnose der parietalen Grenzzoneninfarkte. In: Voiculescu V, Petrescu A, editors. Proceedings of the 15th Danubian Symposium on Neurological Sciences and 6th Symposium of Neuropathology; 1982 Sept 30 –Oct 2; Bucharest, Romania. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania. 1983. p. 142-4. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Benke T. Clinical Symptoms and Diagnosis of the unilateral Neglect Syndrome. Rev Roum Neurol Psychiatr. 1983;21(3):147-50.

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Benke T, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical Aspects of the Parietal Lobe Syndrome of the dominant and nondominant hemisphere. Rev Roum Neurol Psychiatr. 1983;21(3): [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0375.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Zur Klinik und zum Verlauf von Narkoseschäden des zentralen Nervensystems. In: Seitz D, Vogl B, Engelhardt P, editors. Hämoblastosen, zentrale Motorik, latrogene Schäden, Myositiden. 56th Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 1982 Oct 14-16; Hamburg, Germany. Berlin: Springer; 1983. p. 206-17. (Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; Vol. 2). German.

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FGDB-0376.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L. Organization of a rehabilitation center for patients in coma after serious cranial cerebral trauma. In: Atti dell’ 1st Convegno Internazionale sulla Riabilitazione del Traumatizzato Cranico in coma svoltosi Associazione per la Riabilitazione dei Comatosi (ARICO); Nov 18-20 1983; Milano, Italy. Milano: ARICO Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi; 1983. p. 105-7. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F. Die Polyneuropathien, metabolischer und entzündlicher Ätiologie, Einführung. In: Gerstenbrand F., Mamoli B, editors. Metabolische und entzündliche Polyneuropathien. Berlin: Springer; 1984. p. 1-2. German.

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Aichner F, Fritsch P, Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Periphere Neuropathie bei progressiver systemischer Sklerodermie (PSS). In: Gerstenbrand F., Mamoli B, editors. Metabolische und entzündliche Polyneuropathien. Berlin: Springer; 1984. p. 205-8. German.

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Rumpl E, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Mayr U. Plasmaaustauschbehandlung des Guillain-Barré-Syndroms. In: Gerstenbrand F., Mamoli B, editors. Metabolische und entzündliche Polyneuropathien. Berlin: Springer; 1984. p. 307-9. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Symptomatik bei 79 Lepra-Patienten in Tanzania. Nervenarzt. 1984;55:637-9. German.

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Ransmayr G, Plörer S, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of mild cerebrovascular dementia. In: Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum, editor. Book of Abstracts. 14th C.I.N.P. Congress, 1984 Jun 19-23; Florence, Italy. Abano Terme: Fidia Research – Biomedical Information. 1984. p. 979.

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Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Vogl G. Non-invasive new techniques in neurological diagnosis. In: Agnoli A, De Marinis M, editors. Tecnologie non invasive nella diagnostica neurologica. Rome: CIC Edizioni Internazionali; 1984. p. 11-8. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Analysis of Cancer Pain by the Neurologist. Recent Results in Cancer Research. 1984;89:79-84.

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FGDB-0384.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Mitterschiffthaler G, Poewe W, Prugger M, Rumpl E. Die Innsbrucker Koma-Skala: Klinisches Koma-Monitoring. Methodik und Ergebnisse bei 102 Patienten einer neurologischen Intensivpflegestation. Intensivbehandlung. 1984;9(4):133-44. German.

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FGDB-0385.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Cerebral malaria in Tanzania. Its epidemiology, clinical symptoms and neurological long term sequelae in the light of 66 cases. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1984;78:351-3.

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Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Schwere Form einer Malabsorption mit Kwashiorkor-Encephalopathie bei einer abdominellen Form des Burkitt-Tumors. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1984;6:137-42. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Störungen der Thermoregulation beim Parkinson-Syndrom. In: Fischer PA, editor. Vegetativstörungen beim Parkinson-Syndrom: 4th Frankfurter Parkinson-Symposion; 1984 Feb 17-18, Frankfurt, Germany. Basel: Edition Roche. 1984. p. 119-29. German.

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Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Birbamer G. Primi risultati sostenuti esaminando pazienti in sindrome post apallica e Locked-in, trami et metodi NMR. Milano: ARICO Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi; 1984;2(2). Italian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0389.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Aspekte der Rehabilitation. Lecture presented 1984 May 2-3; Pöchlarn, Austria. 1984. [7 p. German.]

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FGDB-0390.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Ransmayr G. Neurorehabilitation. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1984;7(Suppl 1):600.

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FGDB-0391.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Rosmanith T, Aichner F. Plasmapherese bei Guillain-Barré-Syndrom. In: Gänshirt H et al, editors. Akute entzündliche Erkrankungen des Zentralnerven-systems und seiner Hüllen. Erlangen: Perimed-Verlag. 1984. p. 311-4. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Huk W, Pallua A. Ergebnisse und Kasuistik: NMR Tomographie in der Diagnostik der Syringohydromyelie. Ergebnisse und Kasuistik. Nervenarzt. 1984;55:324-7. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Hengl W. Abbauprozesse nach einem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. In: Lechner H, Ladurner G, Ott E, editors. Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie cerebraler Abbauprozesse. Erlangen: Perimed-Verlag. 1984. p. 54-8. German.

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0394 Gerstenbrand F., Noever K, Aichner F. Identification of pathological conditions of the CNS by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [Abstract]. In: Abstracts Kongress für CT; 1984 May 23-25, Berlin, DDR. 1984. p. 109. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0395 Vogl G, Fill H, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. SPECT mit 123-i-Amphetamin zur Bestimmung regionaler cerebraler Funktion im morphologisch intakten Gehirn [Abstract]. In: Abstract, Kongress für CT, Berlin (DDR) 1984 May 23-25, Berlin, DDR. 1984. p. 110-1. German. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0396 Aichner F, Willeit J, Birbamer G, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain-Stem and Spinal Cord. Its present Potentials and Limitations [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 12th congress of the European Society of Neuroradiology; 1984 Sept 27-29; Prague. 1984. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt] | 0397 FGDB-0397 Fill H, Vogl G, Zechmann W, Gerstenbrand F., Riccabona G. SPECT with 123-i-Amphetamine as a diagnostic aid for neurological disease. In: Höfer R, Bergmann H, editors. Radioaktive Isotope in Klinik und Forschung; Vol. 16. Wien: Egermann Verlag. 1984. p. 585-9. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Willeit J, Poewe W. Klinische Erfahrungen mit Tizanidin. In: Conrad B, Benecke R, Bauer HJ, editors. Die klinische Wertung der Spastizität. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1984. p. 191-9. German.

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FGDB-0399.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E, Binder H. Die Rolle des Neurologen im Team einer Intensivstation. In: Steinbereithner K, Bergmann H, editors. Intensivstation - Intensivpflege - Intensivtherapie. 2nd ed. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1984. p. 444-57. German.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Lewit K. Schmerz und Bewegungssystem. Band 6: Funktionsstörungen des Bewegungssystems. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1984. 350 p. (Schmerzstudien; Vol. 6.) German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0401.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Differentialdiagnose des radikulären und pseudoradikulären Syndroms. In: Steinbereithner K, Bergmann H, editors. Moderne Schmerzbehandlung: interdisziplinäres Symposium; 1983 Oct 21-22; Linz, Austria. Wien: Maudrich; 1984. p. 73-9. (Beiträge zur Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Vol. 7). German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Der bewußtlose Patient - neurologische Akutsituationen. In: Bergmann H, editor. Notfallmedizin für die Praxis: Kongress für ärztliche Fortbildung Medizinische Gesellschaft für Oberösterreich; 1983 Jun 30-Jul 1; Linz, Austria. Wien: Maudrich; 1984. p. 166-73. (Beiträge zur Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Vol. 9). German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Berger M, Vogl G. New techniques in the study of headache. In: Pfaffenrath V, editor. Updating in headache. Proceedings of the 1st International Headache Congress; 1983 Sept 14-16; Munich, Germany. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1985. p. 63-8.

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Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Pallua A. Tauchunfälle. In: Lechner H, Scrinzi O, editors. Umweltbedingte neurologische und psychische Erkrankungen. 19th Veldener Symposium; 1984 May 30; Velden, Austria. München: Werk-Verlag Dr. E. Banaschewski. 1985. p. 27-32. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Pallua A. Tauchunfälle. Was tun bei einem Lungenriß? Arztl Prax. 1985;37(11):348-50. German.

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Aichner F, Willeit J, Birbamer G, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F. Die Kernspintomographie (Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie, MRT) bei Prozessen im Bereiche des Foramen occipitale magnum. Act Neurol. 1985(12):1-5. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Klingler D. Zur Phänomenologie der Chorea Huntington, Analyse einer Großfamilie. Wiener Klin Wschr. 1985;97(10):464-8. German.

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Ransmayr G, Aichner F, Homma H, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Über den Wert von Palpation und Auskultation bei Stenosen und Verschlüssen der Carotiden. Nervenarzt. 1985;56:566-9. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Greif N, Mayr U, Noever K, Reuther G. Identification of various pathological conditions of the CNS by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. In: Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic V, Aichner F, editors. Neuroimaging. Proceedings of the 1st International symposium of Neuroimaging; 1983 Jun 22-25; Innsbruck, Austria. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1985. p. 15-27. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Homma H, Vogl G, Willeit J. Carotid Evaluation by Doppler Echoflow Scan, Frequency Analysis and Duplex Scan. In: Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic V, Aichner F, editors. Neuroimaging. Proceedings of the 1st International symposium of Neuroimaging; 1983 Jun 22-25; Innsbruck, Austria. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1985. p. 261-9. German.

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Aichner F, Poewe W, Rogalsky W, Wallnöfer K, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic Resonance imaging in the diagnosis of spinal cord disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1985;48:1120-9.

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Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J. Zur Epidemiologie der Malaria in Ostafrika. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1985;7:235-41. German.

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Poewe W, Ransmayr G, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Neuropharmacology of Meige-Syndrome. A clinical study. Lecture presented at the 3rd European Workshop on Clinical Neuropharmacology; 1985 Apr 18-21; Roma, Italy. [Ausdruck fehlt]. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G, Poewe W. (-)-Deprenyl (JUMEX) in the combination therapy of parkinsonism. In: Marton J, Zak F, Szebeni R, editors. Proceedings of the International Symposium on (-)-Deprenyl (Jumex); 1982 May 5-8; Szombathely, Hungary. Budapest: Chinoin Pharmaceutical and Chemical Works. 1985. p. 77-8.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Willeit J, Twerdy K, Weiser G, Wallnöver K, Rogalsky W. MR and CT imaging in various diseases of the brainstem and spinal cord [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 1-5; Hamburg, Germany. J Neurol. 1985;232(1)Suppl:6.

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Ransmayr G, Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F., Golser K, Bauer G. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of mild cerebral dysfunction in elder patients [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 1-5; Hamburg, Germany. J Neurol. 1985;232(1)Suppl:12.

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Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Plörer S. Disturbance of behavior as residual symptomatology after severe head injury [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 1-5; Hamburg, Germany. J Neurol. 1985;232(1)Suppl:14. 

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Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Vogl G. The human Klüver-Bucy-Syndrome: a clinical study of 60 patients [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 1-5; Hamburg, Germany. J Neurol. 1985;232(1)Suppl:174.

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Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J. Neurological long-term sequelae of cerebral Malaria [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 1-5; Hamburg, Germany. J Neurol. 1985;232(1)Suppl:217.

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FGDB-0420.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G, Willeit J. Neurorehabilitation. In: Bignami A, Bloom EE, Bolis CI, Adelove A, editors. Central nervous system plasticity and repair. New York: Raven Press. 1985. p. 173-7.

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FGDB-0421.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Willeit J, Twerdy K, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. MR-Myelographie - Methode der Wahl in der Diagnostik von Rückenmarksprozessen. Lecture held at the 18th Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1985 Oct 17-19; Innsbruck, Austria. Der Spitalarzt. 1985. German. [Datum und Ausdruck fehlt];

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FGDB-0422.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Plörer S. Psychopathology and psychodiagnostic findings in patients with frontal lobe tumours. In: Pichot P, Berner P, Wolf R, Thau K, editors. Psychiatry - the state of the art. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Psychiatry; 1983 Jul 11–16; Vienna, Austria. New York: Plenum Press. 1985. p. 711-6. (Psychiatry – the state of the art; Vol. 1; Clinical Psychopathology Nomenclature and Classification). [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0423.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Aichner F, Homma H, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Die physikalische Untersuchung der A. carotis. Nervenarzt. 1985;54:566-9. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0424.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Current trends in the drug therapy of Parkinson syndrome. In: V. Zappia et al, editors. Novel Biochemical, Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects of Cytidinediphosphocholine. Proceedings of the International Meeting on Novel Biochemical, Pharmacological and Clinical Aspects of Cytidinediphosphocholine; 1984 Jun 12-14; Sorrento, Italy. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Co. 1985. p. 347-57.

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Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F., Schmutzhard E. Drogenprobleme bei den Massai. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1985;7:183-9. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Prugger M, Rumpl E, Stampfet G. The clinical picture of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). In: Voth D, Giees P, de Gruyter W, editors. Cerebral Vascular Spasm. 3rd Mainzer Herbsttagung; 1983 Oct 6-8; Mainz, Germany. Berlin: de Gruyter. 1985. p. 193-200.

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Apallisches Syndrom. In: Hornbostel H, Kaufmann W, Siegenthaler W, editors. Innere Medizin in Praxis und Klinik. 3rd ed. Vol. 2. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1985. p. 757-9. German.

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Rumpl E, Nenn R, Prugger M, Hackl JM, Gerstenbrand F. Zerebrale Fettembolie mit Langzeitüberleben. SSEPT, FAEP, Blink-, Masseter-Reflex Untersuchungen. Histopathologische Befunde. In: Gänshirt H, Beritt P, Haak G, editors. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. Vol. 3; Kardio-vaskuläre Erkrankungen und Nervensystem - Neurotoxikologie - Probleme des Hirntodes. Berlin: Springer; c1985. p. 608-12. German.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Die wichtigsten Engpaßsyndrome der oberen Extremitäten aus neuroorthopädischer Sicht. In: Der Anaesthesist. 1985;34(13): German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Das klinische Bild schwerer Schädel- und Hirntraumen in der Akutphase. Intensivbehandlung. 1985;10(3):85-91. German.

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Rumpl G, Gerstenbrand F. Verlaufsformen schwerer Schädel-Hirn-Traumen. Intensivbehandlung. 1985;10(3):92-9. German.

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FGDB-0432.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schmutzhard E. Herpes simplex encephalitis. Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie. In: Barac G, Stockdorph D, editors. Proceedings 25th International Neuropsychiatric Gerald-Grinschgl-Symposium; 1985 Jun 3-9; Pula, Yugoslavia. Pula: Kuratorium der 25th Internationalen Neuropsychiatrischen Gerald-Grinschgl-Symposien. 1985. p. 27-9. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Schmutzhard E, Dierich MP, Gerstenbrand F., Kunz C, Pohl P, Stanek G, Wimmer PP. Zur Epidemiologie der durch Zecken übertragenen neurologischen Krankheiten in Tirol. Neuropsychiatr. 1985;1(1):18-23. German.

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Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Clinical experience with Budipine in Parkinsonian therapy. In: Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W, Stern G, editors. Clinical Experiences with Budipine in Parkinson Therapy. Heidelberg: Springer. 1985. p. 122-7.

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Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F., H.E. Lehmann, Saltuari L, Stralkowski E. Eine spezielle Flimmerverschmelzungsfrequenz-Methode zur Erfassung von Gerontopharmaka-Wirkungen am Beispiel einer L-Eburnamonine-Studie [Abstract]. Psychiat Neurol med Psychol. 1985;37(11):635-42. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Willeit J, Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Mayr U, Weber F, Gerstenbrand F. CT and MR Imaging in Neuro-Behcet disease. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1986;10(2):313-5.

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Birbamer G, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Therapeutic experiences with an abeorphine derivative in Parkinson's disease. Adv Neurol. 1986;45:591-2.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Klinische Klassifikation des Parkinson-Syndroms – Subtypen und Übergänge zu Multi-System-Atrophien. In: Schnaberth G, Auff E, editors. Das Parkinson-Syndrom. Klinik, Neuropathophysiologie, Therapie - klinische Schwerpunkte. Symposion; 1985 Mar 7-9; Wien, Austria. Basel: Editiones Roche. 1986. p. 39-46. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Klingler D, Poewe W, Schnaberth G. Präsentation eines Dokumentationsbogens für Parkinsonkranke der österreichischen Parkinsongesellschaft. In: Schnaberth G, Auff E, editors. Das Parkinson-Syndrom: Klinik, Neuropathophysiologie, Therapie - klinische Schwerpunkte. Symposion; 1985 Mar 7-9; Wien, Austria. Basel: Editiones Roche. 1986. p. 153-170. German.

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Birbamer G, Ransmayr G, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungen mit einem Apomorphinderivat in der Parkinsontherapie. In: Schnaberth G, editor. Das Parkinson Syndrom - Klinik, Neuropathophysiologie, Therapie - klinische Schwerpunkte. Symposion; 1985 Mar 7-9; Wien, Austria. Basel: Editiones Roche. 1986. p. 255-6. German.

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Aichner F, Poewe W, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Erfahrungen mit dem Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) beim Parkinson-Syndrom. In: Schnaberth G, Auff E, editors. Das Parkinson-Syndrom: Klinik, Neuropathophysiologie, Therapie - klinische Schwerpunkte. Symposion; 1985 Mar 7-9; Wien, Austria. Basel: Editiones Roche. 1986. p. 385-8. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Frühe Rehabilitation an Intensivstationen. In: Scherzer E, editor. Schlußbericht der Ersten Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuro-Rehabilitation; 1985 Nov 22; Wien, Austria. Wien, Austria: AUVA. 1986. p. 85-70. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Aichner F, Willeit J, Schmutzhard E, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Twerdy K. The impact of magnetic resonance imaging on the management of spinal cord tumors. In: Reisner T, Binder H, Deisenhammer E, editor. Advances in neuroimaging. 2nd International congress for clinical neuroimaging; 1986 Jun 5-7; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag der Wiener Medizinischen Akademie. 1986. p. 189-92.

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Dierckx RA, Aichner F, Homma H, Gerstenbrand F. Transcranial Doppler sonography in cerebrovascular disease: on our experience in 53 cases. In: Reisner T, Binder H, Deisenhammer E, editor. Advances in neuroimaging. 2nd International congress for clinical neuroimaging; 1986 Jun 5-7; Wien, Austria. Wien: Verlag der Wiener Medizinischen Akademie. 1986. p. 306.

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FGDB-0445ESP.pdf application/pdf

Eberhart R, Gerstenbrand F., Klinger D, Birbamer G, Ransmayr G. Estudio sobre la eficacia de la combinacion de CDP-colina y Levodopa mas un inhibidor de la decarboxilasa en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson. Med Clin. 1986;87(Suppl 1):34-40. Spanish.

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FGDB-0446.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Klinger D, Birbamer G, Ransmayr G. Efficacy of the combination of oral CDP-Choline and L-Dopa plus decarboxylase inhibitor in patients with Parkinson's Disease [Abstract]. In: Smith T, editor. Abstracts of the 4th European Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology. Calcium antagonists and cerebral ischemia: new pharmacological results; 1986 Jun 10-13; Pamplona; Spain. Deutschland: Bayer. 1986. p. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0447.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. The impact of the new techniques in the neurological sciences. In: Battistin L, Gerstenbrand F., editors. PET and NMR: new perspectives in neuroimaging and clinical neurochemistry. Proceedings of a Symposium; 1985 May 15-17; Padova, Italy. New York: Alan R Liss Inc. 1986. p. 19-28.

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FGDB-0448.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Separation from mother at the time of weaning: a rarely discussed aspect in the etiology of protein-calorie-malnutrition. Trop Doct. 1986;4:176-177. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0449.pdf application/pdf

Rainer J, Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Verletzungen durch Wildtiere bei den Massai. Mitt Ost Ges Trop Med Parasitol. 1986;8:187-95. German.

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FGDB-0450.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Epidemiologie der Schlafkrankheit in Süd-Ost-Tanzania. Mitt Ost Ges Trop Med Parasitol. 1986;8:251-8. German.

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FGDB-0451.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Dierckx RA, Gerstenbrand F., Willeit J. New perspectives in acute spinal epidural abscess illustrated by two case reports. Acta Neurochir. 1986;80:105-8.

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FGDB-0452.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. Meningopolyneuritis Bannwarth with focal nodular myositis. A new aspect in Lyme borreliosis. A case report. Clin Wochenschr. 1986;64:1204-8.

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FGDB-0453.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Clinical and topical diagnosis in traumatic brainstem disorders. In: Punze K, Zangemeister WH, Arlt A, editors. Clinical problems of brain stem disorders. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1986. p. 7-16.

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FGDB-0454.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Begleittherapien zu Madopar. In: Riederer P, Umek H, editors. L-Dopa-Substitution der Parkinson-Krankheit. Geschichte-Gegenwart-Zukunft. Wien: Springer Verlag; 1986. p. 29-36. German.

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FGDB-0455.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Nosography of Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm. 1986;Suppl. 22:119-28.

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FGDB-0456.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Pallua A. CT- und MRI-Befunde bei einem Fall nach Dekompressionstrauma mit spinaler Beteiligung. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchmedizin. Kongressbericht 3rd Symposium Tauchmedizin; 1983 Oct 12-13; Hannover, Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt; 1986. p. 132-7. (Tauchmedizin. Taglichttauglichkeit, klinische Untersuchungen, Kompression – Dekompression, Dekompressionstrauma; Vol. 3) German.

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FGDB-0457.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Pallua A. Die Problematik des Apnoetauchens aus neurologischer Sicht. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchmedizin. Kongressbericht 3rd Symposium Tauchmedizin; 1983 Oct 12-13; Hannover, Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt; 1986. p. 167-71. (Tauchmedizin. Taglichttauglichkeit, klinische Untersuchungen, Kompression – Dekompression, Dekompressionstrauma; Vol. 3). German.

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FGDB-0458.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Klinische Subtypen der Parkinson-Krankheit. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1986;136(15/16):384-7. German.

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FGDB-0459.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Some aspects on the rehabilitation of severe brain injured patients (traumatic apallic syndrome). In: Berce B, editor. BISS 85 - Neurological rehabilitation and restorative neurology of brain injury. Proceedings of the satellite symposium under the auspices of 13th World Congress of Neurology; 1985 Sept 8-10; Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Ljubljana: Birografika Bori. 1985. p. 72.

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FGDB-0460.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Poewe W. Primitive motor patterns and stereotyped movements. A comparison between physiological and pathological findings in early childhood and in the apallic syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 6th international meeting of the International Society for developmental Neuroscience; 1986 Jul 8-12; Queretaro, Mexico. Int J Dev Neurosci. 1986;4( Suppl 1):S1-79. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0461.pdf application/pdf

Dierckx RA, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. The Roussy-Levy Syndrome. Where are we? In: Abstracts of the 6th international congress on neuromuscular Disease; 1986 Jul 6-11; Los Angeles, USA. New York: John Wiley; Muscle and Nerve 1986;9(Suppl 5):1-294 p. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0462.pdf application/pdf

Dierckx RA, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Fritsch P. Nervous system involvement in a series of 14 patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. Acta Neurol Belg. 1986;86:267.

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FGDB-0463IT.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Prugger M, Rumpl E. Aspetti clinici e sintomatologia del coma ipossico/ anossico. Clinic and symptomatology of hypoxic/anoxic coma. In: Coma post anossico: un approccio multidisciplinare. Atti del 2nd Congresso internazionale; 1986 Jun 24-26; Milano, Italy. Milano: ARICO Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi; 1986. p. 259-66. Italian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0464IT.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Birbamer G, Formisano R, Gerstenbrand F. Prognosi e sviluppo del coma post-anossico tramite l'esempio di alcuni pazienti. Prognoses and development of post anoxic coma through the example of some patients. In: Coma post anossico: un approccio multidisciplinare. Atti del 2nd Congresso internazionale; 1986 Jun 24-26; Milano, Italy. Milano: ARICO Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi; 1986. p. 285-90. Italian.

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FGDB-0465IT.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0465 Rumpl E, Prugger M, Badry F, Gerstenbrand F. Studi su: SSEPTs, BAEPs, riflesso di ammiccamento e riflesso mandibolare nelle lesioni cerebrali anossiche. SEEPs, BAEPs, blink reflex and jaw reflex studies in anoxic brain injury. In: Coma post anossico: un approccio multidisciplinare. Atti del 2nd Congresso internazionale; 1986 Jun 24-26; Milano, Italy. Milano: ARICO Associazione Riabilitazione Comatosi; 1986. p. 291-8. Italian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0466.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Low Back pain neurological differential diagnosis. In: 26th International Neuropsychiatric Symposium: Psychogeriatrics, Therapy of CVD. 1986 May 27-Jun 1; Pula, Yugoslavia. Zagreb: Neurologija. 1986;35( Suppl 1):1-198. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0467.pdf application/pdf

Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L. Transitorisches Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom als Remissionsphase nach schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Lecture presented at the 19th Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1986 Oct 9-11; Heidelberg, Germany. 1986. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0468.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Aichner F, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. MRI-Befunde bei einem Klüver-Bucy-Syndrom nach "limbic encephalitis". Fallbericht. Lecture presented at the 19th Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1986 Oct 9-11; Heidelberg, Germany. 1986. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0469.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G, Plörer S. Medikamentöse Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Großhirndysfunktionen im Alter. In: Birkmayer W, Riederer P, editors. Das alte Gehirn. Wien: Verlag Brüder Hollinek; 1986. p. 85-93. German.

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FGDB-0470.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Dopaminergic-peptidergic interactions in extrapyramidal disorders. A review of the clinical evidence. Adv Neurol. 1986;45:67-73.

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FGDB-0471.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neuroimaging. Preface. In: Poeck K, Freund HJ, Gänshirt H, editors. Neurology. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1986. p. 371-3.

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FGDB-0472.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Cervicogenic headache. In: Rose FC, editor. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. New York: Elsevier Science Publishers; 1986. p. 405-12. (Headache; Vol. 4/48)

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FGDB-0473.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Poewe W, Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F., Leidlmair K, Mayr U. Prognostic implications of the motor symptoms of parkinson's disease with respect to clinical computertomographic and psychometric parameters. J Neural Transm. 1986;67(1-2):1-14. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0474.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Hackl JM, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Zum EEG im Leberausfallkoma [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 30th annual meeting of the German EEG Society; 1986 Oct 10-12; München, Germany. Z EEG-EMG 1986;17:223. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0475.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Poewe W, Plörer S, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Psychometric findings in clinical subtypes of Parkinson's disease. Adv Neurol. 1986;45:409-11.

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FGDB-0476.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Rehabilitation bei apallischer Symptomatik. In: Scherzer E, Klingler D, Schneider K, editors. Neurorehabilitation in Österreich. Schlussbericht der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuro-Rehabilitation; 1986 Dec 1-2; Wien, Austria. 1986. p. 23-9. German.

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FGDB-0477.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Vogl G, Aichner F, Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F., Weimann S, Progression der Karotiserkrankung nach Karotisendarterektomie. Klinische und sonographische Befunde. Akt Neurol. 1987;4:50-2. German.

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FGDB-0478.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M. Schmerzen im Thoraxbereich aus der Sicht der Neurologen. In: Nutzinger DO, Pfersmann D, Welan T, Zapotoczky HG, editors. Herzphobie: Klassifikation, Diagnostik und Therapie. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag. 1987. p. 119-23. German.

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FGDB-0479.pdf application/pdf

Dierckx RA, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Fritsch P. Progressive systemic sclerosis and nervous system involvement. A review of 14 cases. Eur Neurol. 1987;26:134-40.

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FGDB-0480.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Experience with Selegiline in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. J Neurol Trans. 1987;25(Suppl):131-5.

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FGDB-0481.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the central nervous system: diagnostic and therapeutic implications. In: 42nd annual conference of the Association of Physicians of India. Madurai, India. JAPI J Assoc Physicians India. 1987;35(1):1-100. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0482.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Ransmayr G, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Therapeutic experience with apomorphine-derivative in Parkinson’s disease. In: Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Parkinson's disease; 1985 Jun 9-12; New York. New York: Raven Press. 1987. p. 591-2. (Advances in Neurology; Vol. 45) [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0483.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Rainer J, A. Prinz, Gerstenbrand F. Tropische Myeloneuropathien, eine Übersicht. Mitt. Österr. Ges. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 1987;9:15-24. German.

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FGDB-0484.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Rainer J, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. Pellagra in Österreich, ein Fallbericht. Mitt. Österr. Ges. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 1987;9:31-5. German.

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FGDB-0485.pdf application/pdf

Pohl P, Vogl G, Bohr K, Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Symptome in frühen Stadien der HIV-Infektion. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1987;9:225-9. German.

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FGDB-0486.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Aichner F, Pohl P, Rumpl E, Mayr U, Gerstenbrand F. Differentialdiagnose spinaler Prozesse mittels moderner diagnostischer Verfahren. Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat. 1987;55:69-82. German.

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FGDB-0487.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hackl JM, Rumpl E. Spezielle Behandlungsprobleme bei komatösen und apallischen Patienten. In: Flüge, editor. Neurologische und psychiatrische Therapie. 2nd ed. Erlangen: Perimed Verlag. 1987. p. 563-73. German.

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FGDB-0488.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Schmerzhafte Polyneuropathien. In: Lücking CH, Thoden U, Zimmermann M, editor. Nervenschmerz. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer; 1987. p. 69-83. (Schmerzstudien – Pathogenese, Klinik, Therapie. Vol. 70). German.

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FGDB-0489.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Sailer U, Saltuari L, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Post-traumatic cerebellar syndrome. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1987;1(2):115-8.

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FGDB-0490.pdf application/pdf

Pohl P, Vogl G, Bohr K, Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Symptome in frühen Stadien der HIV-Infektion. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1987;225-9.

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FGDB-0491.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Musil HE. Infusionstherapie akuter vertebragener Schmerzzustände. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1987;137(13):310-4. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0492.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Double-blind placebo-controlled trial of phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with arteriosclerotic encephalopathy. J Clin Trials J. 1987;24(2):62-72.

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Benke T, Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F. Visual agnosia and memory loss. In: Abstracts of the 10. European Conference of the International Neuropsychological Society; 1987 July 1-4; Barcelona, Spain. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 1987;9(3): 261-2.

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FGDB-0494.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Benzodiazepine in der Behandlung neurologischer Erkrankungen. In: Bergmann H, editor. Benzodiazepine: klinische Bedeutung und Anwendung. 1987. p. 138-45. (Beiträge zur Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Vol. 23). German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0495.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Treatment of acute midbrain syndrome and the apallic syndrome. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1987;1(4):291.

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FGDB-0496IT.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Formisano R, Birbamer G, Marosi M, Gerstenbrand F., Agnoli A. Sintomatologia extrapiramidale in fase di remissione da sindrome apallica post-traumatica. In: Agnoli A, Battistin L, editors. Estratto dagli Atti della 13th Riunione della Lega Italiana per la lotta contro il morbo di Parkinson e le malattie extrapiramidali; 1986 Oct 10-11; Perugia, Italia. Roma: D. Guanella. 1987. p. 251-61. Italian.

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FGDB-0497.pdf application/pdf

Kleedorfer B, Birbamer G, Poewe W, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of advanced Parkinson's disease with a sustained-release preparation of L-Dopa. In: Bartko D, Turcani P, Stern G, editor. New trends in clinical neuropharmacology: calcium antagonists, acute neurology, headache, and movement disorders: proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Clinical Neuropharmacology; 1987 July 6-8, Bratislava, Slovakia. London: John Libbey; 1988. p. 276-80.

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FGDB-0498.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Ransmayr G. Erfahrungen mit Selegilin in der Behandlung des Morbus Parkinson. In: Riederer P, Przuntek H, editors. Morbus Parkinson: Selegilin (R-(1)-Deprenyl); Movergan: ein neues Therapiekonzept. Internationales Parkinson-Symposium; 1987 Jan 23-25; Berlin, Germany. Wien: Springer; 1988. p. 137-42. German.

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FGDB-0499.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Inghilleri M, Berardelli A, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Manfredi M, Agnoli A. Cortical stimulation in patients with apallic syndrome. Lecture presented at the 2nd Congress of the International Medical Society of Motor Disturbances (ISMD); 1988 Jun 2-7; Rome, Italy. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0500.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Felber S, Birbamer G. Zur diagnostischen Wertigkeit der Magnetresonanztomographie bei Hirntumoren - Korrelation klinischer, computertomographischer und magnettomographischer Befund. Neuropsychiatrie. 1988;2(2):242-51. German.

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FGDB-0501.pdf application/pdf

Ransmayr G, Kleedorfer B, Dierckx RA, Poewe W, Kemmler GW, Gerstenbrand F. Pharmacological study in Meige's syndrome with predominant blepharospasm. Clin Neuropharm. 1988;11(1):68-76.

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FGDB-0502.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Rainer J. Terminology in dementia. In: Agnoli A, Cahn J, Lassen N, Mayeux R, editors. Senile Dementias. London: John Libby Eurotext; 1988. p. 29-33.

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FGDB-0503.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M. Kopfgelenkstörungen und Kopfschmerz: Vertebragener Kopfschmerz, vasomotorischer Kopfschmerz, Spannungskopfschmerz, Okzipitalneuralgie. In: Hohmann0 D, Kügelen B, Liebig K. Erkrankungen des zervikookzipitalen Übergangs; Spondylolisthesis, Wirbelsäule in Arbeit und Beruf. Berlin: Springer; 1988. p. 77-82. (Neuroorthopädie; Vol. 4). German.

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FGDB-0504.pdf application/pdf

Pohl P, Vogl G, Fill H, H. Rössler, Zangerle R, Gerstenbrand F. Single photon emission computed tomography in aids dementia complex. J Nuc Med. 1988;29(8):1382-6.

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FGDB-0505.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Prugger M, Gerstenbrand F., Brunhuber W, Badry F, Hackl JM. Central somatosensory conduction time and acoustic brainstem transmission time in post-traumatic coma. J Clin Neurophys. 1988;5(3):237-60.

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Poewe W, Kleedorfer B, Gerstenbrand F., Örtel W. Subcutaneous Apomorphine in Parkinson's Disease. The Lancet 1988;8591(1):943.

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FGDB-0507.pdf application/pdf

Felber S, Laub G, König H, Ruggieri P, Gerstenbrand F. 3D-Imaging of neurologic disorders using gradient-echo with short TE [Abstract]. In: Felix R, Claussen CD, Virchow R, editors. Second European Congress of NMR in Medicine and Biology; 1988 Jun 23-26; Berlin, Germany. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0508.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Fuchs D, Hausen A, Hengster P, Reibenegger G, Tibyampansha D, Werner E, Dierich MP, Gerstenbrand F., Wachter H. Retrovirale Infektionen in Nordwest-Tanzania (HIV I, HIV II, HTLV I). Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1988;10:269-79. German.

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FGDB-0509.pdf application/pdf

Schmutzhard E, Fuchs D, Hengster P, Reibenegger G, Tibyampansha D, Werner E, Dierich MP, Gerstenbrand F., Wachter H. HIV and 2 in NW-Tanzania. Clinical findings, association to common infectious diseases and correlation to neopterin as immunologic parameter. In: WHO, Sweden Socialdepartementet, Statens bakteriologiska laboratorium, Karolinska Institutet, editors. Abstract book 4th International Conference on AIDS; 1988 Jun 12-16; Stockholm, Sweden. Washington, DC, USA: Bio-Data publishers.1988. p. 328.

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FGDB-0510.pdf application/pdf

Rumpl E, Prugger M, Battista HJ, Badry F, Gerstenbrand F., Dienstl F. Short latency somatosensory evoked potentials and brainstem auditory evoked potentials in coma due to CNS depressant poisoning. Preliminary observations. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1988;70(6):482-9.

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FGDB-0511.pdf application/pdf

Felber S, Laub G, Aichner F, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. MR-Angiography and MR-Imaging in Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Disease [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 21st Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1988 Oct 13-15; Varna, Bulgaria. 1988. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0512.pdf application/pdf

Felber S, Willeit J, Aichner F, Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnosis and Assessment of Cervical Myelopathy by Magnetic Resonance Imaging [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 21st Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1988 Oct 13-15; Varna, Bulgaria. 1988. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0513.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Marosi M, Daniaux H, Dimitrijevic M, Gerstenbrand F. Traumatic spinal lesions. Clinical symptomatology and electrophysiological investigations [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 21st Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1988 Oct 13-15; Varna, Bulgaria. 1988. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0514.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Kleedorfer B, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Botulinum Toxin a treatment of Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm [Abstract]. Experiences in 35 patients. In: Abstracts 21st Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1988 Oct 13-15; Varna, Bulgaria. 1988. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0515.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. HalswirbeIsäulendynamik und cervikaler Kopfschmerz. In: Tilscher H, editor. Kopfschmerzen: Zur Diagnostik und Therapie von Schmerzformen ausser Migräne. Berlin: Springer; 1988. p. 61-3. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Kleedorfer B, Birbamer G, Ransmayr G, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of Advances Parkinson’s Disease with a sustained-release Preparation of L-Dopa. In: Bartko D et al, editors. New trends in neuropharmacology. 1988. p. 276-80.

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Kleedorfer B, Poewe W, Örtl W, Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G. Experiences with subcutaneous application of Apomorphine in patients with Parkinson's Disease and "On - Off" oscillations. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1988;2(2):122. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Zur Differentialdiagnose der organischen Demenz und dem diffusen organischen Psychosyndrom. Lecture presented at the 1st Arbeitstagung der österreichischen Alzheimer-Gesellschaft; 1988 March 11-12; Wien, Austria. German. [Medium Verlag Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0520.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Gerstenbrand F., Kertesz A. Introducing a German version of the western aphasia battery. In: Scherzer E, Simon R, Stark J, editors. Proceedings 1st European Conference on Aphasiology; 1987 Oct 3-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Austrian Workers‘ Compensation Board (AUVA); 1988. p. 102-8.

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Benke T, Gerstenbrand F., Kortes A. Sex differences in intrahemispheric language organization. In: Scherzer E, Simon R, Stark J, editors. Proceedings 1st European Conference on Aphasiology; 1987 Oct 3-6; Wien, Austria. Wien: Austrian Workers‘ Compensation Board (AUVA); 1988. p. 233-6.

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Benke T, Plörer S, Gerstenbrand F. Klinik der Raumorientierungsstörungen bei Läsionen der unterwertigen Hemisphäre. In: Lücke G, Pfister H, editors. Ivo Kohler in Memoriam: Arbeiten zur Psychologie, ihren Anwendungen und ihren Grenzgebieten. Innsbruck: Verlag Wagner; 1988. p. 69-76. (Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck; Vol. 136). German.

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Benke T, Wagner M, Gerstenbrand F. Acht Hypothesen zur zerebralen Asymmetrie bei Männern und Frauen. In: Benke T et al, editor. MISIN-Report 5: Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Sprachwissenschaften der Universität Innsbruck; 1988. p. 1-37. German.

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Poewe W, Kleedorfer B, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. Primary CNS Lymphoma presenting as a choreic movement disorder followed by segmental dystonia. Movement Disorders. 1988;3(4):320-5.

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Gerstenbrand F., Marosi M. The management of head injury. In: Bartko D, Turcani P, Stern G, editors. New trends in clinical neuropharmacology. Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Clincial Neuropharmacology; 1987 Jul 6-8; Bratislava, Slovakia. London: John Libbey & Co; 1988. p. 71-7.

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Schmutzhard E, Willeit J, Langmayr J, Rumpl E, Prugger M, Gerstenbrand F. Hypophysenabszeß und cerebrale Arteriitis bei tödlich verlaufender Pneumokokkenmeningitis. Nervenarzt. 1988;59:176-9. German.

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Klingler O, Deisenhammer E, Gerstenbrand F. Zum Bedarf an Betten für neurologische Erkrankungen in Österreich. Neuropsychiatrie. 1988;2(4):343-9. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Some aspects of the rehabilitation of severe brain injured patients (traumatic apallic syndrome). In: Hoeoek O, Dimitrijevic M, editors. Advances in neurological rehabilitation and restorative neurology: proceedings of the Satellite Symposium; 1985 Sept 8-10; Ljubljana, Croatia. Stockholm: Almquvist & Wiksell Periodical Company. Scand J Rehab Med. 1988;Suppl 17:87-8.

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Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Kofler M. The clinical evaluation of severe head injury [Abstract]. In: Trontelj J, Faganel J, editors. Abstracts International Symposium on Quantitative Electromyography; 1988 Nov 4; Ljubljana, Croatia. Ljubljana: University Medical Centre; 1989. p. 5.

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Gerstenbrand F., Formisano R, Saltuari L. Disturbi di conscienza post-traumatici. Classificazione, valutazione ed evoluzione in sindrome apallica. In: Agnoli A, editor. Neurologia: progressi in medicina interna. Torino: Utet; 1989. p. 251-87. Italian.

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FGDB-0531.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pallua A, Pilsz LW, Karamat E. Psychodiagnostische Methoden für die Tauchtauglichkeitsuntersuchung. Psychological screening methods for testing a diver's fitness. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchunfälle, Tauchen und Psyche, Gerätetechnik, hyperbare Oxygenation. Kongressbericht 4th Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1987 Oct 2-3; Hannover, Germany. Hannover,Germany: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei; 1998. p. 58-69. (Tauchmedizin; Vol.4) German.

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Schmutzhard E, Berek K, Pfausler B, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand G. Transcranielles Dopplersonographie-Monitoring bei der Subarachnoidalblutung. In: 6th Arbeitstreffen Arbeitsgemeinschaft neurologische Intensivmedizin; 1989 Jan 26-28; Erlangen, Germany. Acta Neurol. 1989;16: German.

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Saltuari L, Formisano R, Birbamer G, Diercks R, Gerstenbrand F. Case reports association of ganglioneuroblastoma with syringomyelia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 1989;91(2):139-43.

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Felber S, Aichner F, Stockhammer G, Sailer U, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Gd-DTPA in der Diagnostik von Tumoren des ZNS [Abstract]. In: Abstracts First Austrian Neuroscience Winter Meeting; 1989 Mar 16-18; Kitzbühel, Austria. J Neuroimmunol. 1989;21(2-3):255. J Clin Neuropathol. 1989;8(4):206-16. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Spögler F, Gerstenbrand F. A multicenter placebo-controlled double-blind group-comparison study with Nimodipine in patients with acute ischemic stroke [Abstract]. In: Bathia R, Bathia S, editors. Books of Abstracts 9th international Congress of Neurological Surgery; 1989 Oct 8-13; New Delhi, India. 1989. p. 63.

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Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F., Boongird P, Vejjajiva A. The enlarging clinical spectrum of CNS gnathostomiasis [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 14th World Congress of Neurology; 1989 Oct 22-27; New Delhi, India. Neurology India. 1989;Suppl 37:135.

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Aichner F, Feiber S, Pallua P, Gerstenbrand F. The role of MRI in central nervous system trauma [Abstract]. In: Jagannathan K, Chopra JS, Sawhney IMS, editors. Abstracts of the 14. World Congress of Neurology; 1989 Oct 22-27; New Delhi, India. Neurology India;1989;Suppl 37:163.

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Saltuari L, Kotier M, Schmutzhard E, Russegger L, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Intrathecal Baclofen application for the treatment of spasticity in patients with severe head injury and/or traumatic spinal lesions [Abstract]. In: Jagannathan K, Chopra JS, Sawhney IMS, editors. Abstracts of the 14th World Congress on Neurology; 1989 Oct 22-27; New Delhi, India. Neurology India. 1989:Suppl 37:295.

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Saltuari L, Formisano R, Gerstenbrand F. La riabilitazione della sindrome apallica post-traumatica. In: Giaquinto S. La riabilitazione cognitiva assistita da computers. Roma: Marrapese Edizione; 1989. p. 143-55. Italian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0540.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M, Berger KH, Pallua A. Versehrtentauchen bei neurologischen Erkrankungen; disabled divers with neurological disease. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Tauchunfälle, Tauchen und Psyche. Kongressbericht 4th Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1987 Oct 2-3; Hannover, Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei; 1998. p. 252-62. (Tauchmedizin; Vol. 4). German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Berger KH, Berger M, A. Pallua A. Flaschentauchen als eine neue Methode in der Rehabilitation von Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, scuba diving as a new method in the rehabilitation of spinal column disorders. In: Gerstenbrand F., Lorenzoni E, Seemann K, editors. Kongressbericht 4th Symposium für Tauchmedizin; 1987 Oct 2-3; Hannover, Germany. Hannover: Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei; 1998. p. 263-8. (Tauchmedizin; Vol. 4). German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Psyche und Zentralnervensystem. In: Ehm OF, Gerstenbrand F., Strutz I, editors. Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen bei Sporttauchern. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1989. p. 64-99.

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Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Manifestationen bei HIV-Infektion. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1989; German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Marosi M. Das Schädel-Hirn-Trauma beim älteren Menschen. In: Fischer PA, Baas H, Enzensberger W, editors. 61st Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 1988 Sept 22-24; Frankfurt, Germany. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1989. p. 69-73. (Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; Vol. 5). German.

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Saltuari L, Formisano R, Birbamer G, Diercks R, Gerstenbrand F. Association of ganglioneuroblastoma with syringomyelia. Case report. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 1989;91(2):139-43.

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Schmutzhard E, Fuchs D, Hengster P, Hauser A, Hofbauer J, Pohl P, Rainer J, Reibenegger G, Tibyamgsansha D, Werner ER, Dierich MP, Gerstenbrand F., Wachter H. Retroviral infections (HIV-1, HIV-2 and HTLV-1) in rural northwestern Tanzania. Clinical Findings, epidemiology, and association with infections common in Africa. Am J Epidemiol. 1989;130(2):309-18.

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Poewe W, Kleedorfer B, Gerstenbrand F., Örtel W. Die Behandlung von Parkinson-Patienten mit L-Dopa Wirkungsfluktuationen mittels subcutanen Apomorphingaben. Akt Neurol. 1989;16:73-7. German.

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Poewe W, Kleedorfer B, Gerstenbrand F. Therapeutische Erfahrungen mit einem "slow-release"-Präparat von L-Dopa (Madopar HBS) bei Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Parkinson Krankheit. [Therapeutic experience with aslow-release preparation of levodopa (Madopar HBS) in patients with advanced Parkison’s disease]. Nervenarzt. 1989;60:294-8. German, English.

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Poewe W, Karamat E, Gerstenbrand F. The premorbid personality of patients with Parkinson’s disease. In: Przuntek H, Riederer P, editors. Early diagnosis and preventive therapy of Parkinson's disease. Wien: Springer; 1989. p. 1-7.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Computed tomography in cerebrovascular disease. In: Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Klawans HL, editors. Vascular Disease; part 2. 1989. p. 47-80. (Handbook of clinical neurology; Vol. 54).

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Saltuari L, Koffer M, Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Intrathecal Baclofen for intractable spasticity due to severe brain injury. The Lancet. 1989;2(8661):503-4.

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Schmutzhard E, Aichner F, Berek K, Koffer M, Lehner H, Pfausler B, Gerstenbrand F. Akute Komplikationen der Pneumokokken-Meningoencephalitis. Intensivbehandlung. 1989;14(3):91-5. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Berek K, Koffer M, Pfausler B, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Zytomegalie Infektionen des Zentralnervensystems beim immunkompetenten Erwachsenen. Intensivbehandlung. 1989; German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Schmutzhard E, Boongird P, Rainer J, Gerstenbrand F., Vejjajiva A. Neurozystizerkose. Eine retrospektive Analyse von 55 Thai Patienten. Mitt Osterr Ges Tropenmed Parasitol. 1989;11:89-96. German.

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Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F., Riccabona G, Banger I, Vogl G, Pallua A, Feiber S, T. Benke. SPECT - Eine Möglichkeit der verbesserten Diagnostik des AIDS Demenz - Komplexes. In: Homann A, editor. 2nd Deutscher AIDS-Kongress: Klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt. 1989 Jan 23-24; Berlin, Germany. München: Futuramed Verlag; 1989. p. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Lehner H, Aichner F, Schmutzhard E, Prugger M, Pfausler B, Gerstenbrand F. Vasospasmus-Monitoring mittels transkranieller Doppler-Sonographie. Intensivbehandlung. 1989;14(1):36-8. German.

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Aichner F, Grcevic N, Willeit J, Feiber S, Birbamer G, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic resonance imaging and pathology of central nervous system neoplasms. In: Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N, editors. Neuroimaging 2. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neuroimaging; 1987 May 24-27; Innsbruck, Austria. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1989. p. 161-76.

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Felber S, Aichner F, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F., Grunert V. CT- and MR-imaging of spinal lipoma. In: Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N, editors. Neuroimaging 2. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Neuroimaging; 1987 May 24-27; Innsbruck, Austria. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag; 1989. p. 203-8. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Felber S, Ruggieri P, Laub G, Aichner F, Willeit J, Birbamer E, Gerstenbrand F. 3D-MR-angiography of atherosclerotic carotid and vertebral artery disease. In: Meyer JS, World Federation of Neurology, editors. Proceedings of the World Federation of Neurology 14th International Salzburg Conference; 1988 Sept 28-Oct 1; Salzburg, Austria. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica; 1989. p. (Cerebral vascular disease; Vol. 7)

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Rumpl E, Gerstenbrand F. Zum klinischen Bild und Verlauf des hypoxisch-anoxischen Komas. In: Bogdahn U, Mertens HG, editors. Prognostik in der Intensivtherapie des Zentralnervensystems. 5th Arbeitstreffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neuro logische Intensivmedizin ANIM; 1988 Jan 28-30; Würzburg, Germany. Berlin: Springer; 1989. p. 21-7. German.

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Wagner M, Kleedorfer B, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease with subcutaneous Apomorphine. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1989;3(2):[1 p.].

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Gerstenbrand F., Schmutzhard E, Aichner F. Early rehabilitation of severe brain injured patients [Abstract]. In: Abstracts International Congress on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation in Traumatology; 1989 Aug 31-Sept 2; Budapest, Hungary. 1989. [1 p.]

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Benke T, Gerstenbrand F. Schreiben als kognitive Leistung. Erziehung und Unterricht: Österreichische Pädagogische Zeitschrift. 1989;139(8):505-8. German.

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Schmutzhard E, Boongird P, Gerstenbrand F., Jitipomolmard S, Ponglikitmonghol S, Vejjajiva A. Is cryptococcal meningoencephalitis in the tropics a distinct entity? A retrospective study from Thailand. Trop Geogr Med. 1990;42(2):133-9. [Nur Abstract, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Formisano R, Lamberti GF, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F. Lo stato vegetativo persistente. Aspetti medici, etici, giuridici. In: Fagioli L, editor. 30th Congresso nazionale della Societa dei Neurologi, Neurochirurghi e neuroradiologi Ospedalieri (SNO); 1990 Mar 24-26; Cesena, Italy. Udine: Edizione del centauro; 1990. p. 153-4.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer J, Eberhardt R. CDP-Choline in the treatment of Parkinson syndrome. Clin Neuropharmacol. 1990;4(2):29-34.

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Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Rainer J. Clinical Aspects of the Dementia: a classification. In: Battistin L, Gerstenbrand F., editors. Aging brain and dementia: new trends in diagnosis and therapy. New York: Alan R Liss Inc; 1990. p. 31-7.

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Aichner F, Feiber S, Poewe W, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic resonance imaging of extrapyramidal Diseases. In: Battistin L, Gerstenbrand F., editors. Aging brain and dementia: new trends in diagnosis and therapy. New York: Alan R Liss Inc; 1990. p. 483-95.

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FGDB-0569.pdf application/pdf

Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F., Riccabona G, Bangeri I, Vogl G, Pallua A, Fill H. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography as a diagnostic tool in AIDS dementia complex. In: Battistin L, Gerstenbrand F., editors. Aging brain and dementia: new trends in diagnosis and therapy. New York: Alan R Liss Inc; 1990. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0570.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Baumgartner H, Kofler M, Schmutzhard E, Russegger L, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Failure of physostigmine in treatment of acute severe intrathecal baclofen intoxication. N Engl J Med. 1990;322(21):1533.

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Lehner H, Schmutzhard E, Berek K, Koffer M, Pfausler B, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Transkranielle Dopplersonographie bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen des ZNS. Intensivbehandlung. 1990;15(1):31-5. German.

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Kofler M, Saltuari L, Schmutzhard E, Russegger L, Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Intrathecal Baclofen application for the treatment of persistent antigravity pattern due to severe CNS-trauma [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 8th Meeting of the European Association for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 1990 Sept 27-29; Groningen, NL. New Trends in Clinical Neuropharmacology. 1990. 4(3):84.

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FGDB-0573.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Kofler M, Schmutzhard E, Russegger L, Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical symptomatology and management of intrathecal Baclofen intoxication [Abstract]. In: Abstracts book of the 8th Meeting of the European Association for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 1990 Sept 27-29; Groningen, NL. New Trends in Clinical Neuropharmacol. 1990;4(3):84.

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Formisano R, Saltuari L, Eiler-Schmidhuber B, Sailer U, Birbamer G, Kremmler G, Gerstenbrand F. Reintegrazione sociale di pazienti con sindrome apallica posttraumatica. In: Abstracts congresso su la riabilitazione del grave traumatizzato cranico-cerebrale: teorie e strategie; 1990 May 24-25; Ferrara, Italy. 1990. Italian. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Saltuari L, Formisano R, Rifici C, Grubwieser G, Gerstenbrand F. Sintomatologie e classificazione dei pazienti con trauma cranico. In: Atti della 2nd settimana internazionale di aggiornamento in anestesia e rianimazione; 1990 Jun 23-20; Valtur Alimini-Otranto (Lecce), Italy. 1990. p. 781-99. Italian. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Poewe W, Karamat E, Kemmler GW, Gerstenbrand F. The Premorbid Personality of Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A comparative study with healthy controls and patients with essential tremor. In: Streifler M, Korczyn AD, Melamed E, editors. Parkinson's disease: anatomy, pathology and therapy. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease; 1988 Jun 5-9; Jerusalem, Israel. New York, Raven Press; 1990. p. 339-42.

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Poewe W, Luef G, Gerstenbrand F., Gouzoulis E, Deuschl G, Lücking CH. Effectiveness of the novel ergoline CQA 206-291 in previously untreated patients with Parkinson's disease [Abstracts]. In: Streifler M, Korczyn AD, Melamed E, editors. Advances in Neurology - Parkinson's disease: anatomy, pathology and therapy. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease; 1988 Jun 5-9; Jerusalem, Israel. New York, Raven Press; 1990. p. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Kleedorfer B, Poewe W, Birbamer G, Luef G, Gerstenbrand F. A Randomized Study comparing two oral sustained release preparations of L-Dopa in patients with the L-Dopa long-term Syndrome [Abstracts]. In: Streifler M, Korczyn AD, Melamed E, editors. Advances in Neurology - Parkinson's disease: anatomy, pathology and therapy. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease; 1988 Jun 5-9; Jerusalem, Israel. New York, Raven Press. 1990. p. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Benke T, Andree B, Hittmair M, Gerstenbrand F. Sprachveränderungen bei der Demenz. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat. 1990;8:215-23. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. The classification of Parkinson's Disease. In: Stern GM, editor. Parkinson’s Disease. London: Chapmann and Hall Medical; 1990. p. 315-31.

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Gerstenbrand F. Clinical aspects of ischemic cerebral disease. In: 5th Symposium on cerebrovascular disease; 1990 Mar 29-31; Zagreb, Croatia. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0582.pdf application/pdf

Bartko D, Gerstenbrand F., Zuzi M, Verstenicka V, Turcani P. Cerebral stroke and glucose metabolism. In: Bartko D, Gerstenbrand F., Turcani P, editors. Neurology in Europe. Vol. 1: Proceedings of the 1st European Congress of Neurology, 1988 Apr 18-22; Prague, Czech Republic. London: John Libbey & Co. Ltd; 1990. p. 26-33.

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Gerstenbrand F., Marosi M. Brain death. In: Bartko D, Gerstenbrand F., Turcani P, editors. Neurology in Europe. Vol. 1: Proceedings of the 1st European Congress of Neurology, 1988 Apr 18-22; Prague, Czech Republic. London: John Libbey & Co. Ltd; 1990. p. 358-62.

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Formisano R, Ransmayr G, Diercks R, Sailer V, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F., Agnoli A. Retrospective study of patients suffering from primary Parkinson´s disease: cumulative dosage and long-term levodopa induced dyskinesia. In: Bartko D, Gerstenbrand F., Turcani P, editors. Neurology in Europe. Vol. 1: Proceedings of the 1st European Congress of Neurology, 1988 Apr 18-22; Prague, Czech Republic. London: John Libbey & Co. Ltd; 1990. p. 556- 63.

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Gerstenbrand F. Introduction into modern aspects of neuroimaging. In: Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N, Aichner F, editors. Advances in clinical neuroimaging: Papers presented at the Satellite Symposium on Neuroimaging; 1989 Oct 23; New Delhi, India. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers; c1990. p. 7-10.

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Eberhardt R, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Rainer E, Traegner H, editors. Citicoline in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Clin Ther. 1990;12(4):489-95.

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Gerstenbrand F., Pohl P. Neuro-AIDS - eine Pandemie der Zukunft? Neuropsychiatrie. 1990;4(1):1-4. German.

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FGDB-0588.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Rainer J. Clinical aspects and terminology of dementing syndromes. In: Maurer K, Riederer P, Beckmann H, editors. Alzheimer's disease: Epidemiology, Neuropathology, Neurochemistry and Clinics. Wien: Springer Verlag; 1990. p. 373-78.

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Gerstenbrand F., Pfausler B, Rainer J. Das apallische Syndrom. Diagnose - Frührehabilitation - Prognose. In: Von Wild K, Janzik HH, editors. Neurologische Frührehabilitation. München: Zuckerschwerdt Verlag; 1990. p. 175-0. German.

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Bohr K, Pohl P, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F. Die Bedeutung des EEG als Screening-Methode bei HIV-Infizierten. Neuropsychiatrie. 1990;4(2):39-42. German.

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Formisano R, Gisser G, Saltuari L, De Vuono G, Calisse P, Barbanti P, Gerstenbrand F. Idrocefalo Post-Traumatico. Erre come riabilitazione. 1990;3:26-9. Italian.

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Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Kofler M, Formisano R. Clinical Evaluation of the Severe Head injury. Neurologija. 1990;39 Suppl 1:71-88.

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Feiber S, Aichner F, Laub G, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F. MR-Angiographie der hirnversorgenden Arterien. Nuklearmediziner. 1990;4(13):231-35. German.

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Birbamer G, Kampfl A, Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Impact of MR-Imaging in the assessment of inner cerebral trauma. J Neurol. 1990;237(8):504.

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Kampfl A, Birbamer G, Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnostic impact of GD-DTPA in MR-Imaging of intra- and parasellar tumors. J Neurol. 1990;237(8):505.

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Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F.; Laub G. Clinical Role of intra- and extracranial MR-Angiography [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 7th European Congress of NMR in Medicine and Biology; Strasbourg, France. 1990. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0597.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB, Berger M, Marosi M, Burlacskova N, Sokolov A, Schauer R, Rainer J. Neurological findings after 72 hours water immersion. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Life Science Research in Space ESA SP-307; 1990 May 28-Jun 1; Trieste, Italy. Noordwijk: ESTEC; c1990. p. 117-19.

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FGDB-0598 Gerstenbrand F. Developpement moderne de la resonance magnetique, imagerie et spectroscopie [Recent developments in MR-imaging and MR-spectroscopy]. Seance de la Societe Francaise de Neurologie. 1990 Nov 9; Marseille, France.[5 p.]. French;English. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F. Klinik des Morbus Parkinson unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Subtypen. Symposium Aktuelle Aspekte in Diagnose und Therapie; 1990 Nov 17; Wien, Austria. German.

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FGDB-0600.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Kampfl A, Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. MR-Tomographie in der Diagnostik des inneren zerebralen Traumas. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuroimaging; 1990 Nov 17; Linz, Austria [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0601.pdf application/pdf

Kampfl A, Birbamer G, Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnostische Bedeutung von Gadolinum-DTPA in der MR. Bildgebung intra- und parasellärer Tumoren. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuroimaging; 1990 Nov 17; Linz, Austria. German. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0602.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Saltuari L, De Vuono G, Calisse P, Barbanti B, Gerstenbrand F. Possibili impieghi terapeutici della Levodopa nel mutismo post-traumatico. Erre come Riabilitazione. 1990;1(4):26-9. Italian. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Pfausler B, Marosi M. Die Klinik des Hirntodes. WMW. 1990;23/24:556-9. German.

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FGDB-0604.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Aichner F, Feiber S, Kampfl A, Berek K, Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. MRI of cerebral hypoxia. In: Boulay D, Molyneux A, Moseley I, editors. Proceedings of the 14th Symposium Neuroradiologicum.; 1990 Jun 17-23; London, UK. Berlin (Germany): Springer-Verlag; Neuroradiology; Suppl 33; c1991. p. 53-5.

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FGDB-0605.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB, Berger M, Marosi M, Muigg A, Melichar T, Karamat E, Schauer R, Baldauf E, Gragger H, Gruber E, Burlachkova N, Sokolov A, Belyaeva M, Babaev B, Borisov M, Masalov V. Main results of scientific technical cooperation Development of Neurological Approaches to the study of acute and chronical effects of microgravity on the human body. Nov. 1990. 36 p.

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FGDB-0606.pdf application/pdf

Berek K, Aichner F, Schmutzhard E, Kofler M, Langmayr J, Gerstenbrand F. Intracranial germ cell tumor mimicking anorexia nervosa. Klin Wochenschr. 1991;69:440-2.

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FGDB-0607.pdf application/pdf

Berek K, H. Maier, Aichner F, Pfausler B, Kofler M, Gerstenbrand F. Zerebrale Hypersensitivitätsvaskulitis. Nervenarzt. 1991;62:244-6. German.

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FGDB-0608.pdf application/pdf

Felber SR, Aichner FT, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy: a unique approach to ischemic cerebrovascular disease. In: Hartmann A, Kuschinsky W, Hoyer S, editors. Cerebral ischemia and dementia. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1991. p. 266-75.

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FGDB-0609.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Schmidhuber-Eiler B, Saltuari L, Cigany E, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Neuropsychological outcome after traumatic temporal lobe damage. Acta Neurochir. 1991;109:1-4.

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Willeit J, Deisenhammer F, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F. Orthostatischer Tremor. DMW. 1991;116(40):1509-12. German.

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Felber S, Aichner F, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Localized 1H MR-spectroscopy in acute stroke [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of European Congress of Neurology; 1991 Sept 15-20; Vienna, Austria. Berlin, Germany. Eur Radiol. 1991;1(Supp):200.

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FGDB-0612.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Berek K. Prognosebeurteilung bei hypoxischem Hirnschaden nach Reanimation. In: Mielke H, editor. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für innere Medizin. 97. Kongress; 1991 Apr 6-10; Wiesbaden, Germany. Berlin (Germany): Springer Verlag; c1991. p. 257-62. German.

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FGDB-0613.pdf application/pdf

Eberhardt R, Gerstenbrand F., Derr I, Birbamer G, Kühne GE. Therapie mit Citidin Diphospho-Colin (CDP-Cholin) bei organischer Demenz. Neuropsychiatrie. 1991;4(4):127-31. German.

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FGDB-0614.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Schelosky L, Karamat E, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Eine testpsychologische Untersuchung zum Problem der Bradyphrenie des Parkinsonsyndroms. Neuropsychiatrie. 1991;4(3):104-10. German.

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FGDB-0615.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Aichner F, Kampfl A, Feiber S, Luz G, Gerstenbrand F. MR-Imaging of inner cerebral Trauma [Abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts 8th Annual Congress of the European Society of MR in Medicine and Biology ESMRMB;1991 Apr 18-21; Zürich, Switzerland. c1991. p. 15.

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FGDB-0616.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Neurologische Rehabilitation von Schwerverletzten. In: Necek S, Löffler WH, Draxler HV, editors. Der polytraumatisierte Patient. Wien (Austria): Verlag Maudrich; 1991. p. 250-62. (Beiträge zur Anaesthesiologie, Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin.; Vol. 38) German.

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FGDB-0617.pdf application/pdf

Willeit J, Aichner F, Felber S, Berek K, Deisenhammer F, Gerstenbrand F. Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system: report of three cases and review of the literature [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 8th annual meeting of the Austrian Society of Neuroimaging under t he auspices of the Research Group on Neuroimaging, WFN; 1991 Sept 27-28; Innsbruck, Austria. J Neurol. 1991;238:465.

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FGDB-0618.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Saltuari L, Felber S, Kofler M. MR-imaging of bilateral posttraumatic olivary hypertrophy [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 8th annual meeting of the Austrian Society of Neuroimaging under the auspices of the Research Group on Neuroimaging, WFN; 1991 Sept 27-28; Innsbruck, Austria. J Neurol. 1991;238:468.

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Carolei A, Fieschi C, Argentino C, Lenzi GL, Bottachi E, Muntoni S, Inzitari D, Ott E, Gerstenbrand F., Bogousslavsky J, Portera-Sanchez A, Horowitz S, Brambilla GL, Senin U, Bes A, Gambi D, Kraemer G, Einhäupl K, Mamoli A, Bruno R. Early stroke trial (EST): Study protocol and results of the adjudication process. In: Racagni G, Brunello N, Fukuda E, editors. Biological Psychiatry Vol 2: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry; 1991 Jun 9-14; Florence, Italy. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Excerpta Medica;1991. p. 982. (Excerpta Medica congress series; no. 968).

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FGDB-0620.pdf application/pdf

Saltuari L, Kofler M, Schmutzhard E, Russegger L, Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Clincial symptomatology and management of a severe intrathecal baclofen intoxication. In: Lakke JPWF, Delhaas EM, Rutgers AWF, editors. Parenteral drug therapy in spasticity and Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the European Association of Neuropharmacology; 1990 Sept 27-29; Groningen, Netherlands. Park Ridge, NY (USA): Parthenon Pub Group; c1991. p. 300. (New trends in clinical neurology series).

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FGDB-0621.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Aichner F, Kampfl A, Felber S, Berek K, Gerstenbrand F. MRI-findings in hypoxic coma [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 23rd Danube Symposium, an Erwin-Riesch Symposium for Neurological Sciences; 1990 Oct 11-13; Berlin, Germany. Clin Neuropathol. 1991;10(4):190-123.

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Karamat E, Benke T, Gerstenbrand F., Ilmberger J. Der California Verbal Learning-Test in seiner deutschen Fassung, seine Bedeutung in der Rehabilitation, sowie erste Ergebnisse bei Parkinsonkranken. In: Scherzer E, editor. Neuropsychologie und Neurorehabilitation: Schlussbericht der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuro-Rehabilitation; 1988 Dec 1-2; Wien, Austria. Wien, Austria: Pensionsversicherungsanstalt der Angestellten PVA. c1991. p. 67-74. German.

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FGDB-0623.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Madertoner H, Schmidhuber-Eiler B, Gerstenbrand F. Störungen kognitiver Funktionen nach Schleudertrauma der Halswirbelsäule. In: Scherzer E, editor. Neuropsychologie und Neurorehabilitation: Schlussbericht der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuro-Rehabilitation; 1988 Dec 1-2; Wien, Austria. Wien, Austria: Pensionsversicherungsanstalt der Angestellten PVA. c1991. p. 147-55. German.

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Saltuari L, Kofler M, Sprögler F, Marosi M, Imariaghbe D, Gerstenbrand F. Motorisch evozierte Potentiale bei Patienten nach schwerem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma: Korrelation zwischen klinischer Symptomatologie und elektrophysiologischen Befunden. In: Scherzer E, editor. Neuropsychologie und Neurorehabilitation: Schlussbericht der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neuro-Rehabilitation; 1988 Dec 1-2; Wien, Austria. Wien, Austria: Pensionsversicherungsanstalt der Angestellten PVA. c1991. p. 339-49. German.

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FGDB-0625.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F. Neurorehabilitation der neunziger Jahre: Auftrag und Herausforderung. Lecture presented at Gemeinsame Tagung „Neurorehabilitation“ des Tiroler Vereins zur Förderung sozialmedizinischer Betreuung, der Universitätsklinik Innsbruck und der Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Inkontinenzhilfe Innsbruck. 1991. German. [8 p]. German.

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Ethik in der Neurologie. Lecture presented at the festivities for 100 Jahre der Universitätskliniken für Neurologie und Psychiatrie Innsbruck; 1991 Nov 13-14; Innsbruck, Austria. University Clinic for Neurology, Innsbruck. 1991. [12 p.]. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N. New concepts of traumatic brain disease. Lecture presented at the 24th Danube symposium for Neurologic sciences; 1991 Dec 6-7; Wien, Austria. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0628.pdf application/pdf

Marosi M, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Koszlovskaya IB, Burlachkova I. Kosmonautenkrankheit. Lecture presented at the 24th Danube symposium for Neurologic sciences; 1991 Dec 6-7; Wien, Austria. German. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0629.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Schauer R, Holzmüller G. Disturbances of head motion after whiplash injury: a prospective study [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 26.

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Gerstenbrand F. New approaches in the diagnoses of acute and subacute head injury [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 32.

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Ransmayr G, Neubauer M, Künig G, Kreczy-Kleedorfer B, Wagner M, Gerstenbrand F. Does the responsiveness of parkinsonian motor symptoms to Levodopa-treatment decrease with the duration of the disease? [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 54.

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Wagner M, Kleedorfer B, Bösch S, Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of motor fluctuations in Parkinson´s disease with subcutaneous apomorphine [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 55.

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Bösch S, Wagner M, Kleedorfer B, Kronthaler E, Rauchegger H, Gerstenbrand F. Adductor laryngeal dystonia (spastic dysphonia): treatment with local injections of Butolinum toxin type A [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 57.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Babaev B, Sokolov A, Borisov M. Neurological effects of water immersion [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 92.

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Stockhammer G, Aichner F, Kampfl A, Zelger B, Sepp N, Felber S, Fritsch P, Gerstenbrand F. New aspects in Sneddon´s syndrome [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 166.

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Stockhammer G, Felber S, Sailer U, Birbamer G, Aichner F, Ransmayr G, Gerstenbrand F., Bauer G. Magnetic resonance findings in thoracic radiation myelopathy [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 182.

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Bohr KC, Souceck D, Sailer U, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F. Electrical status epilepticus during sleep causing “forced normalisation” of the daytime EEG and acute psychosis[Abstract]s. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 233.

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Bohr KC, Souceck D, Telser S, Bauer G. Gerstenbrand F. Studies of sleep. MRI and MR-spectroscopy in an adult patient with Prader-Willi-Syndrome [Abstract]. In: Fazekas F, Schmutzhard E, Eiler K, editors. 2nd congress of the Paneuropean Society of Neurology, Second Congress; 1991 Dec 7-12; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher?]. p. 234.

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Feiber SR, Aichner FT, Sauter R, Gerstenbrand F. Combined magnetic resonance imaging and proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy of patients with acute stroke. Stroke. 1992;23(8):1106-10.

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FGDB-0641.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Apallisches Syndrom. In: Hornbostel H, Kaufmann W, Siegenthaler W, editors. Innere Medizin in Praxis und Klinik. 4th ed. Vol 2, Niere, Wasser-, Elektrolyt- und Säure-Basen-Haushalt, Nervensystem, Muskeln, Knochen, Gelenke. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1992. p. 763-8. German.

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Felber S, Luef G, Birbamer G, Aichner FT, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic resonance studies in stroke [Abstract]. Lancet. 1992; 339(8797):879-80.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Burlatchkova N, Muigg A, Grill L, Borisov M, Holzmüller G, Kozlovskaya IB, Babaev B, Sokolov A, Hochmair E, Steinwender G. Eye-head-arm coordination and spinal reflexes in weightlessness. In: ESA, editor. Proceedings of Satellite Symposium 4: Columbus Eight (COSY-8) Utilization of Earth Orbiting Laboratories from the International Space Year Conference; 1992 Mar 30- Apr 4; Munich, Germany. Darmstadt: ESOC. 1992. p. 139-45.

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Vogl G, Pallua A, Mohsenipour I, Gerstenbrand F. Neuroradiologische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Bandscheibenvorfällen. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1992;104(8):243-7. German.

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Benke T, Koserenko O, Gerstenbrand F. COGIMIR – how to measure cognitive functions in space. In: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine – ASM, editor. Health from Space Research. Wien: Springer Verlag; 1992. p. 55-63.

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Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB, Burlatchkova N, Muigg A, Sokolov A, Babaev B, Grill I, Borisov M, DeCol C, Holzmüller G, Hochmair E, Steinwender G. Eye, head and arm coordination and spinal reflexes in weightlessness - MONIMIR experiment. In: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine – ASM, editor. Health from Space Research. Wien: Springer Verlag; 1992. p. 119-35.

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Willeit J, Aichner F, Felber S, Berek K, Deisenhammer F, Gerstenbrand F. Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system: report of three cases and review of the literature. J Neurol Sci. 1992;111(1):20-5.

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Gerstenbrand F., Marosi M. Tauchpsychologie: Panikattacke beim Tauchen. Caisson 1992;7(2):57-61. German.

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Saltuari L, Kronenberg M, Marosi MJ, Kofler M, Russegger L, Rifici C, Bramanti P, Gerstenbrand F. Indication, efficiency and complications of intrathecal pump supported baclofen treatment in spinal spasticity. Estratto da Acta Neurologica New Series; 1992;14(3):188-94.

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Saltuari L, Kronenberg M, Marosi MJ, Kofler M, Russegger L, Rifici C, Bramanti P, Gerstenbrand F. Long-term intrathecal baclofen treatment in supraspinal spasticity. Estratto da Acta Neurologica New Series; 1992;14(3):195-207.

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FGDB-0651.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Gerstenbrand F. Severe head injury: what can neuropsychology do? In: Prevec T, editor. Evaluation and treatment of severe head injury. Proceedings of the 11th International neurophysiological symposium with the 8th Dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 1992 Sept 14-15; Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana, Slovenia: University institute of clinical neurophysiology. 1992. [117 p.]

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Haring HP, Berek K, Kampfl A, Kotier M, Pfausler B, Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Erfolgreiche Thrombolyse nach Arteria-cerebri-media-Infarkt. Neuropsychiatrie. 1992;5(3-4):121-3. German.

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Ransmayr G, Künig G, Gerstenbrand F. Modern therapy of Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm Suppl. 1992;38:129-40.

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Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Formisano R. La diagnosi della sindrome apallica e la classificazione delle fasi di remissione. Atti del convegno; 1992 Dec 5; La Sindrome Post-Comatosa. 1992;11:5-17.

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Saltuari L, Rifici C, Kronenberg M, Kofler M, Kofler A, D'Aleo G, Bramanti P, Gerstenbrand F. Trattamento della spasticita sopraspinale grave con Baclofen intratecale. Atti del convegno; 1992 Dec 5; La Sindrome Post-Comatosa. 1992;11:71-81. Italian.

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FGDB-0656.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Koserenko O, Gerstenbrand F. Space and cognition: The measurement of cognitive functions in space. In: Abstracts of the Symposium on Life Sciences in Space; 1992 Dec 1-2; Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: [Publisher?]; 1992. [1 p].

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FGDB-0657.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Burlatschkova N, Muigg A, Grill R, De Col C, Holzmüller G, Koslovskaya I, Borisov M, Sokolov A, Hochmair E. Movement disturbances in weightlessness. In: Abstracts of the Symposium on Life Sciences in Space; 1992 Dec 1-2; Wien, Austria. Vienna, Austria: [Publisher?]; 1992. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0658.pdf application/pdf

Poewe W, Gerstenbrand F. Klinik. In: Riederer P, Laux G, Pöldinger W, editors. Parkinsonmittel und Antidemenita. In: Riederer P, Laux G, Pöldinger W. Neuro-Psychopharmaka. Ein Therapiehandbuch. Wien: Springer Verlag. c1992. p. 101-1. (Parkinsonmittel und Antidemenita; Vol. 5.) German.

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FGDB-0659.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Felber S, Kampfl A, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Benesch H. Fast magnetic resonance imaging and three-dimensional volumetric calculation in degenerative central nervous system disease. In: Maurer K, editor. Imaging of the brain in psychiatry and related fields. Berlin: Springer Verlag; c1993. p. 47-51.

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FGDB-0660.pdf application/pdf

Berek K, Kiechl S, Haring HP, Kampfl A, Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical and laboratory predictors in spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. Headache Quarterly. 1993;4(3):245-8. Continued by: Headache and pain.

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FGDB-0661.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Muigg A. Raumfahrtmedizin und life sciences in space. WMW. 1993;143(23/24):582-4. German.

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FGDB-0662.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., De Col C, Grill L, Muigg A, Kozlovskaya I, Burlatchkova N, Sokolov A, Babaev B, Borisov M, Mossaheb M, Steinwender G, Hochmair E. Bewegungsstörungen in der Schwerelosigkeit. WMW. 1993;143(23/24):614-9. German.

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FGDB-0663.pdf application/pdf

Pohl P, Gerstenbrand F. Bildgebende Verfahren. In: Peters UH, Fischer PA, Enzensberger W, Schifferdecker M, editors. Aids in Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Köln: Deutscher Ärzte Verlag; 1993. p. 192-209. German.

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FGDB-0664.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Koserenko O, Watson NV, Gerstenbrand F. Space and cognition: the measurement of behavioral functions during a 6-day space mission. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1993;64(5):376-9.

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FGDB-0665.pdf application/pdf

Berek K, Luef G, Marosi M, Saltuari L, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Apallic syndrome - to treat or not to treat? The Lancet. 1993;331(8849):899.

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FGDB-0666.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Hans Hoff - Lehrer und Mittler zur modernen Neurologie. In: Gerstenbrand F., Hinterhuber H, editors. Hans Hoff Gendenksymposium anläßlich des 95. Geburtstages; 1992 Dec 11; Wien, Austria. Neuropsychiatrie. 1993;7(1):6-9. German.

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FGDB-0667.pdf application/pdf

Artner-Dworzak E, Secnik P, Koller A, Muigg A, Marosi M, Parrak V, Gerstenbrand F., Puschendorf B. Changes in muscular proteins during simulated microgravity [Abstract]. In: Societe Francaise de Biologie Clinique, editor. Abstract book of Eurolab ’93: 10th IFCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and 12th SFBC National Meeting; 1993 Apr 25-29; Nice, France. Paris: Elsevier; 1993. p. 319. (Annales de biologie Clinique; Vol. 51, No. 3-5).

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FGDB-0668.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger KH, Marosi M, Pallua A. Panikattacken beim Tauchen. In: Ehm O, editor. Tauchmedizin: Fortschritte in der Tauch- und Überdruckmedizin. 5th Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tauch- und Überdruckmedizin e.V. 1990 Oct 12-13; Hannover, Germany. Landsberg: ECOMED, c1993. Chapter 1.21; p. 127-34. German.

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FGDB-0669IT.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Gerstenbrand F. Sindrome apallica. In: Vella L, editor. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana. Florence: USES Edizioni; c1993. p. 6633-44. (Aggiornamento 1 della seconda edizione; Vol. 4). Italian.

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FGDB-0670.pdf application/pdf

Lopes-Cendes I, Andermann E, Attig E, Cendes F, Radvany J, Bosch S, Wagner M, Botez MI, Gerstenbrand F., Andermann F, Rouleau GA. Clinical and genetic studies in dominantly inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAS) – analyses of clinical and genetic-heterogeneity [Poster]. Poster session presented at: 43rd Annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics; 1993 Oct 5-9; New Orleans, USA. Am J Hum Genet. 1993;53(Suppl):.206.

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FGDB-0671.pdf application/pdf

Bosch S, Wagner M, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F., Budka H, Andermann E. A new autosomal dominant inherited motor system degeneration in an Austrian American family [Abstract]y. In: AAN, editor. Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology; 1993 Apr 25-May 1; New York, USA. Cleveland: Advanstar Communications. Neurology. 1993;43(4)Suppl 2:A350. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0672.pdf application/pdf

Lopes-Cendes I, Andermann E, Gerstenbrand F., Bosch S, Wagner M, Andermann F, Donat J, Shokeir M, Rouleau GA. Linkage studies in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) - evidence showing that the recently described SCA-2 locus in not a private gene [Abstract]. In: AAN, editor. Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology; 1993 Apr 25-May 1; New York, USA. Cleveland: Advanstar Communications. Neurology. 1993;43(4)Suppl 2:A359. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0673.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Rehabilitation nach Hirnverletzung. !n: Benzer H, Buchardi H, Larsen R, Suter PM, editors. Intensivmedizin. 6th rev. ed. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 1993. p. 832 -42. (Lehrbuch der Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin; Vol. 2). German.

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FGDB-0674.pdf application/pdf

Artner-Dworzak E, Secnik P, Parrak V, Puschendorf B, Marosi M, Muigg A, Gerstenbrand F., Koller A. Changes in muscular proteins during simulated microgravity. J Neurol Sci. 1993;119(1):119-20.

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FGDB-0675.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Burtscher J, Chemelli A, Puffer P, Bramanti P. MR-Tomographie in der Neurogeriatrie. Prakt Arzt. 1993;47(692):975-85. German.

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FGDB-0676.pdf application/pdf

Benke T, Koserenko O, Gerstenbrand F. COGIMIR: A study of cognitive functions in microgravity. Space Technology. 1993;13(2):181-83.

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FGDB-0677.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G. Gerstenbrand F., Kofler M, Buchberger W, Felber S, Aichner F. Post-traumatic segmental myoclonus associated with bilateral olivary hypertrophy. Acta Neurol Scand. 1993;87:505-9.

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FGDB-0678.pdf application/pdf

Inghilleri M, Formisano R, Berardelli A, Sa ltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Manfredi M. Transcranial electrical stimulation in patients with apallic syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand 1994;89(1):15-7.

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Weiss G, Willeit J, Kiechl S, Fuchs D, Jarosch E, Oberhollenzer F, Reibnegger R, Tilz GP, Gerstenbrand F., Wachter H. Increased concentrations of neopterin in carotid atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis. 1994;106(2):263-71.

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FGDB-0680.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0680 Gerstenbrand F., Seidler H, Zur Nedden D. The neurology of the Tyrolean iceman [Abstract]. In: World Federation of Neurology, European Club for the history of neurology, American Osler Society, editors. 1st International Congress on the history of neurosciences; 1994 May 12-14; London, UK. London: WFN. c1994.

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FGDB-0681.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Burtscher J, Chemelli A, Puffer P, De Bartolo M, Rifici C, Bramanti P. Imaging of inner cerebral trauma. Acta Neurologica (Napoli). 1994;16(3):114-20. (Acta Neurologica New Series; Vol. 16).

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FGDB-0682.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Marosi M. Untersuchungen in der simulierten und echten Schwerelosigkeit, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Diagnostik und Therapie bei neurologischen Erkrankungen [Abstract]. In: Europäisches Symposium Quantifizierung von rehabilitativen Trainingsprogrammen, editor. Abstracts 2. Europäisches Symposium Quantifizierung von rehabilitativen Trainingsprogrammen; 1994 Jun 2-5; Wien, Austria. Wien: Blackwell-MZV. WMW. 1994;144(Suppl. 110):5. German.

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FGDB-0683.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Mescheriakov S, Gerstenbrand F. Kinematic analysis in evaluation of movement disorders [Abstract]. In: Europäisches Symposium Quantifizierung von rehabilitativen Trainingsprogrammen, editor. Abstracts 2. Europäisches Symposium Quantifizierung von rehabilitativen Trainingsprogrammen; 1994 Jun 2-5; Wien, Austria. Wien: Blackwell-MZV. WMW. 1994;144(Suppl. 110):5-6.

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FGDB-0684.pdf application/pdf

De Bartolo M, Kiechl S, Luef G, Berek K, Hoppichler F, Bramanti P, Gerstenbrand F., Willeit J. Peripher autonome Potentiale: Wertigkeit bei der diabetischen Neuropathie. Z EEG-EMG. 1994;25(3):196-9. German.

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FGDB-0685.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Haring HP. Stroke management model in the Innsbruck neurointensive care unit. In: Graylyn Conference, editor. Proceedings of the Senior Stroke Society Conference; 1992 Sept 12-15; Winston-Salem NC, USA. Englewood, CO: National Stroke Association. c1994. [7 p]. (Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases. 1994;4, Suppl.1).

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FGDB-0686.pdf application/pdf

Kiechl S, Gerstenbrand F., Egger G, Mair A, Spögler F, Rungger G, Jarosch E, Oberhollenzer F, Willeit J. Body iron stores and presence of carotid atherosclerosis. Results from the Bruneck study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1994;14:1625-30.

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Secnik P, Artner-Dworzak E, Cifra S, Parrak V, Puschendorf B, Gerstenbrand F. Release of muscle proteins in brain stroke patients. J Neuro Sci. 1994;126(1):88-9.

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FGDB-0688.pdf application/pdf

Kozlovskaya I, Gerstenbrand F., Berger M, Babayev B, Borisov M, Burlachkova N, Sokolov A. Results of sensorimotor studies performed on board of MIR station [Abstract and text]. In: International Astronautical Federation IAF, editor. Compilation of papers of the 45th International Astronautical Congress; 1994 Oct 9-14; Jerusalem, Israel. Paris, France: IAF. c1994. 366 p.

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FGDB-0689.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The impact and utility of computerized tomography in neurology [Abstract]. In: Agrawal JP, editor. Abstract book Neurology Update 2000 – 1st International conference on organization and delivery of neurological services; 1994 No v 19-22; New Delhi. [Publisher?]; 1994.

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Gerstenbrand F. Cost-effective neuroimaging [Abstract]. In: Abstract book Neurology Update 2000 – 1st International conference on organization and delivery of neurological services; 1994 Nov 19-22; New Delhi. [Publisher?]; 1994. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0691.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Introduction Space Neurology. In: Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Salutari L, Bramanti P, editors. 1st International Workshop Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct. 23-24; Messina-Taormina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. c1994. p. 7-9.

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FGDB-0692.pdf application/pdf

D’Aleo G, Lo Presti R, Giorgianni R, Rifici C, De Bertolo M, Pollicino P, Di Perri R, Silvestri R, Salutari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Polygraphic findings in conditions of simulated microgravity In: Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Salutari L, Bramanti P, editors. 1st International Workshop Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct. 23-24; Messina-Taormina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. c1994. p. 51-6.

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Pollicino P, Lo Presti R, Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Prevec T, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Study of the proprioceptive somatosensory system functions in simulated microgravity: preliminary study on 10 healthy volunteers. In: Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Salutari L, Bramanti P, editors. 1st International Workshop Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct. 23-24; Messina-Taormina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. c1994. p. 73-6.

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FGDB-0694.pdf application/pdf

De Bartolo M, Saltuari L, Prevec T, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Sympathetic skin response and R-R interval in simulated microgravity In: Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Salutari L, Bramanti P, editors. 1st International Workshop Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct. 23-24; Messina-Taormina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. c1994. p. 87-90.

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Lo Presti R, D’Aleo G, Pollicino P, Saltuari L, Marosi M, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Back pain in simulated microgravity: a preliminary study. In: Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Salutari L, Bramanti P, editors. 1st International Workshop Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct. 23-24; Messina-Taormina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. c1994. p. 91-5.

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FGDB-0696.pdf application/pdf

Lopes-Cendes I, Andermann E, Attig E, Cendes F, Bosch S, Wagner M, Gerstenbrand F., Andermann F, Rouleau GA. Confirmation of the SCA-2 locus as an alternative locus for dominately inherited spinocerebellar ataxias and refinement of the candidate region. Am J Hum Genet. 1994;54:774-81.

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FGDB-0697.pdf application/pdf

Lopes-Cendes I, Andermann E, Attig E, Cendes F, Bosch S, Wagner M, Botez MI, Gerstenbrand F., Andermann F, Rouleau GA. Absence of anticipation in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) families not linked to chromosome (CH) 6P. In: AAN, editor. 46th annual meeting of AAN; 1994 May 1-7; Washington DC, USA. Cleveland, OH, USA: Advanstar Communications. Neurology. 1994;44(4)Suppl. 2. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0698.pdf application/pdf

Lenzi GL et al. Early treatment of stroke with monosialoganglioside GM-1. Efficacy and safety results of the Early Stroke Trial. Stroke. 1994,25(8):1552-8.

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D’Aleo G, Bramanti P, Silvestri R, Salutari L, Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R. Sleep spindles in the initial stages of the vegetative state [Abstract]. Ital J Neurol Sci. 1994;15(7):347-51. [Nur Abstract, Ausdruck fehlt]

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Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. The impact of economic change on clinical neurology and research: a window into the European situation. Eur J Neurol. 1995;1(3):275-9.

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FGDB-0701.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Mescheriakov S, Molokanova E, Lechner S, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya I, Babaev B, Sokolov A. Influence of short- and long-term exposure to real microgravity on kinematics of pointing arm movements. In: Mergner T, Hlavacka F, editors. Multisensory Control of Posture: Proceedings of International Symposium on Sensory Interaction in Posture and Movement control, held as a satellite symposium to the European Neuroscience Association meeting; 1994 Sept 9-11; Smolenice, Slovakia. New York: Plenum Press. c1995. p. 339-46.

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FGDB-0702.pdf application/pdf

Formisano R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F. Presence of Klüver-Bucy syndrome as a positive prognostic feature for the remission of traumatic prolonged disturbances of consciousness. Acta Neurol Scand. 1995;91(1):54-7.

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FGDB-0703.pdf application/pdf

Chemelli A, Birbamer G, Felber S, Aichner F, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) bei dementiellen Syndromen. In: Günther V, editor. Dementielle Syndrome. Innsbruck: Verlag Integrative Psychiatrie. 1995. p. 53-8. German.

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FGDB-0704.pdf application/pdf

FGDB-0704 Gerstenbrand F. Psychiatrische Erkrankung. In: Ehm OF, editor. Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen bei Tauchern. 1995. p. 88-92. German.

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FGDB-0705.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neurologische Erkrankungen. In: Ehm OF, editor. Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen bei Tauchern. 1995. p. 93-100. German.

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FGDB-0706.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Besonderheiten bei Behinderten. In: Ehm OF, editor. Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen bei Tauchern. 1995. p. 100-5. German.

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FGDB-0707.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Langzeitschäden nach Tauchen. In: Ehm OF, editor. Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen bei Tauchern. 1995. p. 105-109. German.

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FGDB-0708.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Rumpl E. Rehabilitation nach Hirnverletzung. In: Benzer H, Buchardi H, Larsen R, Suter PM, editors. Intensivmedizin. 7th rev. ed. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 1995. p. 833 -842. German.

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FGDB-0709-730.pdf application/pdf

Übersicht der Dateien 0709 - 0730

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Gerstenbrand F. Foreword. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. XI-XII. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0710.pdf application/pdf

Pollicino P, Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Posttraumatic epilepsy. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 1-6. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0711.pdf application/pdf

Pollicino P, Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Incidence of epilepsy in post-traumatic apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 7-12. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0712.pdf application/pdf

Pollicino P, Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Clinical follow-up of patients in persistent vegetative state. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 17-20. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0713.pdf application/pdf

D’Aleo G, Bramanti P, Silvestri R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R. Sleep spindles in the initial stages of apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 37-44. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0714.pdf application/pdf

D’Aleo G, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Sleep in the last remission stages of apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 45-50. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0715.pdf application/pdf

Lo Presti R, Lechleitner P, Bramanti P, Luef G, Pollicino P, Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L. Prognostic value of early cortical median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials after cardiac resuscitation. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 55-60. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0716.pdf application/pdf

De Bartolo M, Saltuari L, Willeit J, Prevec T, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Sympathetic skin response and remission stages of post-traumatic apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 61-66. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0717.pdf application/pdf

D'Aleo G, De Bartolo M, Saltuari L, Marosi M, Kiechl S, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. REM and sympathetic skin response in the apallic syndrome: preliminary study. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 67-72. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0718.pdf application/pdf

Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Event-correlated potentials in patients in the first stages of apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 73-80. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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De Bartolo M, Kiechl St, Luej G, Berek K, Hoppichler F, Lechleitner M, Patsch J, Bramanti P. Periphere autonome Potentiale: Wertigkeit bei der diabetischen Neuropathie. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 101-108. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Birbamer G, Lo Presti R, Pollicino P, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Buchberger W, Chemelli A, Langmayr JJ, Bramanti P. MR-imaging of post-traumatic olivary hypertrophy. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 115-118. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Birbamer G, De Bartolo M, Rifici C, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Burtscher J, Chemelli A, Puffer P, Bramanti P. Imaging of inner cerebral trauma. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 119-122.

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D’Aleo G, Birbamer G, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Sleep spindles and magnetic resonance in the initial stages of apallic syndrome. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 135-142. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0723.pdf application/pdf

Bramanti P, De Bartolo M, Birbamer G, Ioli A, Gerstenbrand F. Magnetic resonance imaging of CNS parasitic infections. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 223-230.

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De Bartolo M, D'Aleo G, Ioli A, Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Neurocysticercosis: epidemiology, diagnosis and evolution. Review of published studies. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and -Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 231-238. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Saltuari L, Rifici C, Kronenberg M, Kofler M, Kofler A, D’Aleo G, Bramanti P, Gerstenbrand F. Intrathecal Baclofen treatment of severe supraspinal spasticity. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and -Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 245-253.

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Saltuari Benke T, Majolino E, D'Aleo G, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Severe head injury: what can neuropsychology do? In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 299-310.

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D'Aleo G,. Lo Presti R, Saltuari L, Silvestri R, Gerstenbrand F., Di Perri R, Bramanti P. Sleep in microgravity. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 317-322. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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De Bartolo M, Saltuari L, Prevec T, Willeit J, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Sympathetic skin response and R-R interval in simulated microgravity. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 323-326. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Pollicino P, Lo Presti R, Giorgianni R, Saltuari L, Prevec T, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Study of the proprioceptive somatosensory system functions in simulated microgravity: preliminary study on 10 healthy volunteers. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 349-352. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0730.pdf application/pdf

Lo Presti R, D'Aleo G. Pollicino P, Saltuari L, Marosi M, Gerstenbrand F., Bramanti P. Back pain in microgravity. In: Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Bramanti P, editors. Brain Injury. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Space and Underwater Neurology; 1992 Oct 23-24; Messina-Taomina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1995. p. 353-358. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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Berger M., Mescheriakov S., Molokanova E., Gerstenbrand F., Stelmach G. Influence of visual feedback conditions on kinematics of simple preprogrammed arm movements in simulated microgravity (Dry Immersion). In: 16th Annual Gravitational Physiology Meeting; 1995 Mar 1924; Reno, USA. J Gravit Physiol. 1995;2(1):p1-168. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0732.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Ad hoc committee of the WFN for neuroethics. Brain death - a European proposal for worldwide guidelines. In: Machado C, editor. Brain death: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Brain Death; 1996 Feb 27-Mar 1; Havana, Cuba. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1995. 300 p. (Developments in neurology; Vol.9).

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Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N, Binder H, Saltuari L, Birbamer G. Modern aspects in rehabilitation of patients with brain injury. Eur J Neurol. 1996;3 Suppl 2:12.

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Gerstenbrand F., Prilipko L. Report on the symposium Neurology and public health in Europe, organized by the WHO and EFNS; 1995 Sept 15; Marseille, France. Eur J Neurol. 1996;3(4):407-408.

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Felber S, Ettl A, Schmidauer C, Daxer A, Gerstenbrand F. Peripheral neuropathy: an unrecognized feature of hereditary vitreoretinal degeneration? Eur Neurol. 1996;36:54-55.

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Gerstenbrand F. Coma: pathophysiology and classification. In: Bramanti P, editor. Courses Update in clinical neurology. 1996 Oct. 11-12, Messina, Italy. Messina: EDAS. 1996. [4 p].

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Lopes-Cendes I, Andermann E, Nechiporuk A, Attig E, Bosch S, Wagner M, Andermann F, Gerstenbrand F., Botez MI, Teive H, Jain S, Pulst SM, Rouleau GA. Frequency and molecular characteristics of the spinocerebellar ataxiatype-2-mutation [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 40th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 1997;48(3 Suppl 2):A177.

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Gerstenbrand F., Karamat E. Die prämorbide Persönlichkeitsstruktur des Parkinsonpatienten – klinische, testpsychologische und graphomotorische Untersuchungen, ein Korrelationsversuch zur Parkinsonerkrankung historischer Persönlichkeiten. Lecture presented at Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Parkinson Gesellschaft; 1997 May 23-24; Wiener Neustadt, Austria. German.

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Reicheis W, Gerstenbrand F., Weber G, Seidler H, Zur Nedden D. The Tyrolean iceman: introducing virtual reality into anthropology and medicine. In: Yahr M, Chouza C, Aljanati R, editors. Biology of dopaminergic neuron: neurotoxity and neuroprotection in chronic treatments. Official satellite symposium to the 16th world congress of neurology; 1997 Sept 21-21; Punta del Este, Uruguay. Montevideo, Uruguay: Arena ediciones. 1998. p. 67-76.

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FGDB-0740.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB, Marosi M. Space medicine and life sciences in space. In: Yahr M, Chouza C, Aljanati R, editors. Biology of dopaminergic neuron: neurotoxity and neuroprotection in chronic treatments. Official satellite symposium to the 16th world congress of neurology; 1997 Sept 21-21; Punta del Este, Uruguay. Montevideo, Uruguay: Arena ediciones. 1998. p. 117-122.

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Gerstenbrand F. Wir müssen alles daran setzen, eine Euthanasie apallischer Patienten zu verhindern. Wachkoma und danach (Amberg Ed.). 1998 Apr:7. German.

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FGDB-0742.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya IB, Gerstenbrand F. Modification of goal-directed arm movements during short- and long-term spaceflight. In: Abstracts of the 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of Aerospace Medical Association; 1998 May 17-21; Seattle, WA. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1998;69(3):213.

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FGDB-0743.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Kremser C, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Zschiegner F, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic M, Felber S, Aichner F. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the human sensorimotor cortex before and after 48 hours of dry water immersion. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 6th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition; 1998 Apr 18-24; Sydney, Australia. Concord, CA: ISMRS. 1998;S1:1549.

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FGDB-0744.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Neuroethik – eine neue Aufgabe in der Neurologie. Lecture presented at: Toscana Congress: 25th Scientific Meeting of the Austrian Society for neurology and psychiatry; 1998 Apr 22-24; Gmunden, Austria. German

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FGDB-0745.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya I. Modification of spatial parameters of goal-directed arm movements during short- and long-term spaceflight [Abstract]. In: Congress program and Abstracts. Congress on Cerebral Ischemia, Vascular Dementia, Epilepsy and CNS Injury; 1998 May 9-13; Washington DC, USA. Washington, USA: WFN. c1998. [p. 1]

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FGDB-0746.pdf application/pdf

Marosi M, Kozlovskaya IB, Gerstenbrand F. Plantar stimulation to prevent muscle atrophy secondary to immobilization. [Abstract]. In: Conference program and Abstracts. Conference on Cerebral Ischemia, Vascular Dementia, Epilepsy and CNS Injury; 1998 May 9-13; Washington DC, USA. Washington, USA: WFN. c1998. [p 1].

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FGDB-0747.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya IB, Gerstenbrand F. Modification of goal-directed arm movements during short- and long-term spaceflight [Poster]. Poster session presented at: 69th Annual conference of the Aerospace Medical Association; 1998 May 17-21; Seattle, WA.

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Marosi M, Gerstenbrand F., Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S. Contribution of space related research to advances in the field of medicine. NSN Special Report. Neuroscience News. 1998;1(5):46-54

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Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. Aspects of spatial perception during inflight adaptation to microgravity. In: Russian Academy of Science, editor. Abstracts of 11th Conference of Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine; 1998 June 22-26; Moscow, Russia. Moscow: Slowo Publishing House. 1998. p. 358. (Vol. 2).

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Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Saling M, Gerstenbrand F. The influence of simulated microgravity on sensorimotor performance matched arm position pre-, in- and post-dry water immersion [Abstract]. Paper presented at: Civil Aviation Medical Association – CAMA International Scientific Session; 1998 Jun 24-27; Innsbruck, Austria. [1 p.].

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Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gerstenbrand F. A pilot study on the effects of 48 hours dry water immersion on static postural control [Abstract]. Paper presented at Civil Aviation Medical Association – CAMA International Scientific Session; 1998 Jun 24-27; Innsbruck, Austria. [1 p.].

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FGDB-0752.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Felber S, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. The influence of simulated microgravity on motor cortex activation patterns: an fMRI study [Abstract]. Paper presented at: Civil Aviation Medical Association – CAMA International Scientific Session; 1998 Jun 24-27; Innsbruck, Austria. [1 p.].

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FGDB-0753.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Neuroethics: past, present and future. Danube lecture presented at: 30th Danube symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education; 1998 Aug 26-29; Krems, Austria. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0754.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya I, Holzmüller G, Mescheriakov S, Sokolov A, Gerstenbrand F. The effect of head-to-trunk position on the direction of arm movements before, during and after space flight. J Ves Res. 1998;8(1):341-354.

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FGDB-0755.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Zschiegner F, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic M, Felber S, Aichner F. Functional Magnetic resonance imaging of the sensorimotor cortex during vibratory stimulation of the hand. In: Cerdan S, Haase A, Terrier F, editors. Syllabus: methodology, spectroscopy and clinical MRI. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB); 1998 Sept 17-20; Geneva, Swiss. Milan: Springer. 1998. 177 p.

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Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Neuroethics - a new approach in neurological services. In: Bergen DC, Chopra JS, Silverberg D, Barac B, Lechner H, editors. Progress in Neurology. Vol. 2. New Delhi, India: Churchill Livingstone. 1998. p. 281-284.

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Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Grcevic N. Neues Klassifikationsschema der Hirnverletzung [Abstract]. In: Abstracts 34. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie: Das Schädel-Hirn-Trauma; 1998 Oct 15-17; Salzburg, Austria. Wien: Ärztewoche. 1998. p. 8. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom. Lecture presented at the Mitglieder- und Jahreshauptversammung Schädel-Hirnpatienten in Not e.V.; 1998 Oct. 23; Frankfurt, Germany. [8 p]. German.

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FGDB-0759.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Der vertebragene Kopfschmerz. Lecture presented at Privatklinik Döbling, Vienna; 1998 Oct 23. Vienna: In form. 1998 Nov. [1 p]. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Birbamer G, Schauer R, Wicke K, Ransmayr G, Plenk J. Sekundäre Rückenmarksschäden mit dem Bild einer zervikalen Myelopathie beim idiopathischen Parkinson-Syndrom. Neuropsychiat. 1999;13(1):190-199. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Karamat E. Adolf Hitler's Parkinson's disease and an attempt to analyze his personality structure. Europ J Neurol. 1999;6(2):121-127.

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Gerstenbrand F. Hirnverletzungen, allgemeine Begriffsbestimmung und Pathologie. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Parkinson Gesellschaft ÖGP; 1999 Mar 25-27; Graz, Austria. 1999 March. [2 p]. German.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N. Klassifikation des schweren cerebralen Traumas, Acta Chir Austriaca. 1999:31(Suppl 156):20-22. German.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Clinical aspects of different remission stages in patients with transient apallic syndrome. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the 2nd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation; 1999 Apr 14-17; Toronto, Canada. London, UK: Sage Publications. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 1999;13(1):32-33.

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Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR, Pinter M, Binder H. Neuronal control of spasticity. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the 2nd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation; 1999 Apr 14-17; Toronto, Canada. London, UK: Sage Publications. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 1999;13(1):103-104.

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Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Patients unable to give legal consent. In: Abstracts Bioethics - 39th International Neuropsychiatric Symposium joint meeting with Alps-Adria Psychiatry Section; 1999 Jun 2-6; Pula, Croatia. Neurologia Croatica. 1999;48(Suppl 1):18-19.

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Golaszewski S, Dimitrijevic MM, Kremser Ch, Zschiegner F, Hackel M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Aichner F, Felber S, Dimitrijevic MR. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRl) of the human sensorimotor cortex during whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: Abstract 9th Meeting European Neurological Society; 1999 Jun 5-9; Milano, Italy. J Neurol. 1999;246(Suppl 1):1-185.

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Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Ethical issues in neurological research and practice. In: Abstracts 31st International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 1999 Aug 25-28; Szeged, Hungaria. Cephalalgia Hungarica. 1999;5:15.

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FGDB-0769.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics in Neurology and Psychiatry – an introduction. Lecture presented in August 1999 at a conference/symposium at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. [Publisher?]. 1999. [1 p].

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FGDB-0770.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Acute traumatic brainstem lesions: introduction [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 4th Congress of the European Fe deration of Neurological Sciences; 1999 Sept 7-11; Lisbon, Portugal. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Europ J Neurol. 1999;6(Suppl 3):164.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Neuroimaging of traumatic brainstem lesions [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 4th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 1999 Sept 7-11; Lisbon, Portugal. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Europ J Neurol. 1999;6(Suppl 3):165.

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FGDB-0772.pdf application/pdf

Marosi M, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. Contribution of space related research to advances in the field of medicine. In: Hinghofer-Szalkay H, editor. Abstracts of the 4th International Head-out Water Immersion Symposium; 1999 Sept 27-28; Graz, Austria. Graz: ASM - Institute for Adaptive & Spaceflight Physiology. 1999. p. 21.

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FGDB-0773.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom (AS), in der anglo-amerikanischen Literatur auch vegetative state (VS) genannt. In: Quester R, Schmitt EW, Lippert-Grüner M, editors. Stufen zum Licht. Leimersheim: Fachverlag hw-studio weber. 1999. p. 128-147. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Prognosis of epilepsies and start of antiepileptic drug treatment. Lecture presented at 46th Myanmar Medical Conference; 2000 Jan 17-22; Yangon, Myanmar. [Publisher?]. 2000. [3 p].

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FGDB-0775.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Bauer H. When to stop antiepileptic treatment. Lecture presented at 46th Myanmar Medical Conference; 2000 Jan 17-22; Yangon, Myanmar. [Publisher?]. 2000. [3 p].

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FGDB-0776.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Birbamer G, Stepan CA. Persistent vegetative state versus apallic syndrome, a comparison of two entities. In: Machado C, editor. Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on Coma and Brain Death; 2000 Feb 22-25; Havana, Cuba. [1 p.]. [Publisher?].

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FGDB-0777.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Binder H, Stepan CA. Brain death – the European position [Abstract]. In: Machado C, editor. Abstracts of the 3rd International Symposium on Coma and Brain Death; 2000 Feb 22-25; Havana, Cuba. [Publisher?]. 2000. [1 p]. (Manuscript for lecture attached).

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FGDB-0778.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Moderne Aspekte der Diagnose und Klassifikation der Hirnverletzungen [Abstract]. In: ÖGNP, editor. Abstracta 26. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und Psychiatrie; 2000 May 3-6; Gmunden, Austria. München: Dustri-Verlag. Neuropsychiatrie. 2000;14(2):113. German.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Grcevic N. Biomechanik der Hirnverletzung, MRT-tomographische Korrelate[Abstract]. In: ÖGNP, editor. Abstracta 26. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und Psychiatrie; 2000 May 3-6; Gmunden, Austria. München: Dustri-Verlag. Neuropsychiatrie. 2000;14(2):114. German.

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FGDB-0780.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die ethischen Probleme aus der Sicht der Neurologie[Abstract]. In: ÖGNP, editor. Abstracta 26. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie und Psychiatrie; 2000 May 3-6; Gmunden, Austria. München: Dustri-Verlag. Neuropsychiatrie. 2000;14(2):121. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Toward the years 2000. Special Lecture presented at the 5th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2000 May 17-21; Opatija, Croatia. 2000. [13 p.].

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FGDB-0782.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Neuroethics – a new approach in neurological service [Abstract]. EFNS Teaching Course; 2000 May 28-30; Targu Mures, Romania. 2000. [1 p].

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0783 Baumgartner H, Buller R, Gerstenbrand F., Simhandl C, Folnegovic-Smalc V. Clinical drug trials based on EU guidelines for GCP (Good Clinical Practice) and ICH (International Conference for Harmonization). Lecture presented at International training post-graduate training course for clinical investigators in Psychiatry and Neurology at the 40th International Neuropsychiatric Symposium; 2000 Jun 21-24; Pula, Croatia. Neurol Croat. 2000;49(Suppl 2): [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0784 Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F., Erkwoh H, Folnegovic-Smalc V, Komtur N. Bioethics. Joint meeting with ALPS-ADRIA Psychiatry Section in cooperation with Danube Symposium. Prost graduate course held at the 40th International Neuropsychiatric Symposium; 2000 Jun 21-24; Pula, Croatia. Neurol Croat. 2000;49(Suppl 2): [Ausdruck fehlt]

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0785 Gerstenbrand F. Злокачественное течение острой окклюзии средней мозговой артерии [Malignant course of acute occlusion of the middle cerebral artery]. Lecture presented at актуальные проблемы атеросклероза, церебральной ишемии, инсульта [International scientific-practical Seminar Actual problems of atherosclerosis, cerebral ischemia, stroke; 2000 Jul 2-9; Petrozavodsk-Kondopoga, Karelia, RU. [Publisher?]. Russian. [Ausdruck fehlt] | 0786 Gerstenbrand F. реабилитация после острого инсульта [Rehabilitation after acute insult]. Lecture presented at актуальные проблемы атеросклероза, церебральной ишемии, инсульта [International scientific-practical Seminar Actual problems of atherosclerosis, cerebral ischemia, stroke; 2000 Jul 2-9; Petrozavodsk-Kondopoga, Karelia, RU. [Publisher?]. Russian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0787.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethical issues in clinical research in neurology. In: Czopf J, Kondakor I, editors. Recent advances in the neurological sciences. 32nd International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2000 Aug 31-Sept 2; Baja, Hungary. [Publisher?]. 2000. p. 12-15.

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Pinter MM, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. Epidural electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord: 3. Control of spasticity. Spinal Cord. 2000;38(9):524-531.

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FGDB-0789.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Apallisches Syndrom- historische Entwicklung, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: Bundesverband für Schädel-Hirnverletzte. 10-jähriges Jubiläum Schädel-Hirnpatienten in Not e.V.; 2000 Sept 22-23; Amberg, Germany. Wachkoma und danach. 2000;3:12-13. German.

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FGDB-0790.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S; Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. Changes of activation patterns within the human sensorimotor cortex before and after Dry Water Immersion In: Proceedings of the Russian National Conference Living beings and their environment: Life support and protection of humans under extreme conditions; 2000 Sept 26-29; Moscow, Russia. Moskau, Russia: RAMS Publishing House. 20 00. [1 p.].

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645.99 KB
FGDB-0791.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das Wachkoma: Diagnostik, Ursache und Therapie. Lecture at Zentralklinikum Bremen-Ost, 2000 Oct 4; Bremen, Germany. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0792.pdf application/pdf

Plenk J, Nyan Tun, Mi Mi Cho, Tin Aung Saw, Gerstenbrand F. Neurological findings in 15 cases of AIDS in Myanmar [Abstract and poster]. In: EFNS, editor. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2000;7(Suppl 3):56.

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FGDB-0793.pdf application/pdf

Stepan CA, Tun N, Cho M, Lukasser H, Gerstenbrand F. Severe hypophyseal disturbances with dwarfism due to craniopharyngioma [Abstract and poster]. In: EFNS, editor. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2000;7(Suppl 3):97.

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FGDB-0794.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Hyperbaric oxygenation: a new therapy for acute brain injury (traumatic and vascular). Introduction: The need for hyperbaric oxygenation [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2000;7(Suppl 3):150.

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FGDB-0795.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The traumatic apallic syndrome/traumatic vegetative state: Introduction [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences. Focused Workshop on Traumatic apallic syndrome/traumatic vegetative state (TAS/TVS).; 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2000;7(Suppl 3):169.

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FGDB-0796.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Allocation of resources in neurology: East and West – a challenge to European solidarity [Abstract and text]. In: EFNS, editor. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences. Special Event Neuroethics; 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2000;7(Suppl 3):173.

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FGDB-0797.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Medical ethical and social aspects of neurological disease – i.e. stroke: results of the European Stroke Care Inventory. Introduction lecture presented at the 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences. 2000 Oct 14-18; Copenhagen, Denmark. 2000. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0798.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Dimitrijevic MR. Practice of restorative neurology [Abstract]. 3rd International Conference on restorative medicine (rehabilitology); 2000 Dec 6-8; Moscow, Russia. 2000. [1 p].

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FGDB-0799.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Traumatic brain injury: modern aspects, diagnoses, treatment and rehabilitation [Abstract]. 47th Myanmar Medical Conference; 2000 Jan 19-23; Mandalay, Myanmar. [Publisher?]. 2001. [1 p].

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FGDB-0800.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Epilepsy. Updates, diagnosis and treatment. Lecture presented at Epilepsy Centre Yangon; 2001 Jan 25; Yangon, Myanmar. 2001. Listed in LBI-report 2001; [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0801.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Stepan CA. Mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj. 2001;15(2):95-97.

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Gerstenbrand F. WFN ad hoc committee on Neuroethics (a report). World Neurol. 2001;16(1):13.

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FGDB-0803.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Lechner-Steinleitner S. Sensorimotor coordination during and after simulated microgravity [Abstract]. International Space Forum – 2001: Peaceful space and the future of mankind. 2001 Apr 11-13; Moscow, Russia. [1 p].

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FGDB-0804.pdf application/pdf

Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Neuroethics - a new approach in neurological services. Invited Lecture presented at 2nd EFNS European Cooperation Neurology Workshop. 2001 Apr 20-25; Trest, Czech Republic. [4 p].

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FGDB-0805.pdf application/pdf

Stepan C, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Terminology of mild traumatic brain injury, results of a survey in Austria 2000 [Abstract and text]. Lecture presented at the 4th World Congress of Brain Injury Research, innovations and quality of life for the new millennium; 2001 May 5-9; Torino, Italy. [Publisher?]. 2001. p. 209. [15 p.].

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FGDB-0806.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Different patterns of “Inner Cerebral Trauma” and a new classification of brain injury [Poster]. In: Abstract book of the 4th World Congress of Brain Injury Research, innovations and quality of life for the new millenium; 2001 May 5-9; Torino, Italy. [Publisher?]. 2001. p. 286.

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FGDB-0807.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Remission stages of apallic syndrome [Poster]. In: Abstract book of the 4th World Congress of Brain Injury Research, innovations and quality of life for the new millenium; 2001 May 5-9; Torino, Italy. [Publisher?]. 2001. p. 287.

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FGDB-0808.pdf application/pdf

Stepan C, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F. Mild traumatic brain injury, diagnostic and therapeutic situation in Austria [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):166.

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FGDB-0809.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Stepan V, Grcevic N. A new classification of brain injury [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):168.

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FGDB-0810.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Stepan CH. The stage of remission in the traumatic apallic syndrome – traumatic vegetative state [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):169.

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FGDB-0811.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Kremser C, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Felber S, Dimitrijevic MR, Gerstenbrand F. Brain cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation of the palm: a FMRI study [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):178.

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FGDB-0812.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Kremser C, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Berger M, Felber S, Dimitrijevic MR, Gerstenbrand F. Brain activation changes within the sensorimotor cortex after short term simulated microgravity [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001;187(Suppl 1):178-9.

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FGDB-0813.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Dimitrijevic MR, Gerstenbrand F., Pinter M. Control of spasticity by electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):226.

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FGDB-0814.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Birbamer G, Stepan CH. Rating scale for patients with apallic traumatic syndrome/vegetative state [Abstract]. In: England JD, Paddison MR, editors. Abstracts of the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. London, UK: Elsevier; 2001. J Neurol Sci. 2001; 187(Suppl 1):464.

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FGDB-0815.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Brain death – European position for global consideration [Abstract]. Submitted to the 17th World Congress of Neurology; 2001 June 17-22; London, UK. 2001. 1p.

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1021.88 KB
FGDB-0816.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Stepan C, Aichner F. Large infarction of the MCA: clinical, diagnostic and therapy [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Stroke Prevention, 3rd Educational Course of the Central and East European Stroke Society; 2001 Aug 25-28; Warsaw, Poland.

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FGDB-0817.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics in modern clinical research [Abstract]. In: Slawek J, Wszolek ZK, editors. Abstracts of lectures and poster presentations of the 33rd International Danube Symposium; 2001 Aug 29-Sept 1; Lubin, Poland. Krakow, Poland: Neurologia I Neurochirurgia Polska. 2001;35(Suppl 2):17.

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FGDB-0818.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Hyperbaric medicine [Abstract]. In: Slawek J, Wszolek ZK, editors. Abstracts of lectures and poster presentations of the 33rd International Danube Symposium; 2001 Aug 29-Sept 1; Lubin, Poland. Krakow, Poland: Neurologia I Neurochirurgia Polska. 2001;35(Suppl 2):17.

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FGDB-0819.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Unethical aspects of evidence based medicine – ethical background [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 34th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2001 Aug 28-31; Bratislava, Slovakia. 2001. [1 p.]

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906.03 KB
FGDB-0820.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The apallic syndrome, a sample for reorganization of brain functions [Abstract]. In: Rattay F, editor. Abstracts of the World Congress on Neuroinformatics; 2001 Sept 24-29; Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: ARGESIM /ASIM Verlag. 2001. p. 45. (ARGESIM report no.20).

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FGDB-0821.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics in Neurology and Psychiatry: an introduction. Lecture presented at the EFNS Teaching Course in Neurology; 2001 Sept 27-29; Chisinau, Moldavia. [2 p.]

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FGDB-0822.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya I, Marosi M, Mechtcheriakov S, Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. Neurological aspects of real and simulated weightlessness. In: Hinghofer-Szalkay H, editor. 10 Years Biomedical Research and Development in Austria. Vienna: Facultas Universitätsverlag; Oct 2001. p. 19-33.

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FGDB-0823.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Bioethics in Neurology. Lecture presented at the 29th Symposium of the European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry; 2001 Nov 7-11; Thessaloniki, Greece. [1 p].

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FGDB-0824.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Plenk J, Tschabitscher P. Analysis of hand movements of mountain gorillas. Study on the basis of personal observation and video recording. Presented at 32th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Tropical medicine and Parasitology; 2001 Nov 19-21; Vienna, Austria. [1 p].

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FGDB-0825.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Matulla B. Coma post-traumatico: stato dell’arte. In: Bramanti P, editor. Atti del Convegno of 7th Course Updates in clinical Neurology; 2001 Nov 23; Messina, Italy. [Publisher?]. Italian. 2001. p. 3.

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FGDB-0826.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom – Einleitung und historischer Überblick. Lecture presented at Enquete Vom Wieder-Erwachen zum Wieder-Erleben - Komarehabilitation und das apallische Syndrom; 2001 Nov 10-11; Wien, Austria. 2001. [3 p]. German.

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FGDB-0827.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. практика восстановительной неврологии [Practice of restorative neurology]. In: Mirnov SP, editor. Материалы 3-й Международной конференции по восстановительной медицине (реабилитация). [Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on restorative medicine (rehabilitology)]; 2000 Dec 6-8; Moscow, Russia. Moscow. Moscow: Кремлинская Медизина Клиничкески Вестник [Medical Herald of the Kremlin Medicine]. 2001;9(5):70-72. Russian.

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FGDB-0828.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom. Lecture presented at Lurija Institute for rehabilitation sciences and health research; 2002 Jan 17; Konstanz, Germany. 2002. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0829.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Neubauer V, Gerstenbrand F. Late treatment of severe brain injury with hyperbaric oxygenation [Abstract]. Abstract submitted to 2nd International Congress on Vascular Dementia; 2002 Jan 24-27; Salzburg, Austria. 2002. [1 p].

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FGDB-0830.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. High dose oxygen therapy for cerebral palsy and the brain-injured child (documentation via SPECT imaging). In: Battistin L, Dam M, Tonin P, editors. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation; 2002 Apr 2-6; Venice, Italy. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore. 2002. p. 63-8.

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FGDB-0831.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Mattula B. Recent developments in the rehabilitation of patients in vegetative state/apallic syndrome – introduction. In: Battistin L, Dam M, Tonin P, editors. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation; 2002 Apr 2-6; Venice, Italy. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore. 2002. p. 157-64.

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FGDB-0832.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. Hyperbaric oxygen facilitates neurorehabilitation. In: Battistin L, Dam M, Tonin P, editors. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation; 2002 Apr 2-6; Venice, Italy. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore. 2002. p. 527-34.

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Gerstenbrand F. Geschichte der Neurologie im Donauraum. Einleitung. Lecture presented at the Joint Meeting of the Austrian Society for Neurology-ÖGN and the Austrian Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy-ÖGPP; 2002 Apr 24-27; Gmunden, Austria. 2002. [7 p]. German.

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FGDB-0834.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethische Probleme des Therapieabbruchs beim apallischen Syndrom. Lecture presented at the Joint Meeting of the Austrian Society for Neurology-ÖGN and the Austrian Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy-ÖGPP; 2002 Apr 24-27; Gmunden, Austria. 2002. [9 p]. German.

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FGDB-0835.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Gröger H. Jan Evangelista Purkinjie, Begründer der modernen Neurophysiologie und Brückenbauer zwischen zwei Nationen [Abstract]. Abstract submitted to the Joint Meeting of the Austrian Society for Neurology-ÖGN and the Austrian Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy-ÖGPP; 2002 Apr 24-27; Gmunden, Austria. 2002. [1 p]. German.

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FGDB-0836.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Matulla B. Neuropsychologische Frührehabilitation: Ein Kommentar zum Beitrag von H. Hildebrandt. Z Neuropsych. 2002;13(2):111-5. German.

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Golaszewski S, Siedentopf CM, Gallasch E, Ropele S, Mottaghy FM, Koppelstaetter F, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the sensorimotor cortex of the lower limbs by means of a force controllable actuator. Oral presentation at the 8th conference on functional mapping of the brain (HBM 2002); 2002 Jun 2-6; Sendai, Japan.

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FGDB-0838.pdf application/pdf

Minassian R, Jilge B, Ratty F, Pinter MM, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Dimitrijevic MR. Effective spinal Cord stimulation (SCS) for evoking stepping movement of paralyzed human lower limbs: study of posterior root muscles reflex responses. In: Karcnik T, Veltink P, Jaeger R, editors. IFESS 2002 Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society; 2002 Jun 25-29; Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. 2002 Jun. p. 167-169.

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Jilge B, Minassian K, Rattay F, Pinter MM, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. Study of posterior roots muscle reflex responses during tonic motor units activity of the cord induced by epidural stimulation [Poster]. Poster presented at IFESS 2002 7th Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society; 2002 Jun 25-29; Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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FGDB-0840.pdf application/pdf

Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnosing brain death without a neurologist. Simple criteria and training are needed for the non-neurologist in many countries. BMJ 2002;324:1471-1

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FGDB-0841.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics in neurological clinical trials. Lecture presented at the EFNS International Teaching Course in Clinical Trials; 2002 Jun 2-6; Vitebsk, Belarus. 2002. [7 p.]

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FGDB-0842.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Kozlovskaya IB, Gerstenbrand F. Changes in spatial and temporal parameters of arm movements in prolonged microgravity [Abstract]. In: IBMP RAS, editor. Abstracts of the 12th Conference on Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine; 2002 Jun 10-14; Moscow, Russia. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0843.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Saling M, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Disturbed sensorimotor coordination during and after simulated microgravity [Abstract]. In: IBMP RAS, editor. Abstracts of the 12th Conference on Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine; 2002 Jun 10-14; Moscow, Russia. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences. 2002. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0844.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Recheis W, Gerstenbrand F., Felber SR. A new pneumatic vibrator for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the human sensorimotor cortex [Poster]. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting ESMRMB 2002; 2002 Aug 22–25; Cannes, France.

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FGDB-0845.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation, a new organization and a promising field in neurology. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(5)

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FGDB-0846.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Unethical aspects of evidence based medicine- ethical background. In: Programme and Abstracts, 34th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2002 Aug 28-31; Bratislava, Slovak Republic. [Publisher?]. 2002.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Mattula B. Severe brain injury and intensive-therapeutic measures [Text and ppt.]. Lecture presented at EFNS Teaching Course in Neurology. Critical care in CNS trauma; 2002 Sept 27-28; Tbilisi, Georgia. [7 p. and 5 p.]

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FGDB-0848.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Lechner-Steinleitner S. Changes of reflex amplitude in Dry Water Immersion. [Abstract In: Abstracts of the 5th International Head-Out Water Immersion Symposium; 2002 Oct 8-9; Houston, Texas. [Publisher?]. 2002. p. 57-8.

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FGDB-0849.pdf application/pdf

Saling M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Berger M. Sensorimotor test in 48 hours Dry Water Immersion [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 5th International Head-Out Water Immersion Symposium; 2002 Oct 8-9; Houston, Texas. [Publisher?]. 2002. p. 59.

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FGDB-0850.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Gallasch E, Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Siedentopf C, Felber S. Cerebral activation pattern before and after Dry Water Immersion. [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 5th International Head-Out Water Immersion Symposium; 2002 Oct 8-9; Houston, Texas. [Publisher?]. 2002. p. 60-61.

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FGDB-0851.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Altersbedingter Abbau des Gehirns – was versteht man unter Demenz. Lecture presented at Privatklinik Döbling, Vienna; 2002 Oct 17; Vienna, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0852.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Langzeitbetreuung von Patienten im Wachkoma. Lecture presented at Vorprogramm zur Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkomagesellschaft; 2002 Oct 25; Vienna, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0853.pdf application/pdf

Mechtcheriakov S, Berger M, Molokanova E, Holzmüller G, Wirtenberger W, Lechner-Steinleitner S, DeCol C, Kozlovskaya I, Gerstenbrand F. Slowing of human arm movements during weightlessness: the role of vision. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002;87:576-??? [Nur Abstract, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0854.pdf application/pdf

Vos PE, Battistin L, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Potapov A, Prevec T, Stepan C, Traubner P, Twijnstra A, Vecsei L, von Wild K. Guideline on mild traumatic brain injury: report of an EFNS task force [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):19.

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FGDB-0855.pdf application/pdf

Vos PE, Battistin L, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Potapov A, Prevec T, Stepan C, Traubner P, Twijnstra A, Vecsei L, von Wild K. EFNS guideline on mild traumatic brain injury: report of an EFNS task force. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9:207-219.

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FGDB-0856.pdf application/pdf

Pinter M, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. Effect of spinal cord stimulation on severe spasticity in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2)::22.

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FGDB-0857.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Gröger H. Jan Evangelista Purkinje (1787-1896), founder of modern neurophysiology and mediator between two countries [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):39.

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Golaszewski S, Siedentopf CM, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gallasch E, Pichler G, Felber S, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Functional brain mapping of the sensorimotor cortex: an fMRI study [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):48.

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Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. Different remission stages of transient apallic syndrome (Innsbruck remission scale) [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):87.

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FGDB-0860.pdf application/pdf

Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F. New classification of severe brain injury [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):91.

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FGDB-0861.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Matulla B, Stepan C, Binder H. The Klüver Bucy syndrome in the remission of traumatic apallic syndrome – a positive prognostic feature [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):92. (Text of lecture attached;)

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FGDB-0862.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Berger J, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gerstenbrand F. Changes in head motion after saline induced neck pain [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):188.

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FGDB-0863.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Siedentopf CM, Golaszewski S. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the sensorimotor cortex of the lower limbs by means of a force-controllable actuator [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):215.

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FGDB-0864.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer R, Gerstenbrand F. What is hyperbaric oxygenation? How is it administered, dose [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):242.

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FGDB-0865.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Matulla B, Baumgartner H, Kalchschmid J. The legal basis in the treatment of apallic patients/vegetative state - an ethical view [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 6th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2002 Oct 26-29; Vienna, Austria. Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Eur J Neurol. 2002;9(Suppl 2):246.

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Gerstenbrand F. Vorwort. In: Kühn C, Mrosack G, Scharbert G, Pantke HK. Metamorphose - Beobachtungen zum Zusammenhang von Bewegung und Wahrnehmung bei motorischen Einschränkungen (Teil 1). Vol. 2. Berlin, Germany: LIS eV; 2002 Nov. 44 p. German.

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FGDB-0867.pdf application/pdf

Minassian K, Rattay F, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Pinter M, Dimitrijevic M. Neurophysiologische Modellierung der Erregbarkeit der Lokomotionszentren im lumbalen Rückenmark durch elektrische Stimulation. Endbericht zum BMVIT Projekt GZ 140.591/4/B/9b/2000; 2002 Nov. [48 p]. German.

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FGDB-0868.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Matulla B. Klüver Bucy Syndrome in men [Abstract]. Lecture presented at Symposium Interdisciplinary approaches for the understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders; 2002 Apr 28-30; Cruise Passau-Linz-Krems, Germany – Austria. J Neural Transm. 2002 Dec;109:4-6.

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Stepan C, Nyan Tun, Mimi Cho, Lukasser H, Gerstenbrand F. Dwarfism and severe endocrinological disturbances in a patient with giant craniopharyngioma. Lecture presented at the 49th Myanmar Medical Conference; 2003 Jan 15-21; Taungoo, Myanmar. [Publisher?].

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FGDB-0870.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Mattula B. The quality of life in apallic patients and patients with locked-in syndrome – what can be done for amelioration? [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Forum International Congress Organizers, editor. Book of Abstracts 1st International Congress of the amelioration of the quality of life on dementia, epilepsy and MS; 2003 Jan 30-Feb 2; Istanbul, Turkey; [Publisher?]. 2003. p. 3-4.

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FGDB-0871.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Gallasch E, Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Siedentopf C. Cerebral activation pattern before and after Dry Water Immersion [Abstract]. In: The Movement Disorder Society, editor. Abstracts of the International Meeting Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders – from protein dysfunction to therapeutic intervention; 2003 Feb 19-21; Innsbruck, Austria. [Publisher?]. 2003.

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FGDB-0872.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Apallisches Syndrom – Ursachen – Klinik – Rückbildungsmöglichkeiten. Lecture presented at Generalversammlung der Österreichischen Wachkoma Gesellschaft; 2003 Mar 17; Wien, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0873.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Gallasch E, Ropele S, Motthagy FM, Fazekas F, Felber SR, Kozlovskaya I, Binder H, Dimitrijevic MR, Gerstenbrand F. Hirnfunktionsmuster in der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie bei vibrotaktiler Stimulation an der Fußsohle [Abstract and ptt.]. In: Abstractband 1st Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN; 2003 Mar 19-22; Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. p. 15. German.

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Struhal W, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Saling M, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F. Positionsversuch des Armes in simulierter Schwerelosigkeit [Abstract]. In: Abstractband 1st Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN; 2003 Mar 19-22; Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. p. 48. German.

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FGDB-0875.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Eisner W, Felber S, Guendisch GM, Gallasch E, zur Nedden D, Gerstenbrand F. Präoperative Funktionsdiagnostik bei Hirntumoren in der Zentralregion. 7th Austrian Neuroscience Winter Meeting; 2003 Mar 22-25; Kitzbühel, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0876.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstätter F, Mottaghy FM, Felber SR, Gallasch E, Golaszewski SM. Brain activation pattern of the sensorimotor cortex during stimulation of the foot with a force controllable actuator [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Congress Achievements in space medicine into health care practice and industry; 2003 Mar 27-29; Berlin, Germany. 2003. p. 38.

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FGDB-0877.pdf application/pdf

Vana N, Gerstenbrand F., Hinghofer-Szalkay H. Life science in space in Austria [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Congress Achievements in space medicine into health care practice and industry; 2003 Mar 27-29; Berlin, Germany. 2003. p. 40-41.

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Gerstenbrand F., Mattula B, Binder H. Neurology – historical, recent and future aspects. Acta Clin Croat. 2003;42(1):3-10.

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FGDB-0879.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Angehörige beraten und begleiten [Abstract und ppt.]. Abstract of the lecture held at the 12th Fachmesse für Rehabilitation, Pflege und Integration Rehab 2003; 2003 May 7-10; Karlsruhe, Germany. Wachkoma und danach. 2003;2:7. German

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FGDB-0880.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Come e stato vegetative da grave cerebrolesione. Lecture presented at Congresso Internazionale Dal coma alla neuroriabilitazione con terapia intensive: I percorsi di assistenza. 2003 Jun 11-14; Lecce, Italy. Italian. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0881.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethical demands in modern neurology. Speech held at the ceremony for awarding the title honorary doctor of medicine of the Aristotle University to Prof. Gerstenbrand; 2003 Jun 27; Thessaloniki, Greece. 2003. [9 p].

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FGDB-0882.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Rhomberg P, Gallasch E, Guendisch GM, Mottaghy FM, Recheis W, Eisner W, Felber SR, zur Nedden D, Gerstenbrand F. Activation of the sensorimotor cortex by vibrotactile stimulation of the foot: A fMRI study [Abstract]. In: OHBM, editor. Abstracts of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM); 2003 Jun 18 – 22; New York, USA. 2003. 1440 p.

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FGDB-0883.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. The hibernating cortex: an innovative area for neuro-rehabilitation [Abstracts]. In: EUBS, editor. 29th annual scientific meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society EUBS; 2003 Aug 27-31Copenhagen, Denmark. 2003.

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FGDB-0884.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Struhal W, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstätter F, Verius M, Mottaghy FM, Felber SR, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. FMRI of the human sensorimotor cortex before and after subsensory whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):15.

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FGDB-0885.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Struhal W, Siedentopf CM, Gallasch E, Mottaghy FM, Eisner W, Felber S, Fazekas F, Dimitrijevic MD, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI of the perirolandic region for the foot [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):89.

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FGDB-0886.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. Visualization of the recoverable brain [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):132.

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FGDB-0887.pdf application/pdf

Riederer P, Battistin L, Youdim MBH, Leon A, Cagnin A, Gerstenbrand F., Grünblatt E. CNS drug action on gene expression [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):219.

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FGDB-0888.pdf application/pdf

Pinter MM, Minassian K, Jilge B, Rattay F, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. Locomotor movements in complete paraplegic subjects evoked by spinal cord stimulation [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):221.

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FGDB-0889.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Neubauer R. Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO): a new therapeutic method in neurology [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):222.

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FGDB-0890.pdf application/pdf

Uszler JM, Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. The acute and long-term ischemic penumbra – duration and clinical significance [Abstract]. In: Boller F, Hartung HP, editors. Abstracts of the 7th congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies EFNS; 2003 Aug 30 – Sept 2; Helsinki, Finland. Eur J Neurol. 2003;10(Suppl 1):223.

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FGDB-0891.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstätter F, Mottaghy FM, Dimitrijevic MR, Felber SR, Berlit P, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI of the human sensorimotor cortex before and after subsensory whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Poster]. Poster session presented at the 76th congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie DGN; 2003 Sept 3-6; Hamburg, Germany.

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FGDB-0892.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Opening remarks [Abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts of the 35th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2003 Sept 11-14; Belgrade, Serbia. [Publisher?]. 2003. p.1-2.

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FGDB-0893.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Mattula B. Current ethical challenges in neurological practice. [Abstract]. In: Book of Abstracts of the 35th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2003 Sept 11-14; Belgrade, Serbia. [Publisher?]. 2003. p.59-60.

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FGDB-0894.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstätter F, Mottaghy FM, Dimitrijevic MR, Felber SR, Berlit P, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI of the human sensorimotor cortex before and after subsensory whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Poster]. Poster session presented at the 20th annual meeting of ESMRMB; 2003 Sept 18-21; Rotterdam, Netherlands.

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FGDB-0895.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom –Mißverständnisse und Zukunftsaspekte [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkoma Gesellschaft; 2003 Oct 24; Wien, Austria.

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FGDB-0896.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Euthanasie, ethische Gesichtspunkte und gesetzliche Grundlagen. Lecture presented at the 79th Ärzte-Jour-Fixe; 2003 Oct 30; Vienna, Austria. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0897.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Gallasch E, Fend M, Ropele S, Mottaghy FM, Felber SR, Fazekas F, Dimitijevic MD, Gerstenbrand F. Brain structures related to vibrotactile stimulation of the sole of the foot in man: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. In: Kochueva E, Kochuev N, editors. 2nd European congress Achievements in space medicine into health care practice and industry. 2003 Mar 27-29; Berlin, Germany. Kelkheim, Germany: Pabst Printing House. 2003 Nov. p. 200-5.

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FGDB-0898.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Mattula B. Стратегия ведения больных апаллическим синдромомю [Management issues of apallic syndrome – clinical and modern documentation]. In: EFNS, editor. Proceedings of the EFNS teaching course Update of diagnosis, prevention and management of neurological diseases; 2003 Dec 5-7; Novosibirsk, Russia. Novosibirsk: Sibmedisdat. 2003. p. 19-22. Russian, English.

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FGDB-0899.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Baumgartner H. Минималый стандарт диагностики смерти мозга [Brain death, a minimal standard [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Proceedings of the EFNS teaching course Update of diagnosis, prevention and management of neurological diseases; 2003 Dec 5-7; Novosibirsk, Russia. Novosibirsk: Sibmedisdat. 2003. p. 34-40. Russian, English. [Text and ppt.].

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FGDB-0900.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Ott E. Современные методы лечения волезни паркинсона [Modern treatments of Parkinson’s disease [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Proceedings of the EFNS teaching course Update of diagnosis, prevention and management of neurological diseases; 2003 Dec 5-7; Novosibirsk, Russia. Novosibirsk: Sibmedisdat. 2003. p. 41-46. Russian, English. [Text and ppt.].

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FGDB-0901.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Der cervikogene Kopfschmerz. Lecture presented at the 30th Jubiläumstagung des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für conservative Orthopädie und Rehabilitation. 2003 Dec 13; Wien, Austria. 2003. [1 p]. German.

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FGDB-0902.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Radikuläre und pseudoradikuläre Symptome. Lecture presented at the 30th Jubiläumstagung des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für conservative Orthopädie und Rehabilitation. 2003 Dec 13; Wien, Austria. 2003. [1 p]. German.

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FGDB-0903.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Euthanasie – eine neuropsychiatrische Stellungnahme. In: Wehrmann W, editor. Euthanasie aus medizinischer, juristischer und theologischer Sicht. Heiligenkreuz, Austria: Verein der Heiligenkreuzer Hochschulfreunde. 2003. p. 59-75. German.

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FGDB-0904.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Modern diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 50th Myanmar Medical Conference; 2004 Jan 14-20; Yangon, Myanmar. 2004. [3 p.]

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Gerstenbrand F. The use of hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of neurological disease. In: Abstracts of the 2nd International Congress on the Improvement of the Quality of Life on Dementia, Epilepsy and MS; 2004 Jan 28 – Feb 1; Vienna, Austria. Thessaloniki, Greece: FORUM. 2003. p. 22.

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FGDB-0906.pdf application/pdf

Jilge B, Minassian K, Rattay F, Pinter MM, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Dimitrijevic MR. Initiating extension of the lower limbs in subjects with complete spinal cord injury by epidural lumbar cord stimulation. Exp Brain Res. 2004;154(3):308-326.

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Binder H, Stepan CA. Brain death – the European position. In: Machado C, editor. Abstract book of the 4th International Symposium on Coma and Death; 2004 Mar 9-12; Havana, Cuba, 2004. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0908.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Birbamer G, Stepan CA. Persistent vegetative state versus apallic syndrome, a comparison of two entities. In: Machado C, editor. Abstract book of the 4th International Symposium on Coma and Death; 2004 Mar 9-12; Havana, Cuba, 2004. [Verlag fehlt]

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FGDB-0909.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Ethics in clinical neuropharmacology [Abstract and text]. In: Abstracts of the 7th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2004 May 5-9; Trieste, Italy. Vienna, Austria: J Neural Transm. 2004;111(5):2.

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Ethics in clinical neuropharmacology [Abstract and text]. In: Abstracts of the 7th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2004 May 5-9; Trieste, Italy. Vienna, Austria: J Neural Transm. 2004;111(5):2.

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FGDB-0910.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Ethics in dementia treatment [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 7th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2004 May 5-9; Trieste, Italy. Vienna, Austria: J Neural Transm. 2004;111(5):9-10.

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FGDB-0911.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. Hyperbaric oxygenation as a promising pharmaceutical in acute cortical hypoxia [Abstract and ppt. In: Abstracts of the 7th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2004 May 5-9; Trieste, Italy. Vienna, Austria: J Neural Transm. 2004;111(5):25.

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FGDB-0912.pdf application/pdf

Binder H, Baumgartner H, Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Schmucker S, Weiss C. Ethische Aspekte in der Betreuung von Patienten im „Apallischen Syndrom“. Lecture presented at the Symposion Medizinethik zwischen Vorgaben und Aufgaben: auf der Suche nach Lösungen im Dialog; 2004 May 10-11; Vienna, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0913.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schulze HAF. The history of the Danube Symposium [Abstract]. In: International Danube Neurology Association of Central and East Europe, editor. Abstracts of the Danube Clinical Neurology Training Course Multiple Sclerosis, Headache and Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 May 27-28; Szeged, Hungary. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian Headache Society. Cephalalgia Hungarica. 2004;13:6.

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FGDB-0914.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics in neurology: the ethical aspects in clinical trials[Abstract]. In: International Danube Neurology Association of Central and East Europe, editor. Abstracts of the Danube Clinical Neurology Training Course Multiple Sclerosis, Headache and Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 May 27-28; Szeged, Hungary. Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian Headache Society. Cephalalgia Hungarica. 2004;13:43.

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Karamat E, Gerstenbrand F. Parkinson personality traits – clinical, psychodiagnostical and graphomotor assessment [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the Alpine Basal Ganglia Club, 2004 May 27-29; Mikulov, Czech Republic. 2004. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0916.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Struhal W, Gerstenbrand F. The influence of microgravity on memorized arm movements [Abstract]. In: ISGP, editor. Program and Abstracts of the 25th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting; 2004 June 6-11; Moscow, Russia. [Publisher?]. 2004. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0917.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Gallasch E, Verius M, Felber SR, zur Nedden D, Kozlovskaya I, Gerstenbrand F. Activation of the sensorimotor cortex by vibrotactile stimulation of the foot: A fMRI study [Abstract]. In: ISGP, editor. 0,Program and Abstracts of the 25th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting; 2004 June 6-11; Moscow, Russia. [printer unknown]. 2004. [1 p.]

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FGDB-0918.pdf application/pdf

Minassian K, Jilge B, Rattay F, Pinter MM, Binder H, Gerstenbrand F., Dimitrijevic MR. Stepping-like movements in humans with complete spinal cord injury induced by epidural stimulation of the lumbar cord: electromyographic study of compound muscle action potentials. Spinal Cord. 2004;42(7):401-16.

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FGDB-0919.pdf application/pdf

Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Struhal W, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. The influence of microgravity on memorized arm movements [Abstract]. In: ISGP, editor. Program and Abstracts of the 25th Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting; 2004 June 6-11; Moscow, Russia. J Gravit Phys. 2004;11(2):115-117.

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FGDB-0920.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Baumgartner H. The legal basis of treatment [Abstract and ppt.]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2004 Sept 4-7; Paris. France. Edinburgh, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neurol. 2004;11(Suppl 2):347-348.

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Ethics in evidence-based medicine [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2004 Sept 4-7; Paris. France. Edinburgh, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neurol. 2004;11(Suppl 2):350-351.

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FGDB-0922.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. An effective approach to special neurologic disorders. Introduction [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2004 Sept 4-7; Paris. France. Edinburgh, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neuro l. 2004;11(Suppl 2):351.

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Gerstenbrand F., Neubauer AR. Hyperbaric oxygenation in acute ischemic thrombotic stroke [Abstract]. Abstract submitted to the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2004 Sept 4-7; Paris. France. [1 p.]

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Euthanasia and medical assisted suicide [Abstract]. Abstract submitted to the 8th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2004 Sept 4-7; Paris. France. [2 p].

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FGDB-0925.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. What is HBOT? Its effects in acute and long term neurology [Abstract and ppt.]. In: CEEAN, editor. Final program and Abstracts of the 36th International Danube Symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education; 2004 Sept 15-18; Sofia, Bulgaria. [Publisher?]. 2004. p. 26.

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FGDB-0926.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Stephan KM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstätter F, Mottaghy FM, Felber SR, Gerstenbrand F., Seitz R, Hömberg V. Change of activation patterns in the human sensorimotor cortex before and after subsensory whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: Bülau P, Schönle PW, Weiller C, editors. 3rd Joint Congress of the Swiss Society of Neurorehabilitation, Austrian Society of Neurorehabilitation, German Society for Neurological Rehabilitation and 1st Regional Meeting of the World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR) in association with the German Speaking Medical Society for Paraplegia (DMGP); 2004 Sept 30 – Oct 2; Zürich, Switzerland. Neurol Rehabil. 2004;10(4):52.

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Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Struhal W. Euthanasie – eine neuropsychiatrische Analyse. In: Sudetendeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, editor. Forschungsbeiträge der Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Bd. 25. Munich, Germany: Sudetendeutsches Verlagshaus. 2004. p.71-82. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Wachkoma – Apallisches Syndrom – ethische Richtlinien [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkoma Gesellschaft in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2004 Oct 22; Wien, Austria. 2004. German.

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FGDB-0929.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Current ethical challenges in neurological practice [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the EFNS teaching course in neurology; 2004 Oct 22-23; Eger, Hungary. 2004.

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FGDB-0930.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Premorbid and morbid personality in Parkinson’s disease – clinical features [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Kenes International, editor. Final program and Book of Abstracts Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 Oct 24-27; Salzburg, Austria. Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes International. 2004. p. A57.

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FGDB-0931.pdf application/pdf

Karamat E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Parkinson personality traits: clinical, psychodiagnostic and graphomotor assessment [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Kenes International, editor. Final program and Book of Abstracts Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 Oct 24-27; Salzburg, Austria. Genova, Switzerland: Kenes International. 2004. p. A58.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Apallisches Syndrom – Ätiologie, Therapie und ethische Richtlinien [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Allgemeines Öffentliches Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein; 2004 Dec 1; Kufstein, Austria. 2004. [7 p]. German.

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FGDB-0933.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C. Ethical demands in modern neurology. In: Baloyannis SJ, editor. Perspectives in Neurosciences. Thessaloniki, Greece: Greece. 2005. p.137-144.

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0934 Gerstenbrand F. Treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Lecture presented at the 51th Myanmar Medical Conference Our Roles in Achieving Millennium Development Goals; 2005 Jan 19-25; Mandalay, Myanmar. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt] | 0935 Gerstenbrand F. Neurotraumatology: Biomechanical background and therapy. Lecture presented at the 51th Myanmar Medical Conference Our Roles in Achieving Millennium Development Goals; 2005 Jan 19-25; Mandalay, Myanmar. [Verlag, Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0936.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H, Struhal W. Ethics in dementia treatment. In: Hellenic Society for Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurological patients, editor. Final Program and Abstract Book of the 3rd International Congress on the Improvement of the Quality of Life on Dementia, Epilepsy and MS; 2005 Jan 28-31; Alexandria, Egypt. Thessaloniki: FORUM. 2005. p. 13.

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FGDB-0937.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Siedentopf C, Stepan K, Ischebeck A, Koppelstaetter F, Gallasch E, Fend M, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F., Hömberg V. Funktionelle Magnetresonanztherapie bei vibrotaktiler Stimulation der Fußsohle. In: Abstracts der 3rd Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN in Zusammenarbeit mit der Parkinson Gesellschaft; 2005 Apr 21-23; Graz, Austria. 2005. p. 33. German.

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Tomilovskaya ES, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. Effects of microgravity on characteristics of the vertical gaze fixation reaction (vGFR) [Abstract and text]. In: Hinghofer-Szalkay H, editor. Book of Abstracts of the 15th IAA Humans in Space Symposium Benefit of Human Presence in Space – historical, scientific, medical, cultural, and political aspects; 2005 May 22-26; Graz, Austria. [Publisher?]. 2005. p. 32. [4 p.].

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FGDB-0939.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Saling M, Gerstenbrand F., Berger M. A pilot study on the effects of 48 hours dry water immersion on the static postural control [Poster]. In: Hinghofer-Szalkay H, editor. Book of Abstracts of the 15th IAA Humans in Space Symposium Benefit of Human Presence in Space – historical, scientific, medical, cultural, and political aspects; 2005 May 22-26; Graz, Austria. [Publisher?]. 2005. p. 307.

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FGDB-0940.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Gallasch E, Fend M, Ischebeck A, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI of the sensorimotor cortex by vibrotactile stimulation of the foot [Poster]. In: Hinghofer-Szalkay H, editor. Book of Abstracts of the 15th IAA Humans in Space Symposium Benefit of Human Presence in Space – historical, scientific, medical, cultural, and political aspects; 2005 May 22-26; Graz, Austria. [Publisher?]. 2005. p. 309.

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FGDB-0941.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Vecsei L. Educational Seminar: Ethical background in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease [Abstract]. In: Riederer PF, Burns SW, Gerlach M, editors. Abstracts of the 16th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders; 2005 June 5-9; Berlin, Germany. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2005;11(Suppl 2):93.

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Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F., Neubauer V. Late treatment of severe brain injury with hyperbaric oxygenation. J Am phys surg. 2005;10(2):58-59.

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FGDB-0943.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Gallasch E, Fend M, Ischebeck A, Haala I, Rossmüller J, Stephan KM, Felber S, Hömberg V, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI mapping of the sensorimotor cortex of the foot by vibrotactile stimulation. In: Zilles K, Poline JB, Grady C, editors. Abstracts of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping; 2005 June 12-16; Toronto, Canada. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. Neuroimage. 2005;26(Suppl. 1):1-104.

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FGDB-0944.pdf application/pdf

Siedentopf CM, Golaszewski SM, Koppelstaetter F, Ischebeck A, Haala IA, Rhomberg P, Verius M, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. Comparison between SMP motion correction and Siemens prospective online motion algorithm (PACE). In: Zilles K, Poline JB, Grady C, editors. Abstracts of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping; 2005 June 12-16; Toronto, Canada. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. Neuroimage. 2005;26(Suppl. 1):1-104.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Karamat E. Das Parkinson-Syndrom und seine besondere Persönlichkeitsstruktur [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the 15th Klagenfurter Arbeitstagung für Neurologie; 2005 July 1-2; Klagenfurt, Austria. [2 p.]. German

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FGDB-0946.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Berger M, Lechner-Steinleitner S, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. The influence of microgravity on memorized arm movements [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 9th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2005 Sept 17-20; Athens, Greece. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(Suppl. 2):263.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Physiology and pathology of the cranial vertebral junction and the cervical spine in respect to traumatic cervical distortion [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 9th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2005 Sept 17-20; Athens, Greece. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(cSuppl. 2):309.

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Informed consent in neurology [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 9th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences EFNS; 2005 Sept 17-20; Athens, Greece. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(Suppl. 2):312.

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FGDB-0949.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Increased respect for patient’s autonomy: the good and the bad side [ppt.]. In: Pirtošek Z, editor. Book of Abstracts of the 37th international Danube symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education combined with a satellite stroke symposium and the 21st Dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2005 Oct 5-8; Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Neurological association, Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2005. [6 p].

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FGDB-0950.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Was uns bewegt – statement zur Tagung [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkoma Gesellschaft in Kooperation with the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation; 2005 Oct 21; Wien, Austria. German.

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FGDB-0951.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Clinical Trail Registration - improving tranparency, accountabilita and public trust [Text and ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 18th World Congress of Neurology; 2005 Nov 5-11; Sydney, Australia. [4 p and 3 p].

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FGDB-0952.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Guendisch GM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Verius M, Mottaghy FM, Felber SR, Gerstenbrand F. FMRI of the human sensorimotor cortex before and after post-stroke neurorehabilitation subsensory whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: England JD, editor. Abstracts of the 18th World Congress of Neurology; 2005 Nov 5-11; Sydney, Australia. J Neurol Sci. 2005;238(Suppl. 1):S82.

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Gerstenbrand F., Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Guendisch G, Gallasch E, Ischebeck A, Felber S, Golaszewski SM. FMRI mapping of the sensorimotor cortex of the foot by vibrotactile stimulation [Abstract]. In: England JD, editor. Abstracts of the 18th World Congress of Neurology; 2005 Nov 5-11; Sydney, Australia. J Neurol Sci. 2005;238(Suppl. 1):S81-2.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Brain death: minimal standards. Introduction to Round Table Discussion [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 18th World Congress of Neurology; 2005 Nov 5-11; Sydney, Australia. [7 p].

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FGDB-0955.pdf application/pdf

Vos PE, Alekseenko Y, Battistin L, Birbamer G, Gerstenbrand F., Potapov A, Prevec T, Stepan CA, Traubner P, Twijnstra A, Vecsei L, von Wild K. Chapter 16: Mild traumatic brain injury. In: Hughes R, Brainin M, Gilhus NE, editors. European Handbook of Neurological Management. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing; 2006. p. 207-23.

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FGDB-0956.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Parkinson’s disease and dementia – special management in rehabilitation [Abstract]. In: Hellenic Society for Ameloriation of the Quality of Life for chronic neurological patients, editor. Final program and Abstract book of the 4th International Congress on the improvement of the quality of life on dementia, epilepsy, MS and peripheral neuropathies; 2006 Jan 27-30; Odessa, Ukraine. Thessaloniki, Greece: FORUM. Jan 2006. p.27-8.

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Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Fend M, Fend M, Ischebeck A, Gonzalez-Felippe V, Haala I, Struhal W, Mottaghy FM, Gallasch E, Felber SR, Gerstenbrand F. Human brain structures related to plantar vibrotactile stimulation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage. 2006;29(3):923-9.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Ethical background of clinical trials [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Pre-Congress Workshop Clinical Research and Clinical Trials in Neurorehabilitation at the 4th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation (WCNR 2006); 2006 Feb 12-16; Hongkong, China. 2006. [14 p].

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FGDB-0959.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Prolonged coma, apallic syndrome/vegetative state and minimally conscious state, medico-legal aspects [Abstract and ppt.]. In: ASNR, WFNR, editors. Abstracts of the 4th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2006 Feb 12-16; Hongkong, China. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2006;20(1):55.

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FGDB-0960.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Neurorehabilitation and the epoch of globalization [Abstract]. In: ASNR, WFNR, editors. Abstracts of the 4th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2006 Feb 12-16; Hongkong, China. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2006;20(1):88.

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Gerstenbrand F. Präsentation einer wissenschaftlichen Doppelstudie Positionierung der österreichischen Forschung in Weltraummedizin und Life Sciences im Weltraum of the Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine/Life Sciences in Space. 2006 Mar 3; Aspang, Austria. German.

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Gerstenbrand F. Erfolgreiche Planung einer klinischen Karriere in der Neurologie[ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Meeting of Young Neurologists and Trainees at the 4th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie in Verbindung mit dem Schlaganfall-Ländertreffen; 2006 Mar 15; Wien, Austria. 2006. [3 p]. German.

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Golaszewski S, Siedentopf C, Schikora D, Haala I, Ischebeck A, Staffen W, Schlager A, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F., Ladurner G. Cerebrale Effekte der transmeatalen tympanischen Laserstimulation: eine fMRI Studie [Abstract]. In: ÖGN, ÖGSF, DSG, ZAS, editors. Abstracts of the 4th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie in Verbindung mit dem Schlaganfall-Ländertreffen; 2006 Mar 15-18; Wien, Austria. 2006. p. 3. German.

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Gerstenbran d F. Verbesserung der Lebensqualität für Patienten mit dem Locked-in Syndrom[Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Tagung Das Locked-in Syndrom – Perspektiven von Diagnose und Therapie im europäischen Kontext. 2006 Mar 25; Rheinsberg, Germany. [1 p., 5 p.]. German.

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FGDB-0965.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Neuroethics in daily neurological neurological practice and in clinical research [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Rektor I, editor. Programme and Abstracts of the 38th International Danube Symposi um for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2006 Apr 6-8; Brno, Czech Republic. Olomouc; CZ: Solen. Neurologie pro praxi. 2006;2(Suppl. B):40-1.

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Gerstenbrand F. How to plan a clinical career in neurology [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 38th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2006 Apr 6-8; Brno, Czech Republic. 2006. [3 p].

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FGDB-0967.pdf application/pdf

Neubauer RA, Gerstenbrand F. Hyperbaric oxygenation significantly enhances neurorehabilitation [Abstract]. Abstract submitted to the 38th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2006 Apr 6-8; Brno, Czech Republic. 2006. [1p].

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FGDB-0968.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Vertebral-origin headaches. In: International Danube Symposium Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education, Lubin Branch of Polish Neurological Society, editors. Short communications and Abstracts book of the Epilepsy and Headache Training Course; 2006 May 10-13; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. Lubin, Poland: Wydawnictwo Czelej Sp Zoo. 2006. p. 89-90.

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Gerstenbrand F. When patient’s care meets ethics [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Meetings Clinico-Scientifico del giovedi; 2006 June 29; Trieste, Italy. 2006. [14 p].

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FGDB-0970.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Gallasch E, Ischebeck A, Haala I, Koppelstaetter F, Rossmüller J, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F. Effect of amplitude and amplitude modulation in vibrotactile stimulation of the foot: a fmri study [Abstract]. In: Corbetta M, Nichols T, Pietrini, editors. Abstracts of the 12th Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping; 2006 June 11-15; Florence, Italy. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. Neuroimage. 2006;31(Suppl. 1):1-242.

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Gerstenbrand F. Introduction to Hyperbaric Oxygenation around the world [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 5th International Symposium Hyperbaric oxygenation and the recoverable brain, the 1st International Symposium for the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in neurosciences; 2006 Jul 18-22; Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. 2006. [13 p].

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FGDB-0972.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Neubauer RA. Apallic syndrome/Vegetative state treatment with hyperbaric oxygen [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Neubauer RA, editor. Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium Hyperbaric oxygenation and the recoverable brain, the 1st International Symposium for the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in neurosciences; 2006 Jul 18-22; Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. Ft. Lauderdale, USA: Hyperbaric Ocean Neurologic Center. 2006. p. 20-21.

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FGDB-0973.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Getting mature in neurology – at the time of Charcot and nowadays [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 10th Congress of the Eu ropean Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2006 Sept 2-5; Glasgow, UK. 20 06. [5 p.]

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FGDB-0974.pdf application/pdf

Vos PE, Alekseenko Y, Gerstenbrand F., von Wild K. Mild traumatic brain injury: revised guidelines on early management [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2006 Sept 2-5; Glasgow, UK. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Europ J Neurol. 2006;13(Suppl. 2):265.

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Saltuari L, Gerstenbrand F., Oder W, Stepan C. Coma - Rehabilitation: medizinisch-rechtliche und ethische Grundsätze [ppt.]. Presentation held at the Workshop 3 of the Jahrestagung ÖGNR in cooperation with WFNR, Zentrum für Klinische Neurowissenschaften der Donauuniversität Krems and Dachverband der gehobenen Medizinisch-technischen Dienste; 2006 Oct 5-7; Krems, Austria. [5 p]. German.

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FGDB-0976.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. The vertebral spine as the human axis organ, physiological background and pathophysiological disturbances [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Czech and Slovak Conference with International Participation A complex approach to the problem of disturbed function of the motor system; 2006 Oct 12-14; Olomouc, Czech Republic. 2006. [6 p].

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FGDB-0977.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Premorbid and morbid personality in Parkinson’s disease: clinical features [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Korczyn AD, Calne D, Wolters EC., editors. Abstracts of the International Symposium Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 Oct 24-27; Salzburg, Austria, Amsterdam: Elsevier. J Neurol Sci. 2006;248(1-2):31.

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Karamat E, Gerstenbrand F., Poewe W. Parkinson personality traits: clinical, psychodiagnostic and graphomotor assessment [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Korczyn AD, Calne D, Wolters EC., editors. Abstracts of the International Symposium Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease; 2004 Oct 24-27; Salzburg, Austria, Amsterdam: Elsevier. J Neurol Sci. 2006;248(1-2):326.

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Gerstenbrand F., Hess C. Apallisches Syndrom (Wachkoma) – das schwerste neurologische Krankheitsbild [ppt.]. Ethische und medizinisch-rechtliche Aspekte. Lecture presented at Sudetendeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaft und Künste, Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse; 2006 Oct 27; München, Germany. [11 p]. German.

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FGDB-0980.pdf application/pdf

Gallasch E, Golaszewski SM, Fend M, Siedentopf CM, Koppelstaetter F, Eisner W, Gerstenbrand F., Felber SR. Contact force- and amplitude-controllable vibrating probe for somatosensory mapping of plantar affereneces with fMRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. Nov 2006;24(5):1177-82.

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Hommer K, Gerstenbrand F., Widder W, Resch H, Hommer A. Reizüberflutung durch Licht. Spektrum Augenheilkd. Dez 2006;20(6):267-271. German.

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FGDB-0982.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Struhal W. The apallic syndrome of different origins, medico-legal aspects [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Hellenic Society for Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurologic patients, editor. Final Program and Abstract Book of the 5th International Congress on the Improvement of the Quality of Life on Dementia, Epilepsy and MS; 2007 Jan 25-30; Catania, Italy. Thessaloniki: FORUM. 2007. p. 21.

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FGDB-0983.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Karamat E, Struhal W. Special traces in the personality of Parkinson patients [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Hellenic Society for Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurologic patients, editor. Final Program and Abstract Book of the 5th International Congress on the Improvement of the Quality of Life on Dementia, Epilepsy and MS; 2007 Jan 25-30; Catania, Italy. Thessaloniki: FORUM. 2007. p. 49.

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Haydn T, Brenneis C, Schmutzhard J, Gerstenbrand F., Saltuari L, Schmutzhard E. Tauchen als therapeutische Option bei Patienten mit Querschnittsyndrom. Neuropsychiatrie. 2007;21(3):226-9. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Hess B, Struhal W. Traumatic brain injury, biomechanic aspects and classification (Abstract and ppt.). In: Abstracts of the Danubian Neurological Teaching Course; 2007 Mar 20-21; Bucharest, Romania. 2007. [2 p.].

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FGDB-0986.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess B, Struhal W. Traumatic brain injury, new aspects in classification, using biomechanical and neuropathological factors [Abstract of Presidential lecture]. In: International Danube Symposium, editor. Abstract book of Teaching Course Progress in Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy and Headache; 2007 Mar 29-31; Kazimierz-Dolny, Poland. Warsaw, Poland: Professional Medicine Promotion Sp.z o o. 2007. p. 14-5.

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Gerstenbrand F. Neuroethics and stroke [ppt.]. Special lecture presented at Danube University Krems for post-graduate students in course of studies leading to qualification as European Master in Stroke Medicine; 2007 Apr 17; Krems, Austria.

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Wach-Koma-Behandlung – Neues aus der Rehabilitation[ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 2nd Fachtagung Wachkoma: Wege zurück ins Leben. 2007 Apr 20; Regensburg, Germany. 2007. German.

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FGDB-0989.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Forschung bei nicht einwilligungsfähigen Patienten [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Gemeinsame Jahrestagung Österreichischen Alzheimer-Gesellschaft ÖAG, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN und Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie ÖGPP; 2007 Apr 25-28; Salzburg, Austria. 2007. German.

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FGDB-0990.pdf application/pdf

Stepan C, Fischer N, Haidinger G, Prammer H, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Datenbank zur Erfassung von Patienten mit der Diagnose apallisches Syndrom. Lecture presented at the Gemeinsame Jahrestagung Österreichischen Alzheimer-Gesellschaft ÖAG, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN und Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie ÖGPP; 2007 Apr 25-28; Salzburg, Austria. 2007. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-0991.pdf application/pdf

Von Wild K, Gerstenbrand F., Dolce G, Binder H, Vos PE, Saltuari L, Alekseenko Y, Formisano R, Ritz A, Ortega-Suhrkamp E, Jörg JR, Potapov AA, Leon-Carrion J, Vilcinis R, Zitnay GA. Guidelines for quality management of apallic syndrome/vegetative state. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2007;33(3):268-92.

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FGDB-0992.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Huber S, Kohl S. Neurologie und Raumfahrt (Teil 1). Psychopraxis. 2007;6:14-8. German.

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FGDB-0993.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M. Raumfahrtneurologie. In: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine, editor. Positionierung der österreichischen Forschung in Weltraummedizin und Life Sciences – Basisstudie. Wien, Austria: Facultas. 2007. p. 118-34. German.

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FGDB-0994.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Berger M. Weltraumneurologie. In: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine, editor. Positionierung der österreichischen Forschung in Weltraummedizin und Life Sciences – Trendstudie. Wien, Austria: Facultas. 2007. p. 36-42. German.

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FGDB-0995.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Hess B, Gerstenbrand F. Biomechanic aspects in relation to the classification of traumatic brain injury (Abstract). In: Riederer P, Gerlach M, editors. 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD; 2007 Jun 2-7; Würzburg, Germany. Wien, Austria: Springer. J Neural Transm. 2007;114(2):CVII.

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FGDB-0996.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Doczi T. Spinal cord injuries and whiplash injury. Seminar and lecture presented at the 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD; 2007 Jun 2-7; Würzburg, Germany. 2007. p. 65.

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FGDB-0997.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess B, Hess C. The right to and the ethical obligation for care in severest and hopeless conditions [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Special Symposium of the International Society for Ameloriation of Quality of Life in severest neurological conditions in connection with the 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD; 2007 Jun 2-7; Würzburg, Germany. [2 p.].

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FGDB-0998.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The whiplash injury [ppt.]. Lecture presented at an Educational Seminar Spinal Cord and whiplash injury. Lecture presented at the meeting of Young Neurologists and Trainees in connection with the 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD; 2007 Jun 2-7; Würzburg, Germany. [6 p.]

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FGDB-0999.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. History and current development of a field called Neuroethics [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the meeting of Young Neurologists and Trainees in connection with the 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD; 2007 Jun 2-7; Würzburg, Germany. [9 p.].

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FGDB-1000.pdf application/pdf

Tomilovskaya ES, Berger M, Gerstenbrand F., Kozlovskaya IB. Alterations of characteristics of horizontal gaze fixation reaction in long-term space flights. In: International Society for Gravitational Physiology, edior. Proceedings of the 28th Annual GravitationalPhysiology Meeting; 2007 Apr 8-13;San Antonio, USA. J Gravit Phys. 2007;14(1):P79-80.

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FGDB-1001.pdf application/pdf

Stepan C, Fischer N, Haidinger G, Prammer H, Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Data base for the evaluation of patients with diagnosed vegetative state. Eur J Neurol. 2007;14(ASuppl. 1):154-5.

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FGDB-1002.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Building up neurology in the years of separation [ppt.]. Lecture held at the Heiligendamm Round Table Meeting; 2007 Sept 28; Heiligendamm, Germany. [12 p.].

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FGDB-1003.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the festive opening of the “Wachkomastation Gerstenbrand” at the Albert Schweitzer Klinik; 2007 Nov 9; Graz, Austria. 2007. German. [13 p.].

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FGDB-1004.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie und transkranielle Magnetstimulation zur Untersuchung der Motorneuron-Exzitabilität bei Mesh-Glove Stimulation. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der ÖGNR 2007; 2007 Nov 12-13; Vienna, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1005.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. Die Bedeutung von Neuroimaging für die Neurorehabilitation: von der Struktur zur Funktion. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der ÖGNR 2007; 2007 Nov 12-13; Vienna, Austria. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1006.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom – eine Herausforderung für die Intensivneurologie und für eine moderne Neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Wissenschaftliches Symposium anläßlich der Verabschiedung von Dr. Rolf Zschenderlein at the Charité Klinik für Neurologie; 2008 Jan 11; Berlin, Germany. 2008. [15 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1007.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Kurzmann C, Huber S. Medical obligation in the care of patients in untreatable chronic neurological conditions, ethical and legal rules [Abstract]. In: International Society for Ameloriation for the quality of life for chronic patients, editor. Book of Abstracts 6th International Congress on the improvement of quality of life on dementia, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, MS and muscular disorders; 2008 Jan 26-30; Marseille, France. Thessaloniki, Greece: FORUM. Jan 2008. p.19-20.

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FGDB-1008.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Kurzmann C, Menditti G. Obligations for care in severest and hopeless neurological conditions. In: Baloyannis SJ, editor. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the improvement of quality of life on dementia, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, MS and muscular disorders; 2008 Jan 26-30; Marseille, France. Medimont, Bologna, Italy. Jan 2008. p. 11-16.

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FGDB-1009.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Huber S, Kohl S, Struhal W. Neurologie und Raumfahrt – Teil 2. Psychopraxis. 2008;1:26-31. German.

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FGDB-1010.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. The whiplash injury [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Neurological Workshop; 2008 Mar 5; Yangon, Myanmar.

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FGDB-1011.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. The vertebragene headache – tension headache and the vertebral spine [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Neurological Workshop; 2008 Mar 5; Yangon, Myanmar.

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FGDB-1012.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Kurzmann C. Traumatic brain injury – classification [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Neurological Workshop; 2008 Mar 5; Yangon, Myanmar.

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FGDB-1013.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM, Struhal W, Kozlovskaya IB. Mapping of the sensorimotor cortex with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Neurological Workshop; 2008 Mar 5; Yangon, Myanmar.

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FGDB-1014.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess B, Struhal W. Apallic syndrome/vegetative state, clinical aspects in diagnosis and treatment, special care of severest neurological condition [Abstract]. In: International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences, editor. Progress in multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, headache and vertigo teaching course; 2008 Apr 7-9; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. Warszawa, Poland: Agencia Promocyjno-Wydawnicza PMP. 2008. p.13.

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FGDB-1015.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Gerstenbrand F. Biomechanic aspects in relation to the classification of traumatic brain injury [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the 7th World Congress on Brain Injury; 2008 Apr 9-12; Lisbon, Portugal.

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FGDB-1016.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethical obligations in neurology [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the 120. Neurology Round Table; 2008 May 14; Szeged, Hungary.

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FGDB-1017.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Huber S, Struhal W. The right and the obligation for care in severest neurological conditions [Abstract]. In: Popescu MC, Carstoiu C, editors. 40th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 6th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology; 2008 May 21-24; Sinaia, Romania. Bucharest, Romania: AMALTEA Medical Publishing House. Romanian Journal of Neurology. 2008;7:39.

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FGDB-1018.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Huber S. Ethical rules in diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological patients [Abstract]. In: Popescu MC, Carstoiu C, editors. 40th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in conjunction with the 6th Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology; 2008 May 21-24; Sinaia, Romania. Bucharest, Romania: AMALTEA Medical Publishing House. Romanian Journal of Neurology. 2008;7:40-1.

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FGDB-1019.pdf application/pdf

Siedentopf CM, Heubach K, Ischebeck A, Gallasch E, Fend M, Mottaghy FM, Koppelstaetter F, Haala IA, Krause BJ, Felber S, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM. Variability of BOLD response evoked by foot vibrotactile stimulation: influence of vibration amplitude and stimulus waveform. NeuroImage. 2008;41(2):504-10.

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FGDB-1020.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Hess B. Apallisches Syndrom – das schwerste neurologische Krankheitsbild. Ethische und medizinisch-rechtliche Aspekte. In: Männl HK, Giessmann B, editors. Schriften der Sudetendeutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste Forschungsbeiträge der naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Volume 28. München: Verlagshaus der Sudetendeutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste; 2008. p. 81-125. German.

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FGDB-1021.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Pichler G. Posttraumatic mental disturbances [Abstract]. In: Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute, editor. Book of Abstracts of the 1st Conference Mental Recovery after traumatic brain injury: a multidisciplinary approach; 2008 July 2-4; Moscow, Russia. Moscow: Burdenko Neurosurgery Institute. 2008. p. 46.

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FGDB-1022.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Kronbichler M, Bergmann J, Aichhorn M, Staffen W, Schmutzhard E, Gerstenbrand F., Ladurner G. Residual language perception in patients in disordered states of consciousness – evidence from fMRI [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2008 Aug 23-26; Madrid, Spain. Eur J Neurol. 2008;15(Suppl. 3):30.

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FGDB-1023.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Kronbichler M, Bergmann J, Kunz A, Gallasch E, Stephan KM, Hömberg V, Gerstenbrand F., Ladurner G. Subliminal electrical and vibrotactile stimulation in stroke rehabilitation. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2008 Aug 23-26; Madrid, Spain. Eur J Neurol. 2008;15(Suppl. 3):402.

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FGDB-1024.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenband F. Positionierung der österreichischen Forschung in Weltraummedizin und Space Life Sciences – Raumfahrtneurologie [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the presentation of the book; 2008 Sept 23; Waidhofen/Thaya,Austria. 2008. [2 p.].

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FGDB-1025.pdf application/pdf

Hess B, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Hippocratic principles, Helsinki declaration, Paris declaration, basic obligations in neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a special workshop on neuroethics during the 5th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2008 Sept 24-27; Brasilia, Brasil. 2008. [5 p.].

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FGDB-1026.pdf application/pdf

Hess B, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Ethics and medical laws in neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a session for Young Neurologists during the 5th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2008 Sept 24-27; Brasilia, Brasil. 2008. [7 p.].

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FGDB-1027.pdf application/pdf

Hess B, Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. End of rehabilitation decision in severe traumatic brain condition, apallic syndrome/vegetative state, locked-in syndrome [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at a session for Young Neurologists during the 5th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2008 Sept 24-27; Brasilia, Brasil. 2008. [2, 5 p.].

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FGDB-1028.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Donau-Neurologie als Basis für die Europäische Neurologische Föderation - European Federation for Neurological Sciences. Lecture presented at the 18th Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde; 2008 Oct 1-3; Vienna, Austria. 2008. [15 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1029.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. Afferent-sensible Stimulation zur Förderung der Neuroplastizität. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung Neurorehabilitation 2008; 2008 Dec 4-6; Vienna Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1030.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kohl S, Struhal W. Space neurology and the use of its scientific results in neurorehabilitation [Abstract]. In: Baloyannis SJ, editor. Abstract book of the 7th International Congress on the improvement of the Quality of life in Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Epilepsy,, MS, Muscular disorders and Neuroethics; 2009 Jan 1- Feb 1; Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki, Greece: FORUM. 2009. p. 29-31.

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FGDB-1031.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Motor cortex and proprioception. In: Kozlovskaya IB, Vinogradova O, Shenkman B, editors. 5th Russian National School with International Participation on Muscle and Exercise Physiology, Systemic and Cellular Mechanisms in Physiology of Motor System; 2009 Feb 2-5; Moscow, Russia. Moscow, Russia: Graphyka-Service. 2009. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1032.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Rehabilitation in emerging nations. Lecture presented at the 1st Oman Neurorehabilitation Conference; 2009 Feb; 2009. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1033.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Struhal W. Neurorehabilitation and space neurology – development of new methods. In: Muresanu D, editor. Abstract book of the 9th Congress of European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology; 2009 Mar 3-4; Vienna, Austria. Cluj-Napoca, Romania: The Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity. 2009. p. 23.

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FGDB-1034.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. Modern devices in neurorehabilitation, spin-off effect of space neurology [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the opening of Wechselland Academy; 2009 Mar 19; Schäffern, Austria. 2009. [4 p.].

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FGDB-1035.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Pichler G. Modern devices in neurorehabilitation, spin off effect of space neurology [ppt.]. Lecture held at Mitgliederversammlung der Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft; Presentation of the new Karl Landsteiner Institute for Neurorehabilitation and Space Medicine; 2009 Mar 25; Göttweig, Austria. 2009. 4p.

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Gerstenbrand F., Baumgartner H. Neuroethics Research Group: guiding EOL challenges. World Neurology. Jun 2009;24(3):5.

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FGDB-1038.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die 7 Remissionsstufen. Wachkoma und danach. 2009;2:20-21. German.

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FGDB-1039.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Donau-Neurologie als Basis für die Europäische Neurologische Föderation - European Federation for Neurological Sciences. In: Holdorff B, Kumbier E, editors. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde. Vol. 15. Würzburg, Germany: K&N Königshausen & Neumann; Sept 2009. p. 39-51. German.

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FGDB-1040.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. Life Sciences in Space – Raumfahrtmedizin Raumfahrtneurologie. Lecture presented at Ringveranstaltung 2009 der Sudetendeutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste; 2009 Sep 29; München, Germany. 2009. German.

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FGDB-1041.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Egger G, Heberle-Bors E. Is somatic cell gene therapy ethical [Abstract]? In: Lisak RP, editor. Abstracts of the 19th World Congress of Neurology; 2009 Oct 24-30; Bangkok, Thailand. J Neurol Sci. 2009;285(Suppl 1):S17.

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Bartko D, Combor I, Gerstenbrand F., Madrasz S, Saniova B. Brain Death (BD) and/or death of a person’s life: medical, ethical, philosophical and legal problems [Poster]. In: Lisak RP, editor. Abstracts of the 19th World Congress of Neurology; 2009 Oct 24-30; Bangkok, Thailand. J Neurol Sci. 2009;285(Suppl 1):S339.

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FGDB-1043.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Pichler G. Posttraumatic mental disturbances [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a Neurological Workshop during the 9th MAHH Conference; 2009 Nov 21-24; Yangon, Myanmar. 2009. [6 p.]

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FGDB-1044.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H. Neurorehabilitation – an obligation in the treatment of every neurological patient [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a Neurological Workshop during the 9th MAHH Conference; 2009 Nov 21-24; Yangon, Myanmar. 2009. [10 p.].

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FGDB-1045.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Space Neurology and its benefit for neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a Neurological Workshop during the 9th MAHH Conference; 2009 Nov 21-24; Yangon, Myanmar. 2009. [8 p.].

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FGDB-1046.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. Modern methods in neurorehabilitation based on experience in space neurology [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the Danube Neurorehabilitation Symposium; 2009 Nov 26; Szeged, Hungary. [Publisher unknown]. 2009. [1 p.]

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FGDB-1047.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Contra Negatives Szenario ist kontraproduktiv. DNP. 2009;7:19. German.

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FGDB-1048.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom – aktuelle Therapiestrategien [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Landesklinikum Hochegg; 2010 Jan 28; Grimmenstein, Austria. 2010. [16 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1049.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Heberle-Bors E, Egger G. Somatic gene cell therapy in neurology and ethical background [ppt.]. In: International Society for the Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurological patients, editor. 8th International Congress on current treatment and therapeutic perspectives in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy; 2010 Feb 4-7; Delphi, Greece. [Publisher unknown]. 2010. [6 p.].

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FGDB-1050.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Pichler G, Struhal W. The development of European Neurology focused on the period of the European separation [ppt.]. In: International Society for the Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurological patients, editor. 8th International Congress on current treatment and therapeutic perspectives in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy; 2010 Feb 4-7; Delphi, Greece. [Publisher unknown]. 2010. [6 p.].

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FGDB-1051.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Heberle-Bors E, Egger G. Somatic gene cell therapy ethical? In: International Society for the Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurological patients, editor. 8th International Congress on current treatment and therapeutic perspectives in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy; 2010 Feb 4-7; Delphi, Greece. [Publisher unknown]. 2010. [5 p.].

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FGDB-1052.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom. Diagnose, Akuttherapie und Rehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at an International Symposium on Stroke and VS/AS; 2010 Feb 24; Piestany, Slovakia. 2010. [18 p. German.

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FGDB-1053.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Kronbichler M, Bergmann J, Kunz A, Kraus J, Nardone R, Staffen W, Ladurner G, Gerstenbrand F. Residual language perception in patients in disordered states of consciousness – Evidence from EEG and fMRI [Abstract]. In: ÖGN, editor. Book of Abstracts 8th Jahrestagung der Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN mit der Österreichischen Kopfschmerzgesellschaft; 2010 Feb 24-27; Linz, Austria. Neurologisch. 2010;Suppl 1:57.

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FGDB-1054.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Siedentopf CM. The proprioceptive system, basis for motor activities, changes in weightlessness- introduction [ppt.]. Lecture presented at 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2010 Mar 21-25; Vienna, Austria. 2010. [5 p.].

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FGDB-1055.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM. The proprioceptive system, neurophysiological review [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Hömberg V, Binder H, editors. Book of Abstracts 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2010 Mar 21-25; Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: Robidruck; 2010. p. 8.

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FGDB-1056.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Gerstenbrand F. Brain imaging in proprioception [Abstract]. In: Hömberg V, Binder H, editors. Book of Abstracts 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2010 Mar 21-25; Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: Robidruck; 2010. p. 8.

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FGDB-1057.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. From Kos to Vienna: is the Hippocratic Oath still valid? [Abstract]. In: Hömberg V, Binder H, editors. Book of Abstracts 6th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2010 Mar 21-25; Vienna, Austria. Vienna, Austria: Robidruck; 2010. p. 22-23.

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FGDB-1058.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Zur historischen Entwicklung des Locked-In Syndroms [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Conference Appointment on the occasion of the 10-year-old existence of LIS e.V.; 2010 Mar26-28; Rheinsberg, Germany. 2010. [9 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1059.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Pichler G. Raumfahrtmedizin mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Raumfahrtneurologie; Spin-Off Effekte für die Neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 68th meeting of emeriti and university professors in retirement of the Medical University Clinic Innsbruck; 2010 May 5; Innsbruck, Austria. 2010. [12 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1060.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Pichler G. Vertebral spine dysfunction and neurological disturbances [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Medical University of Lubin, editor. Abstracts of the 6th Teaching Course of the International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education; 2010 Jun10-11; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. Lubin, Poland: Skloamed. 2010. [2 p., 12 p.].

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FGDB-1061.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Pichler G. The vertebral spine and neurological disturbances, diagnosis and treatment [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at Romanian Medical Brain Days; 2010 Sep 3-5; Bucharest, Romania. 2010. [2 p., 11 p.].

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Golaszewski SM, Kronbichler M, Bergmann J, Kunz A, Krenn Y, Staffen W, Nardone R., Trinka E, Ladurner G, Gerstenbrand F. Residual language perception in patients in disordered states of consciousness - Evidence from EEG and fMRI [Abstract]. In: EFNS, editor. Abstracts of the 14th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies; 2010 Sept 24-28; Geneva, Switzerland. Eur J Neurol. Sep 2010;17(Suppl. 2):67.

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FGDB-1063.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Golaszewski S. The offline brain – is there such a thing? Apallic syndrome and locked-in syndrome [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Demarin V, editor. Abstracts of the 42nd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2010 Oct 21-23; Zagreb, Croatia. c2010. [1 p., 8 p.]. 1 CD-ROM.

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FGDB-1064.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Modern neurology and the Hippocratic principles [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Demarin V, editor. Abstracts of the 42nd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2010 Oct 21-23; Zagreb, Croatia. c2010. [14 p.]. 1 CD-ROM.

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FGDB-1065.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Pichler G. Space neurology and the use of astronaut/ cosmonaut’s equipments in neurorehabilitation[Abstract and ppt.]. In: Demarin V, editor. Abstracts of the 42nd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2010 Oct 21-23; Zagreb, Croatia. c2010. [6 p., 11 p.]. 1 CD-ROM.

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FGDB-1066.pdf application/pdf

Bauer G, Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. Das Locked-In Syndrom. Psychopraxis. 2010;5-6:16-22.

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FGDB-1067.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Golaszewski S. The offline brain, does it exist? [Abstract and ppt. In: Hellenic Society for Amelioration of the Quality of Life for chronic neurologic patients, editor. Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on current treatment and therapeutic perspectives in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, MS and Epilepsy; 2011 Jan 27-30; Athens, Greece. Thessaloniki, Greece: FORUM. Jan 2011. [1 p., 9 p.].

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FGDB-1068.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Medical ethics. Introduction Round Table medico-ethical aspects concerning quality of life [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 9th International Congress on current treatment and therapeutic perspectives in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, MS and epilepsy; 2011 Jan 27-30; Athens, Greece. 2011. [2 p.].

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708.08 KB
FGDB-1069.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Kunz AB, Caleri F, Lochner P, Cataldo S, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Nardone R. Functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brain injury: a TMS study [Abstract]. In: BIF, ed tor. Abstract book of the 1st 2011; 2011 Feb 23-26; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 4.

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674.03 KB
FGDB-1070.pdf application/pdf

Struhal W, Gerstenbrand F. Introductory comments to neurorehabilitation after TBI: Biomechanics on TBI [Abstract and ppt.]. In: BIF, editor. Abstract book of the 1st 2011; 2011 Feb 23-26; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 5. [4 p.].

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FGDB-1071.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W. Neurorehabilitation after TBI [Abstract and ppt.]. In: BIF, editor. Abstract book of the 1st 2011; 2011 Feb 23-26; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 5. [7 p.].

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3.17 MB
FGDB-1072.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Kronbichler M, Bergmann J, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness after TBI [Abstract and ppt.]. In: BIF, editor. Abstract book of the 1st 2011; 2011 Feb 23-26; Vienna, Austria. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 6-7. [4 p.]

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FGDB-1073.pdf application/pdf

Kunz AB, Nardone R, Caleri F, Lochner P, Cataldo S, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM [Abstract]. Functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brains injury: a TMS study. In: ÖGN, editor. Abstractband 9th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2011 Mar 16-19; Vienna, Austria. Neurologisch. 2011;Suppl 1:70.

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FGDB-1074.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz A, Christova M, Gallasch E, Kraus J, Trinka E, Nardone R, Gerstenbrand F. Outlasting corticomotor excitability changes induced by whole-hand vibration [Abstract]. In: ÖGN, editor. Abstractband 9th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2011 Mar 16-19; Vienna, Austria. Neurologisch. 2011;Suppl 1:97-8.

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FGDB-1075.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kunz AB, Golaszewski SM, Struhal W. Coma caused by severe traumatic brain injury – biomechanical aspects. Acta Neurol Mold. 2011;21;1(83-84):5-11.

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FGDB-1076.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski St, Pichler G. Space neurology and the use of astronaut/cosmonaut’s equipments in neurorehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at a Special Meeting for Abu Dhabi Neurologists [ppt.]; 2011 Mar 31, Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2011. [11 p.].

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FGDB-1077.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Patienten im apallischen Syndrom haben ein Recht auf Leben und Rehabilitation [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Referenten-Fachtagung der Deutschen Wachkoma Gesellschaft und des Bundesverbandes Schädel-Hirn-Patienten in Not e.V.; 2011 Apr 8-9; Amberg, Germany. 2011. [5 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1078.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Ethics dilemma in neurology [ppt.]. In: Abstracts of the 7th Teaching Course of the International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and continuing education; 2011 Jun 16-17; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. [8 p.].

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FGDB-1079.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Christova M, Kunz A, Krenn Y, Gallasch E, Nardone R, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. Outlasting corticomotor excitability changes induced by 25Hz whole-hand mechanical stimulation [Abstract]. In: EAN, editor. Abstracts of the 15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2011 Sept 10-13; Budapest, Hungary. Eur J Neurol. 2011;18(Suppl. S2):45.

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FGDB-1080.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz A, Wipler P, Kraus J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brain injury: a TMS study [Abstract]. In: EAN, editor. Abstracts of the 15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2011 Sept 10-13; Budapest, Hungary. Eur J Neurol. 2011;18(Suppl. S2):57.

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FGDB-1081.pdf application/pdf

Seidl M, Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Krenn Y, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The extended Locked-In Syndrome [Poster and Abstract]. In: EAN, editor. Abstracts of the 15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Sciences; 2011 Sept 10-13; Budapest, Hungary. Eur J Neurol. 2011;18(Suppl. S2):413.

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734.67 KB
FGDB-1082.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. HBOT therapy in neurology [ppt.]. Lecture presented at Adeli Medical Center; 2011 Sept 29; Piestany, Slovakia. 2011. [5 p.].

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FGDB-1083.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Seidl M, Christova M, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Modulation of motor cortex excitability by different levels of whole-hand afferent electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: 43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2011 Oct 6-8; Dresden, Germany. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1084.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Christova M, Kunz A, Krenn Y, Gallasch E, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Outlasting corticomotor excitability changes induced by 25Hz whole-hand mechanical stimulation [Abstract]. In: 43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2011 Oct 6-8; Dresden, Germany. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. [1 p.]

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569.83 KB
FGDB-1085.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Caleri F, Lochner P, Cataldo S, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E, Nardone R. Functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brain injury: a TMS study [Abstract]. In: 43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2011 Oct 6-8; Dresden, Germany. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 31.

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802.57 KB
FGDB-1086.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract and ppt.]. In: In: 43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2011 Oct 6-8; Dresden, Germany. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 31.

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FGDB-1087.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz A, Nardone R, Trinka E. The Extended Locked-in syndrome [Abstract, poster and ppt.]. In: 43rd International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2011 Oct 6-8; Dresden, Germany. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. p. 31. [4 p.].

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FGDB-1088.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom – ein Danaergeschenk der Medizin [ppt.]? Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkomagesellschaft in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation und dem Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund; 2011 Oct 14; Vienna, Austria. 2011. German.

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FGDB-1089.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz A, Gallasch E, Christova M, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Investigation of the proprioceptive system by vibrotactile stimulation of the foot with fMRI [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the Conference Actual problems of space biology and medicine; 2011 Oct 20-21; Moscow, Russia. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. [1 p.].

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FGDB-1090.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Seidl M, Kronbichler M, Kunz A, Nardone R, Bauer G, Trinka E, Golaszewski S. The extended locked-in Syndrome [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the Conference Actual problems of space biology and medicine; 2011 Oct 20-21; Moscow, Russia. [Publisher unknown]. 2011. [1 p.]. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1091.pdf application/pdf

Golasazewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Gerstenbrand F.,Trinka E. The extended locked-in-syndrome [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung; 2011 Nov 11; Salzburg, Austria. 2011.[3 p].

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FGDB-1092.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Wasti S, Golaszewski S, Kunz A. Transcultural considerations in Neuroethics [Abstract]. In: Accepted Abstracts 20th World Congress of Neurology; 2011 Nov 12-17; Marrakesh, Morocco. Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes Group. 2011. p. 167.

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653.22 KB
FGDB-1093.pdf application/pdf

Seidl M, Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The extended Locked-In Syndrome [Abstract]. In: Accepted Abstracts 20th World Congress of Neurology; 2011 Nov 12-17; Marrakesh, Morocco. Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes Group. 2011. p. 183.

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FGDB-1094.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz A, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnosing chronic disorders of consciousness with fMRI[Abstract]. In: Accepted Abstracts 20th World Congress of Neurology; 2011 Nov 12-17; Marrakesh, Morocco. Geneva, Switzerland: Kenes Group. 2011. p. 198.

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FGDB-1095.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Hess C. Das Locked-in-Syndrom: Historische Betrachtung. In: Pantke KH, Mrosack G, Kühn C, Scharbert G, LIS e.V., editors. Das Locked-in-Syndrom. Frankfurt: Mabuse-Verlag; 2011. p. 13-29. German.

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FGDB-1096.pdf application/pdf

Vos EP, Alekseenko Y, Battistin L, Ehler E, Gerstenbrand F., Muresanu DF, Potapov A, Stepan CA, Traubner P, Vecsei L, von Wild K. Mild traumatic brain injury. EFNS Guidelines/CME article. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(2):191-96.

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Von Wild K, Laureys ST, Gerstenbrand F., Dolce G, Onose G. The vegetative state – a syndrome in search of a name. J Med Life. 2012;5(1):3-15.

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FGDB-1098.pdf application/pdf

Kalvach P, Gerstenbrand F. Hippocratic oath for the physicians of the Third Millennium. In: Alb-Shkenca Institute, editor. Proceedings of the International Conference Ethics in Medicine; 2012 Mar 31; Tirana, Albania. Tirana, Albania: Alb-Shkenca Institute. 2012. p. 18-30.

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FGDB-1099.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Kurzmann D. Das apallische Syndrom, Wachkoma, Vegetative state, Syndrom reaktionsloser Wachheit, minimally conscious state, Abgrenzung durch fMRI [ppt.]. In: Schädel-Hirnpatienten in Not e.V., editor. Fachübergreifendes Symposium Neurologische Neurorehabilitation: Medizin, Therapie, Pflege, Sozialpolitik, Betroffene, deren Angehörige und Interessierte. 2012 Apr 20-21; Amberg, Deutschland. 2012. German.

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FGDB-1100.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Christova M, Gallasch E, Kunz AB, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Somatosensory stimulation in functional neuroimaging: a review. In: Bright P, editor. Neuroimaging: cognitive and clinical neuroscience. Rijeka, Croatia: In Tech d.o.o.; 2012. p. 333-52.

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FGDB-1101.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Christova M, Gallasch E, Nardone R, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. Stimulation of the proprioceptive system in neurorehabilitation [Abstract and ppt.]. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the ENCR 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress; 2011 Oct 20-22; Merano, Italy. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012;26(4):401-2.

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FGDB-1102.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Caleri F, Lochner P, Cataldo S, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E, Nardone R. Functional involvement of cerebral cortex in patients with sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brain injury: a TMS study [Abstract]. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the ENCR 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress; 2011 Oct 20-22; Merano, Italy. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012;26(4): 427.

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FGDB-1103.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the ENCR 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress; 2011 Oct 20-22; Merano, Italy. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012;26(4):427.

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FGDB-1104.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Nardone R, Bauer G, Trinka E. The Extended Locked-in Syndrome [Abstract and ppt.]. In: WFNR, ASNR, editors. Abstracts of the ENCR 1st European NeuroRehabilitation Congress; 2011 Oct 20-22; Merano, Italy. Neurorehab Neural Re. 2012 May;26(4):427. [4 p.].

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FGDB-1105.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. The apallic syndrom e/Vegetative state – one of the most severe neurological conditions. Exact diagnosis and modern treatment [ppt]. Lecture presented at the Emirates Neurological Society; 2012 Mar 1; Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2012. [8 p.].

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FGDB-1106.pdf application/pdf

Hömberg V, Gerstenbrand F. Background of modern medical ethics. [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented during the Workshop Ethics and transcultural requirements at the 7th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation WCNR; 2012 May 16-19; Melbourne, Australia. 2012. [1 p. ]

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FGDB-1107.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Kurzmann C, Trinka E. Stimulation of the proprioceptive system in neurology [ppt.]. In: Danube Neurology, editor. Abstracts of the 44th International Danube Neurology Symposium and the 50th Anniversary of the Donausymposium; 2012 Jun 7-9; Szeged, Hungary. [Publisher unknown]. [6 p.].

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FGDB-1108.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz AB, Kurzmann C, Seidl M. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in neurological disorders [ppt.]. In: Danube Neurology, editor. Abstracts of the 44th International Danube Neurology Symposium and the 50th Anniversary of the Donausymposium; 2012 Jun 7-9; Szeged, Hungary. [Publisher unknown].

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FGDB-1109.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schulze HAF. The history of the Danube Symposium. In: Danube Neurology Association, editor. Program of the 44th International Danube Neurology Symposium and the 50th Anniversary of the Donausymposium; 2012 Jun 7-9; Szeged, Hungary. [Publisher unknown].

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FGDB-1109A.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Schulze HAF. The history of the Danube Symposium. In: Danube Neurology, editor. Danube neurology newsletter. 2012 Aug;21:3-5. [Publisher unknown]

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FGDB-1110.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: Gilhus NE, editor. Abstracts of the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies; 2012 Sept 8-11; Stockholm, Sweden. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(Suppl 1):406.

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FGDB-1111.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Krenn Y, Nardone R, Bauer G, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Locked-in plus syndrome [Abstract]. In: Gilhus NE, editor. Abstracts of the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies; 2012 Sept 8-11; Stockholm, Sweden. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(Suppl 1):533. (Text of lecture attached in part).

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FGDB-1112.pdf application/pdf

Seidl M, Kunz A, Golaszewski S, Christova M, Gallasch E, Nardone R, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. Stimulation of the proprioceptive system in neurorehabilitation [Abstract]. ]. In: Gilhus NE, editor. Abstracts of the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies; 2012 Sept 8-11; Stockholm, Sweden. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(Suppl 1):574.

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FGDB-1113.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kurzmann C. Apallic syndrome - new developments [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 8th Danube Teaching Course Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Headache and Vertigo, Child Neurology; 2012 Sept 13-14; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. 2012. [11 p.].

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FGDB-1114.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Hirnfunktionsdiagnostik bei Patienten mit schweren chronischen Bewußtseinsstörungen [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Festveranstaltung Wachkoma und Bewusstsein – neue Erkenntnisse; 2012 Sept 21; Graz, Austria. 2012. [6 p.] German.

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FGDB-1115.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die Entwicklung des Hirntodkonzeptes. Lecture presented at the Festveranstaltung 30 Jahre Transplantation in Österreich; 2012 Oct 5; Vienna, Austria. 2012.

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1.08 MB
FGDB-1116.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Das apallische Syndrom Wachkoma, vegetative state, Syndrom reaktionsloser Wachheit, minimally conscious state, Abgrenzung durch fMRI [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Wachkomagesellschaft 2012 Oct 19; Vienna, Austria. 2012. [3 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1117.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Gerstenbrand F. Hirnfunktionsdiagnostik bei Patienten mit schweren chronischen Bewußtseinsstörungen [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation ÖGNR; 2012 Nov 16-17; Salzburg, Austria. 2012. [4 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1118.pdf application/pdf

Bauer R, Bauer G, Gerstenbrand F. Minimal bewusster Zustand (Minimally Conscious State): Eine neue Bezeichnung für längst Bekanntes. J Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr 2013;14(3):108-12. German.

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FGDB-1119.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kurzmann C. Cervicogenic headache [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the WFN Neurological Teaching Course; 2013 Feb 1; Yangon, Myanmar. 2013. [6 p.].

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1.57 MB
FGDB-1120.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Binder H, Kurzmann C. Neurorehabilitation Traumatic Brain Injury [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the WFN Neurological Teaching Course; 2013 Feb 1; Yangon, Myanmar. 2013. [8 p.].

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2.2 MB
FGDB-1121.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kurzmann C. Traumatic brain injury: a demand for neurology [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the WFN Neurological Teaching Course; 2013 Feb 1; Yangon, Myanmar. 2013. [12 p., 3 p.].

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FGDB-1122.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kunz A. Infantile Cerebralparese [Manuscript and ppt.]. Press conference ÄrzteKrone; 2013 Mar 12; Vienna, Austria. 2013. [6 p.]

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2.29 MB
FGDB-1123.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Kurzmann C. Nachweis von Bewusstsein im Remissionsstadium des apallischen Syndroms unter Verwendung der fMRI-Methode [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung 2013 von Schädel-Hirn-Patienten in Not e.V.; 2013 Apr 19-20; Amberg, Germany. 2013. [6 p.]. German.

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FGDB-1124.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Kurzmann C [ppt.]. fMRI in Vegetative State/Apallic Syndrome. Lecture presented at 9th Danube Teaching Course on Epilepsy, MS, Headache, Vertigo, Child Neurology and stem cells therapies; 2013 Jun 20-21; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. 2013. [10 p.].

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2.97 MB
FGDB-1125.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Seidl M. Severe disorders in consciousness: diagnosis with fMRI [Abstract and ppt.]. In: EFNR, editor. Abstracts of the 2nd European Neurorehabilitation Congress in conjunction with the 3rd European Teaching Course on Neurorehabilitation; 2013 Jun 26-28; Bucharest, Romania. Bucharest: Editure Academia de Stiinte Medicale din Romania. 2013. p. 35. [9 p.].

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FGDB-1126.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz A, Christova M, Gallasch E, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Useful proprioceptive interventions after stroke [Abstract]. In: EFNR, editor. Abstracts of the 2nd European Neurorehabilitation Congress in conjunction with the 3rd European Teaching Course on Neurorehabilitation; 2013 Jun 26-28; Bucharest, Romania. Bucharest: Editure Academia de Stiinte Medicale din Romania. 2013. p. 36.

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FGDB-1127.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kurzmann C. Ethics in Neurorehabilitation [Abstract and ppt.]. In: OEGSHT, editor. Abstracts of the 2nd; 2013 Sept 19-20; Vienna, Austria. Vienna: Medical Academy. 2013. p. 16-17. [4 p.].

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2.15 MB
FGDB-1128.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. The No-Input Syndrome: from space to patient [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Environmental Neurology Research Group’s session at the WCN, Climate and the Global Change, 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-25; Vienna, Austria. 2013. [1 p., 5 p.].

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1.6 MB
FGDB-1129.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Introduction to the Danube Symposium [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Teaching Course 49: Danube Symposium Neurodegenerative Disorders at the 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-2 5; Vienna, Austria. 2013. [2 p.].

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Gerstenbrand F. International Consensus on Brain Death Determination [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Teaching Course 51: Neuroethics at the 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-25; Vienna, Austria. 2013. [4 p.].

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Seidl M, Golaszewski SM, Kunz AB, Nardone R, Bauer G, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The Locked-in plus syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-25; Vienna, Austria. J Neurol Sci. 2013;333(Suppl.1):e263-4.

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Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Frick KR, Kunz AB, Leis S, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Functional diagnosis of brain function in patients with severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-25; Vienna, Austria. J Neurol Sci. 2013;333(Suppl.1):e546.

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Golaszewski SM, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Christova M, Schwenker K, Koening LS, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Neuromodulation of the sensoirmotor cortex by vibration stimulation of the whole-hand. In: Abstracts of the 21st World Congress of Neurology; 2013 Sept 21-26; Vienna, Austria. J Neurol Sci; 2013;333(Suppl 1):e546.

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Kunz AB, Golaszewski SM, Hrdy J, Gerstenbrand F. Die Behandlung der Infantilen Zerebralparese mit einem speziellen Neurorehabilitationsprogramm. Prävention und Rehabilitation. 2013;25(3):86-93. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM, Kunz A, Kurzmann C. Mild traumatic brain injury [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Abstracts of the 27th Czech and Slovak Neurology Congress and the 45. International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2013 Nov 20-23; Praha, Czech Republic. Prague: Czech Medical Society. 2013. [2 p.]

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Golaszewski S, Florea C, Witzl B, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Schwenker K, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The Locked-In Syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstract book of the 8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2014 Apr 8-12; Istanbul, Turkey. 2014. [1 p. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Trinka E. Diagnosis and prognosis of patients in the apallic syndrome and defect states [ppt.]. In: Abstract book of the 8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2014 Apr 8-12; Istanbul, Turkey. 2014. [7 p.]. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1138.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz A, Trinka E, Kurzmann C. The role of functional MRI in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract and ppt.]. In: Abstract book of the 8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation; 2014 Apr 8-12; Istanbul, Turkey. 2014. [1 p.,4 p.]. [Original Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1139.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F. Die große Herausforderung der Neurotraumatologie – Verletzungen des zentralen und peripheren Nervensystems; Einleitung [Power Point]. Lecture presented at the 11th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2014 Mar 26-29; Salzburg, Austria. 2014. [5 p.]. German.

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Seidl M, Kunz AB, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Frick K, Bergmann J, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. The „own-name paradigm“ in functional diagnosis with fMRI in patients with severe chronic disorders of consciousness. In: Abstracts der 11th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2014 Mar 26-29; Salzburg, Austria. 2014. Neurologisch. 2014;Suppl. 2:38-9.

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Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Bartsch H, König L, Schwenker K, Luthringshausen G, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. Functional improvement in stroke patients in the subacute stage after treatment with whole-hand electrical stimulation. In: Abstracts der 11th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2014 Mar 26-29; Salzburg, Austria. 2014. Neurologisch. 2014;Suppl. 2:55.

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Seidl M, Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Kronbichler M, Crone J, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Diagnosis and prognosis of patients in apallic syndrome and defect state of apallic syndrome [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Joint Congress of European Neurology; 2014 May 31- Jun 3; Istanbul, Turkey. 2014. [8 p.].

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FGDB-1143.pdf application/pdf

Gerstenbrand F., Kurzmann C. Brain death. Clinical and legal background. Lecture presented at the 10th Danube Teaching Course of the International Neurological Danube Symposium; 2014 Jun 10-13; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. 2014. [4 p.].

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FGDB-1144.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski SM, Gerstenbrand F. Hirnfunktionsdiagnostik bei Patienten mit schweren chronischen Bewußtseinsstörungen. In: Krejs G, Fritsch R, Fabian E, Giessmann B, editors. Forschungsbeiträge der Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse. München: Sudetendeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften; 2014. p. 287-304. (Schriften der Sudetendeutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste; Vol. 34). German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Refka F, Kurzmann C. Die Wirbelsäule – das Achsenorgan für die menschliche Haltung und Bewegung [Abstract and ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 5th Landsteiner-Tag Fit, flexibel und beweglich; 2014 Nov 5; Vienna, Austria. 2014. [1 p., 7 p.]. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Opara J, Kurzmann C. Die spondylogene cervikale Myelopathie – im Alter oft übersehen [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 5th Landsteiner-Tag Fit, flexibel und beweglich; 2014 Nov 5; Vienna, Austria. 2014. [5 p.]. German.

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Golaszewski S, Kunz A, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Reorganisation nach Myelonläsionen. Lecture presented at the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation; 2014 Nov 6-8; Graz, Austria. German. [Ausdruck fehlt]

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FGDB-1148.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Schwenker K, König L, Christova M, Bartsch H, Kunz A, Seidl M, Luthringshausen G, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. Functional improvement in stroke patients in the subacute stage after treatment with whole-hand electrical stimulation [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the 5th Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGNR und DGNKN; 2014 Dec 4-6; Singen, Germany. Neurol Rehabil. 2014;6:323.

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Wasti SA, Gerstenbrand F. Ethical and Cultural Considerations in management of individuals with Brain Injury [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the Abu Dhabi Neuro Rehabilitation Conference 215; 2015 Mar 5-7; Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2015. [1 p.]

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Gerstenbrand F., Banikova M. Sauerstoff-Überdruck-Therapie (HBOT) [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the Fachtagung Amberger Symposium; 2015 Mar 13-14; Amberg, Germany. 2015. [6 p.]

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Gerstenbrand F. Geschichte der Neurologie – Einleitung [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 12th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie ÖGN; 2015 Mar 25-27; Graz, Austria. 2015. [12 p.]. German.

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Gerstenbrand F., Banikova M, Golaszewski S, Kunz A. Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy (HBOT) – a good possibility in neurorehabilitation but not accepted enough and generally used [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 11th Danube Teaching Course; 2015 May 13-15; Kazimierz-Dolny, Poland. 2015. [7 p.].

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FGDB-1153.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Koenig L, Christova M, Bartsch H, Kunz AB, Seidl M , Schwenker K, Luthringshausen G, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. [Abstract]. Functional improvement in stroke patients in the subacute stage after treatment with whole-hand electrical stimulation [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the Global Summit on Stroke; 2015 Aug 03-05; Birmingham, UK. Brain Disorders and Therapy. 2015;4(4):52.

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Gerstenbrand F., Hess C, Kunz A. Ethical obligations and dilemma in neurology [ppt.]. Lecture presented at the 47th International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2015 Sep 25-26; Düsseldorf, Germany. 2015. [4 p.].

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Gerstenbrand F., Struhal W, Golaszewski S, Kunz A. Biomechanics of a traumatic impact on the head and clinical sequences [ppt.]. Lecture held at the 2015. 2015 Sep 18-19; Vienna, Austria. 2015. [4 p.].

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Golaszewski S, Schwenker K, Seidl M, Florea C, Kunz AB, Leis S, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Stimulation of the proprioceptive system in SCI patients [Abstract]. Lecture presented at the SCI-TReCS Research Conference; 2015 Nov 5; Salzburg, Austria. 2015. [1 p.]

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Golaszewski S, Seidl M, Schwenker K, Kunz AB, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI and cognitive evoked potentials in diagnosing severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: Dettmers C, Schönle PW, Weiller C, editors. Abstracts of the ECNR 3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation; 2015 Dec 1-4; Vienna, Austria. Neurol Rehab. 2015;21(Suppl. 1):S19.

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Schwenker K, Christova M, Bartsch H, Seidl M, Koenig LS, Kunz AB, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. Neuromodulation with whole-hand electrical stimulation in stroke patients in subacute stage [Abstract]. In: Dettmers C, Schönle PW, Weiller C, editors. Abstracts of the ECNR 3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation; 2015 Dec 1-4; Vienna, Austria. Neurol Rehab. 2015;21(Suppl. 1):S21.

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Seidl M, Kunz AB, Schwenker K, Trinka E, Golaszewski S, Gerstenbrand F. The Locked-in Plus Syndrome [Abstract]. In: Dettmers C, Schönle PW, Weiller C, editors. Abstracts of the ECNR 3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation; 2015 Dec 1-4; Vienna, Austria. Neurol Rehab. 2015;21(Suppl. 1):S65.

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Kunz AB, Golaszewski S, Sieber T, Schwenker K, Gerstenbrand F. Neurorehabilitation beim hirntraumatischen Defizit-Syndrom. Prävention und Rehabilitation. 2015;27(4):141-7. German.

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Golaszewski S, Florea C, Wutzl B, Schwenker K, Kunz AB, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Long-term coma state and the bedrest-syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 13th Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie; 2016 Mar 16-19; Innsbruck, Austria. Neurologisch. 2016;Suppl.2:59.

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Schwenker K, Christova M, Wutzl B, Florea C, Bartsch H, Kunz AB, Gallasch E, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. Whole-hand electrical stimulation in stroke patients in the subacute state [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology; 2016 May 28-31; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2016;23(Suppl.2):76.

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FGDB-1163.pdf application/pdf

Wutzl B, Florea C, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Schwenker K, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. The role of functional MRI in the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology; 2016 May 28-31; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2016;23(Suppl.2):84.

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Florea C, Golaszewski S, Unterrainer AF, Kronbichler M, Seidl M, Nardone R, Weis S, Gerstenbrand F., Trinka E. FMRI findings in the final stage of Creutzfeldt-Jacob-disease [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology; 2016 May 28-31; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2016;23(Suppl. 2):567.

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FGDB-1165.pdf application/pdf

Golaszewski S, Wutzl B, Florea C, Kunz AB, Seidl M, Schwenker K, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. Long-term coma state and the bedrest-syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology; 2016 May 28-31; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2016;23(Suppl.2): 724.

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Golaszewski S, Florea C, Wutzl B, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Schwenker K, Nardone R, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The locked-in-plus syndrome [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology; 2016 May 28-31; Copenhagen, Denmark. Eur J Neurol. 2016;23(Suppl.2):725.

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Wutzl B, Florea C, Seidl M, Kunz AB, Schwenker K, Rattay F, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski S. The role of functional MRI in the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with severe chronic disorders of consciousness [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of 6th Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGNR und DGNKN; 2016 Dec 1-3;Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany. Neurol Rehabil. 2016;22(S1):S41.

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Golaszewski S, Wutzl B, Florea C, Kunz AB, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F. The role of functional MRI in the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with severe brain damage [Abstract]. In: Abstracts of the 49th International Danube Neurology Symposium; 2017 Apr 21-22; Budapest, Hungary. 2017. p. 22.

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Wutzl B, Unterrainer AF, Kronbichler M, Rattay F, Trinka E, Gerstenbrand F., Golaszewski SM. Functional magnetic resonance imaging under anesthesia of a patient with severe chronic disorders of consciousness. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2018;172:323.

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